Hi again! I am back from my rather lengthy hiatus with a new drabble! I didn't really have time to edit it, so forgive its roughness. It's not exactly my best, either...but my mind has been else where. I'm working on 2 seperate Sailor Moon fics (one is Christmas-themed...yeah, I'm really behind), so please look out for those! I also fininshed my first (but hopefully not last) Naruto fic, please please check it out, it would make me so happy!Without further adieu...read on!

#32 Rain at Midnight, 988 words

I'm walking home one night when I see the most peculiar sight: there in front of me is Tsukino Usagi, dancing among the street lights and lamp posts like Gene Kelly, rain and all. There are several options for me to choose from:

One, I can retrace my steps and head back to the university where I came from and search for my sanity. (Now I know I've been studying too much for midterms.)

Two, I can proceed forward and pretend like I don't see the crazy girl.

Three, I can proceed forward and start teasing the girl to no end (although, for once, at a loss for words).

Or four, I can proceed to stand there and stare.

I blink my eyes when I realize that the rain is changing from the light drizzle to an intrusive downpour and is now wetting the bottom hem of my pants. No, option four will not do.

Especially now that Usagi is staring right back at me. Apparently, my body has decided to go ahead with option five, which entails standing in the rain while staring at the girl with my mouth agape. Now there are two of us fools standing out in the rain.

"Hi Mamoru!" Usagi greets as she waves an arm at me before jumping with both feet into a puddle. She's wearing a raincoat with the hood down and zipper open, as well as jeans and bright yellow goulashes. I wonder if Usagi is cold at the sight of the patches of red on her cheeks, but in the addition of her smile, I think she's more excited to be drenched, like the innocent child Usagi can be.

"Odango, are you crazy?" I call out. Her eyebrows raise up in wonder. "What are you doing out here at midnight and in the rain, no less?"

I expect her to come stomping over here in those oversized boots, exploding with anger, but Usagi smiles. She smiles at me. Option one is definitely starting to look good to me, but I can't move when she walks over with that smile.

"Mamoru, you're such a grouch," replies Usagi as she wags a finger at me. She taps at a puddle near my feet, sending a small wave of water over my shoes. I jump back as if it's molten lava.

"It's just water, Baka!"

I narrow my eyes at her; I am so confused at Usagi's non-chalance. I mean, for starters, Usagi could catch a cold outside, she's probably going to over-sleep for school tomorrow, not to mention her parents must be angry for not being at home, or Usagi could get kidnapped by some random stranger passing by...

Usagi continues to smile at me as if she can read my thoughts. This girl is so irritating sometimes…I push away other thoughts about her getting hit by a car and reply, "I am not a grouch."

The laugh that escapes her lips is melodious in the rain. She opens her arms out to the sky, welcoming the continuing sheets of rain falling on her face. "Well then, Baka, haven't you ever wanted to just dance in the rain? I've never done this as a little kid, but I wish I had! This feeling is just so…amazing!"

Usagi laughs and spins around, her arms still outstretched. The sight tugs at the corners of my mouth, and I can't help but smile. Slowly, cautiously, I lower the umbrella over my head, and the rain pelts at my hair. Surprisingly, it doesn't feel that bad...

I can see Usagi gazing at me as she darts around the wet sidewalk. Even though I was studying for hours at the library, these few moments in the rain seem oddly refreshing. Or maybe it's something else…

Usagi walks back up to me, and I smile down at her. She seems a lot smaller to me than I remember, almost like a doll one keeps at their side and cuddles with. That smile lights up her blushing face, and my eyes follow a daring raindrop that is traveling along the bridge of her nose and lands on Usagi's plump lip.

She licks the droplet as a silence passes between us. "Are there things you've always wanted to do but never have, Mamoru?" Usagi asks quietly.

My lips part, half ready to answer her question and half ready to engage otherwise. My eyes search for meanings otherwise in the cerulean oceans of her gaze, but the pounding of my heart tells me I know what I want to reply with. There are so many things, so many options to go with, but once again, my body must choose for me.

I wrap my arm around Usagi's shoulder and cover our heads with my umbrella. It's surprising to feel the warmth of her body, and to discover that her figure fits perfectly with mine. A small sound escapes Usagi as I pull her down the sidewalk, but she doesn't struggle. "No," I reply with a shrug. What a lie.

We walk in step for a moment, when she speaks softly. "I live over there."

I'm surprised to find Usagi lives right across the street from where I found her. She walks slowly to the front door, but before she goes in, she turns around to look at me with concerned eyes. Then she smiles and waves goodbye.

I wait a moment until I see a light appear through a window. I'm about to walk away when I see a familiar figure peek through her curtains and then hastily retreat. I wave at her, and timidly, Usagi waves back. I ease my free hand into my pocket and can't help walking back to my apartment with a grin on my face.

"There are things I've wanted to do, I just never thought about them before," I think slyly as my thoughts drift off to musicals, raindrops, and pink lips.