The Prince of Tennis Play

Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis does not belong to me…sadly.

Rating: G or K (rating will change based on individual chapters)

Genre: Drama, slight humor

Pairing: Currently none (depends on circumstances)

Warnings or notes: OOC-ness, grammar and other errors (English is not my mother tongue), 1000 words.

My second PoT fanfiction! After the first (one-shot with the title 'Coincidence'), I am encouraged to write more since the readers were so kind. :) This time I hope I manage humor though…Well, depends (Ryoma: Mada mada da ne…) By the way, sorry for the OOC-ness, I am not so familiar with the characters.

The title…well, I haven't thought of the exact title. I might leave it as it is if I can't find a more suitable title. Anyway, please review so that I know if I should continue this story…

: Ready…Go :

Chapter 1-Unexpected

"Ano…I don't know if…we can do this…" Kawamura voiced out his hesitancy in a timid voice.

"What!" Momoshiro exclaimed.

"Mada mada da ne…" Ryoma pulled his cap lower to cover his overly large eyes.

"Hssss…" Kaidoh hissed as usual.

"Nya! It will be fun!" Eiji happily jumped around.

"100 percent the other students will enjoy this." Inui flipped through his notebook. "100 percent, buchou would not enjoy this though…," he murmured to himself with a sly smile.

"Calm down…Calm down…" Oishi switched on the mother hen mode again.

"This will be fun like Eiji said." Fuji gave an overly sweet smile, which the others immediately backed off to a safe distance, to Tezuka.

"…" Tezuka gave no response and remained nonchalant. However, if those who knew him long enough, they would notice the vein popped out from his forehead. Just as Inui expected, Tezuka Kunimitsu did not enjoy taking part in that. He was not supposed to take part in something like…

"The school principal asked us, the regulars to perform a drama for him since his 50th birthday is coming…," Oishi, as the vice captain calmly announced it to the other regulars a few minutes earlier. He was feeling creepy when he announced it, for Tezuka's aura was very clear to him. The captain was pissed off badly.

That made sense why he was annoyed. After all, he was the captain of Seigaku Tennis Club, not the captain of the drama club! Why should his club members and he perform a drama for the annoying old geezer anyway? "Buchou?" the regulars called out to him when he gave no answer, not even a grunt.

"Tezuka…," Oishi halted. Between the both of them, no words were truly needed. They had been friends for so long, and there was some kind of telepathy when it came to words to both of them. Tezuka rarely spoke out the whole sentence for Oishi to pick out what he meant, and vice versa. In this situation, Oishi was asking Tezuka to reconsider his decision. It was a clear 'no' to the others, but some of them did not want to give up just yet.

"Vote…," Tezuka simply stated and left the meeting room to see Ryuzaki. His head began to ache. The principal's order might not be absolute to them, but it was a respect for an elder. And Tezuka was someone who always respected elders.

Thus, Oishi drew a line across a whiteboard. Then he wrote 'agree' and 'disagree' on left and right side. "Anyone agrees please put up their hands," he said with a small smile. There were three hands, and they belonged to Inui, Eiji and Fuji. Inui murmured about collecting good data, Eiji excitedly telling Fuji how great it would be and Fuji, being Fuji, simply gave a sly smile. "Disagree?" asked Oishi.

There were two. They belonged to Kaidoh and Momoshiro. For once, they both agreed on the same thing. It was funny when how they sent glares at each other when they put up their hands at the same time.

That only made five votes out of seven. "Echizen and Kawamura?" asked Oishi. He knew someone might not put up their hands. So it was true. Those two did not vote and Oishi demanded a reason.

"Depends," Ryoma explained in a bored look. He earned a 'come on, ochibi!' by Eiji but the youngest member ignored it.

"I…I…urm…," Kawamura began hesitantly. He was mumbling when Fuji handed him his tennis racket with a sly smile. In a second, Kawamura exclaimed. "Let's do it, baby!" Everyone looked at Fuji with a cracked smile. The sadist genius was up to no good again.

"That makes 4 agreed and 2 disagreed. One uncertain," reported Oishi when Tezuka finally came back. The stoic captain only nodded.

"Disagree for?" There was no need to ask why the four agreed, Tezuka assumed. They had their own evil plans and the captain wished to stay out of it, especially out of Fuji's plans. More importantly, Tezuka should make up his mind based on why those two disagreed. Their reasons might be good enough to make the others reconsider.

"…there are only boys in our team. Who will take the role as the girl if there is?" Momoshiro declared wisely. Tezuka nodded at his question. True, there were only boys. If there was a girl role, someone had to play cross dressing and…

All eyes trained on Fuji, while the prodigy only smiled innocently. "Yes?"

"Fujiko-chan can take the role as a girl!" Kawamura, with the racket still in his hands exclaimed. Eiji nodded excitedly. The club manager pushed up his glasses and said 'it will be a good data'. The others were simply imagining Fuji in a dress. Eiji was teasing Momoshiro for not thinking about Fuji taking up the girl's role.

"I have no objection then," there went Momoshiro's vote. One more vote on 'agree'.

Tezuka rubbed his forehead. The headache came back to haunt him. Fuji in a dress was certainly dreading. Not to mention if the genius was planning something else…it was equal to chaos. "It'll be decided later. Now, what is another reason for disagreeing?"

"Hssss…I hate acting," Kaidoh turned away in an annoyed manner. The others eyed him with unreadable expression. "Backdrop is okay though," he added in an almost audible voice.

'Hmm…understandable for Kaidoh anyway,' Tezuka thought. So, now it was up to the captain to make the final decision. Actually, he had made up his mind earlier when he met with Ryuzaki sensei. She implied something else to help him with the decision. And he came into a conclusion.

"Oishi, and Inui, plan the script. Momoshiro, Kikumaru and Fuji are in charge of the costumes. Kaidoh, Kawamura and Echizen are in charge of backdrop," he announced dryly. Everyone was bewildered. Tezuka actually agreed to perform a play! That was clearly not expectable and they thought they had to convince the stubborn captain. "One week to get everything ready. Then, practice."

: To be continued :

I haven't plan of the drama they are going to perform yet. No ideas yet…so anyone is kind and creative enough to spare me some? XD Thanks!