It was enchanting, the feel of him embracing her as the form she knew him as, not the child that seemed to force himself into her life. The smell of the shampoo she used that morning seemed to push its self up his nose, 'strawberry,' he thought as he inhaled every last breath of the scent that was within an inch of his nose. He felt good being with her now after causing her so many tears. But, alas, all good things must come to an end, and just because his life was somewhat worse than others didn't make him an exception.




"What the!"





'Damn, it was only a dream, and it felt so real too,' Conan though as he reached for his glasses on his bedside table. 'Why did that stupid alarm clock have to wake me up anyway, it's not like I have to go to school.'

It had been almost a year since that famous Jimmy Kudo disappeared; leaving behind a few random phone calls and gifts, and a child named Conan Edogawa mysteriously appeared at the Moore household. As the teen detective turned child slowly trudged along the carpeted floor of his room, he wondered if he would ever change back to normal, if it was even worth it any more. That and way he put up with Richard bashing him over the head so many times, that's just friggin' annoying.

"Conan, breakfast is ready!"

Then he heard it, the heavenly voice that called to him from the kitchen, down the hall, summoning him to the daily ritual of shoving bacon, eggs, and orange juice down their throats before running off to school.


His priorities became clear the instant her voice hit his ears. The reason why he had return to his old form, the reason why he put up with it for so long. It was all for her. To be able to hold her in his arms the way he had done in his dream, to be able to look into her eyes without having her look down at him. To be able to tell her that he…

"Conan! Are you even up yet? Your breakfast is getting cold!"

"Ya Rachel, I'll be right there, I just have to grab a few things."

"Kay, just hurry up!"

…he would think about that later. He quickly strapped on his bowtie and laced up his sneakers while heading to the kitchen like it was an ordinary day, little did he know his whole life was about to change…again.


School wasn't great, but it wasn't completely horrible either, although he could have gone without having to watch the literary elements School House Rock over and over until he had every song lyric packed into his head so hard he couldn't think strait.

He also had a headache and the three dimwits walking next to in front of him, happily chatting along about who knows what, weren't helping. He started massaging his temples slowly, trying to block the rest of the world off. He barely even noticed when he separated from his little group and wandered down one of the side ally ways. When Conan finally realized where he was, his feet had brought him to a dead end in one of the ally ways, the only problem was, he didn't know which one. Trying franticly but calmly to find away back he fallowed the only path that was there. But he now had a strange felling that someone was fallowing him.

After coming to about 10 dead ends, at least 20 different options to go in and thinking he saw someone out of the corner of his eye 3-4 times, Conan finally gave into the reality that he was lost. It was starting to get dark and Rachel was probably worried about him. He once come to another dead end and turned around only to see a shadowed figure run off to the darker shadows of one of the taller buildings. He knew it that time, someone was fallowing him. Conan quickly fallowed the shadow to make sure it didn't get away, but once they both turned a corner, the figure tripped Conan, grabbed him and covered his mouth and nose with a damp cloth. After a few seconds, Conan was hanging onto consciousness by a thread, though he was awake enough to hear the figure's words.

"It seems we finally caught the famous detective Jimmy Kudo. The organization has big plans for you."

Soon after, Conan gave in and passed out while Vodka carried him out of the maze of ally ways into a near by car.