Mrs. Izumi was sitting by her husband's bedside in the hospital. He had been hit by a car on his way home from work, and gone into a coma. Their children were high-school-aged now, and had gotten permission to leave school that day to be with their father in his "last hours." Catherine was crying, and Kurt had his arms around her, staring solemnly at his father's pain-stricken face. The other Digidestined were on their way, and soon would be there. Akira stroked her husband's pale face. He took her hand. "Don't worry about me, dear. I'll be alright." He winced. "Dad, don't leave us. Please. Don't give up. " Kurt was crying silently now, as was the rest of the family. Izzy smiled at his wonderful family. "I love you all. Don't let my death linger over your lives. You have to move on. It's alright. We'll see each other again." Tai and Kari walked into the room. They didn't say a word. Neither did any of the others as they separately arrived, one by one. The pulse-machine was slowing now. Catherine cried out, "Dad, don't talk like that! You're going to make it! I know you will!" Mrs. Izumi held her daughter, now sobbing loudly into her mother's shoulder. She tried to be brave, tried to hold back the pain, but she couldn't bear it any longer. "I love you, Akira. All of you."
"I love you too, Izzy." The machine slowed. And slowed. Until it was one, drawn-out beep. The kids ran from the room. Akira squeezed her husband's limp hand. She again recalled the hardships of getting to where she was, what she had. "And once again, we are separated, my love." She smiled as she gazed at her husband, now at peace, separated from the pain of life on this cruel earth. "And once again-" a single tear ran down her cheek. "-we will be... reunited..."