Summary: Attempting to bring Sirius back from the dead, Harry, Ron and Hermione manage to get themselves back in time. Love begins to blossom in unlikely places…and the trio must face a hard decision- stay, or go back to the future. Involves a dance, a death eater fight, and pranks with the Marauders! HGSB HPOC RW?

A/N My first fic!

Harry sat gazing out at the window at the sky. The Dog Star shone brightly through the night's fog. Sirius, Harry thought, and the word echoed throughout his mind. Why of all people did Sirius have to die? He felt the sharp edges of his own nails digging into his palms as his fists clenched. He had asked that question to himself a million times. It was driving him crazy. If only, some way, somehow, he could get Sirius back...


Harry looked up, a little annoyed, as the peacefulness of his room in Grimauld's Place was shattered by the thumping of feet. The door crashed open, and Ron and Hermione tumbled in, looking out of breath. Hermione was clutching a thick, moldy-looking black book. Harry looked at it warily. "More light reading, Hermione?"

Hermione shook her head, as Ron grinned at him. "This is the book to 'raise the dead,'. That's what the cover says, at least"

Harry stared at him. "What?"

Hermione sighed. "I found this book in the Grimauld library-."

"There's a library here?" Ron asked.

Hermione hit him lightly on the head with the book. "Yes, Ronald. Where'd you think I got the book?"

Ron shrugged, looking confused. "I dunno, you usually just-."

"Anyways," Hermione said, impatiently. "This book has many complicated spells, many much harder than NEWT level, (which I have mastered, by the way) and there's one spell where you can 'Bring the deceased loved ones back to life', if they're dead less than a moon cycle ago."

Harry looked at her, hope beginning to rise in his chest. No. It couldn't be.

Hermione sighed. "What I mean, Harry, is we can bring Sirius back."

Harry stared at her, finding it suddenly hard to breathe. "Bring-bring Sirius back? Seriously?"

Hermione nodded solemnly as Ron grinned. "Wouldn't it be cool, mate? You could ask him what being dead was like!"­

"We have to actually do it first." Hermione interrupted, opening the book to a marked page. "Sirius has been dead for a bit over a week. We should do it soon."

"Now?" Ron asked in surprise.

Hermione hesitated. "I don't know. It isn't often that we're here alone. Your mum took Ginny and the others to Diagon Alley, and Fleur's with Bill at the hospital." She glanced sideways at Harry. "What do you think, Harry?"

Harry swallowed. So soon? But if not now then when? Remus Lupin was looking older and more tired by the day. He was now the only Marauder left alive. Harry couldn't wait for his former teacher to be reunited with his friend.


Harry nodded nervously. "Now's fine." In just a few minutes, barring any difficulties, his godfather could be back with them.

"Okay you two." Hermione opened up her book again. "We're already at the place of Sirius' birth, so that's fine. " She held up a couple long black hairs. "I found these in his room. Animagus hairs should count right? Okay, now swirl your wand points in a figure eight and repeat, orgoff."

Ron stared at her in disbelief." Did you say orgoff? I mean," he added hastily as Hermione cast him a sharp look. "Orgoff, Yeah, I've no problem with that. Just a little odd, you know?"

The boys did as they were told, and Hermione began to mutter words under her breath, all the while doing complicated movements with her wand.

It paid to have a know-it-all for a friend, thought Harry. He regretted that thought a moment later as they suddenly began to spin around, faster and faster. High winds roared around them. It was like traveling by port key, only 10 times worse. This couldn't be happening. Shouldn't be happening. Harry closed his eyes, expecting the worst...and then they seemed to come to an abrupt halt. Harry felt himself falling, and then he hit a hard stone floor with a thud.