You look so happy today.

You're with her of course.

I watch you from the corners, and I hurt.

I don't speak.

It would ruin the moment and the time you have now, but I don't stop wondering…

Is it because I didn't know you then, and couldn't comfort you when you were small?

Or are you playing chess with her, and am I just another pawn?

I can't help but remember how I followed you around like a puppy. How silly I was...

How strong you were…

How unnecessary I am…

It still hurts now and I feel as though I've made a mistake.

I gave my life for yours, my breath, and my soul.

Now I'm a spirit wandering… hiding in corners and feeding on your laugh…your smile.

I could never make you laugh like that, and I could never make you smile.

You don't seem so empty today.

You were with her last night of course.

I wonder…

Did she whisper sweet nothings in your ear?

Were they the ones I always dreamed of saying?

Did you talk about a future together or just an end to one night stands?

Did you hold hands with her, or was her girlish charm too much?

You look so happy every day…

Maybe I could have made you that happy, if only she never existed.

But I suppose I never would have met you then…and I would still be there…

There's nothing left to hope for here, and every day I fade a little more…

I continue hiding in the shadows, and at nights I pass a hand through your cheek.

The feeling isn't there anymore…

Alas, I cannot weep.

You look so happy today.

You're with her of course.

I can't help but wonder if you'll miss me tomorrow…

Or if you ever did.

A/N: I really liked Sherrice, and I can't understand why more people don't. I decided to write this to explain how she must have felt to see Ryuhou fall for Mimori instead of her, and the hurt that came after her life sacrifice.