Author's Note: Hi! This is my second fanfic! Hooray! Well, I'm not done with the other one, but I just want to write this. Ahehehe! Anyway, this'll be a high school fic. I know these are very common now but I just can't help myself! Okay, I'll stop with all the chit-chat and go on with the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. (This line is always seen in every single chapter of my stories. I don't know if you noticed, but maybe now you do!)

Chapter 1- Back to School

It's a beautiful day. The sky was clear, the wind wasn't too strong, and everywhere you look, you could see happy faces. Friends that are being united once again, for it's the first day back to school. Although most of them are just fake ones, there are still normal people who don't give a damn about popularity that have true friendship.

"Hey, Shika!" A beautiful pink-haired girl called onto a bored looking guy. She was wearing a red tank top, fitted semi-flared denim pants over a pair of red high heels with gold accents.

"Hey," Shikamaru replied lazily, looking up at the clouds. Sakura couldn't help but smile at her best friend. 'Some things never change,' she thought while looking at him.

Shikamaru's attire consisted of a black, somehow, fitted shirt that shows his buff- but not too buff- body, and cargo pants that end up below his knees. Oh, and a pair of black Jordans for his feet.

The two of them walked towards their school, Tyrronan High. Tyrronan High is a private school. It's a school for wealthy kids. Well, most of them are spoiled brats, but some of them were raised in a good way, so they know their limitations just like Shikamaru and Sakura.

As they walked, they saw the old groups of friends that were formed the year before. They also saw the fangroup of Sasuke, Naruto, Neji, Kiba, and Shino being led by Yamanaka Ino. Of course they also saw Sasuke's gang which consists of Sasuke, Naruto, Neji, Kiba, and Shino.

The three of them walked ignoring the squeals, giggles, and annoyingness of their fangirls. Well, at least three of them did; Naruto and Kiba, on the other hand, gave them grins and waves which provoked the girls to ask them to go on dates with them.

Sakura rolled her eyes on what she saw. "Disgusting sluts," she muttered so Shikamaru could be the only one to hear.

"Just ignore the whole thing, Sakura. I know you're irritated with the way those girls act. I know that you're thinking about the manners they learned from their parents. Maybe they didn't learn any because their parents were always on business trips so just forget about it and try to relax," Shikamaru told his best friend.

"Thanks. You know me way too well, Shika-kun," she said, finally relaxing.

"Hehe! Well, you should be used to it by now," he told her.

They reached their classroom and took two seats at the back, near the window. They then waited for their class to start….more likely to end.

Lunch time……………

Sakura and Shikamaru walked through the crowd that formed when the bell rang, signaling the most awaited lunch time. Sakura, once again, saw more girls, a.k.a. flirty sluts, trying to flirt with Sasuke, Neji, Naruto, Kiba, and Shino. The more the guys try to tell them off, the louder they get. They're just too persistent on having those hot guys to date them.

"It's so annoying, Shika-kun," Sakura told him in an annoyed way.

"Which one: the flirts who keeps on getting louder or our fanclubs who are giving us wanting looks, dates, and seducing smiles that never work?" Shikamaru asked in a not-so-interested tone.

"Both," Sakura answered calmly while putting some books in her locker. "You know, maybe we should meet up with the gang now," she added.

"Sure. Did you tell them that we'll meet up in our hang-out place?" he asked.


They continued walking until they reached their hang-out place, the bench beside the old oak tree in their school field. When they reached it, their friends were already there.

"Hey, guys!" Sakura greeted them.

"Hey!" Tenten greeted back. She's wearing a dark blue spaghetti strap top, black, fitted semi-flared pants over her midnight blue high heels. Her hair which was always in two buns in their younger years is now laid down and reaches about the middle of her back.

"Hi," Hinata greeted softly. She's wearing white sleeveless turtleneck top, denim semi-flared pants over black boots.

"Yo!" Chouji greeted. Back in their younger years Chouji was a chubby guy. But that changed when they reached high school. He joined this weight lose program over the summers and lost a lot of weight. He's now wearing a green shirt, black cargo pants that end up below his knees. And for his feet; black and white Jordans.

"Are you, guys, ready for tomorrow night?" Chouji asked all of them while taking out his lunch.


"Uh huh!"


"How troublesome."

"Hahaha! I can't wait for tomorrow night. By the way advance happy birthday, Chouji!" Sakura said happily.

"Thanks," Chouji said. It's his birthday tomorrow and they're going to celebrate it in the hottest club in Fire country.

"Who would've thought that two of the school's geniuses would illegally go in a club?" Tenten said teasingly.

"Hey! You, guys are going too," Sakura said defensively.

"Um…w-who w-w-would p-ro-provide the IDs?" Hinata asked slowly.

"My cousin will. Don't worry my cousin is an expert in faking IDs, okay?" Shikamaru said reassuringly.

"Just remember to always keep your guards up. Especially, the three of you," Chouji told his three girl friends.

"Don't worry, we will. If ever one guy there messes with any of us, you know what we can do." Tenten said while thinking of the number of guys they already beat up for being such perverts to them.

You might think Sakura and Tenten are understandable in beating the shit in any guy, but Hinata? Well, guess what? She does know how to fight too. Heck! There was a time that a guy tried to slap her ass, and in less than 10 seconds the guy was all bloodied up with a lot of broken bones. Of course, they aren't that heartless to leave the guy, so they placed him in a hospital.

"Hah! If you must know, we kick ass!" Sakura said while doing a pose which made all of them laugh their asses off.

The next night in the club……..

"Hey, Neji, isn't that you're cousin?" Naruto asked while drinking more alcohol.

Neji looked at what Naruto directed and saw his cousin, Hinata, chatting with her friends.

Of course they aren't just chatting, they're also drinking alcohol, but Hinata being the first-timer in drinking didn't drink too much of it.

'What's she doing here?' Neji thought madly as a frown made its way to his eyebrows.

"Hey, dude. What's wrong with you?" Kiba asked, noticing the sudden change of his facial expression.

"It seems like Neji doesn't want his cousin to have fun here," Naruto told Kiba.

"It's not that I don't want her to have fun, it's just that she's not supposed to be here," Neji stated.

"Huh?" Naruto and Kiba said in unison.

"What he meant is that, if his cousin will get caught, he too will receive punishment for not keeping a close watch on her," Shino said.

"Oh….I get it now," Naruto and Kiba said in unison once again.

On the other side of the club…..

"That was so good!" Sakura said as she drank the remains of her glass.

"A- are y-you s-s-sure yo-you ar-aren't drunk?" Hinata asked her.

"She's not drunk yet, Hinata. Sakura can hold her liquor well," Chouji told her.

"Oh, I see," she answered, smiling at her friend.

"Come on, guys. Let's dance!" Tenten exclaimed.

"Sure!" Sakura answered while giving her a smile.

"I t-th-think I'll s-sk-skip th-this o-one o-ut," Hinata said while giving them a smile.

"I'll skip this one too. Dancing is too troublesome anyway," Shikamaru said while ordering more liquor.

"Oh, okay. Where's Chouji?" Tenten asked feeling a bit disappointed with their answers.

"Oh my gosh! Look! He's talking to a pretty girl," Sakura pointed with a grin on her face.

"Ahahaha! Well, he's fast." Tenten commented happily.

Just then two good-looking guys asked Tenten and Sakura to dance with them. The two of them accepted their offer and headed to the sea of dancers dancing.

"Hey! Isn't that Sakura-chan?" Naruto exclaimed.

This somehow got the attention of the others. They looked at where he was pointing and saw Sakura. She was dressed in a white halter top and a black mini skirt that shows her long slender legs.

"Who would've thought that Haruno could move like that?" Kiba said while smirking.

'Damn! Look at her move! It's as if she's been going to a lot of clubs before. She looks so fucking hot too!' Sasuke thought, eyes never leaving Sakura.

"Looks like Uchiha developed a crush on Haruno over there," Neji said with a smirk.

"Hn… What makes you think of that, Hyuuga?" Sasuke asked emotionlessly.

"That look in your eyes," Neji said calmly.

"Hah! Sasuke finally gets an interest in girls," Kiba teased.

"What do you mean by that?" Sasuke said darkly, his eyes narrowing.

"Just chill, Sasuke. Kiba's just teasing you," Shino said as he noticed Sasuke's deadly aura.

"I bet you can't make her dance with you, Sasuke-bastard!" Naruto said teasingly.

"Oh? Wanna bet?" Sasuke asked with a smirk.

"Hey, guys! Let's make this more interesting. How about this, Sasuke, you court both Yamanaka and Haruno at the same time and make them fall for you. If you win, we'll be sure of you're sexuality, and if you don't, well, let's just say that we have some doubts about you. So what do you say?" Kiba stated.

"Hey! Wait a minute! Sakura-chan's my friend and I won't let you guys play with her like that!" Naruto yelled furiously at them.

"What's your decision, Sasuke? Or are you just too ga-" Kiba was suddenly cut off by Sasuke's ready-to-kill voice.

"Continue your sentence and prepare to die earlier than expected," Sasuke warned him with much venom in his voice. "I accept your challenge, Inuzuka," he continued.

'Oh, no! Sakura-chan, I don't want you to get really hurt in this,' Naruto thought worriedly as he looked at Sakura.

With Sakura……….

"Hi! What's your name!" the guy asked Sakura. He has spiked blond hair, blue eyes, and a good toned body. He's also handsome too, and those eyes that anyone could just fall in to. (He had to yell because of the loud music.)

"Sakura! What's yours?" Sakura answered, giving a beautiful smile at him.

"Sakura! It suits you! I'm Zach, by the way!" Zach answered her. "So…what university do you attend to?" he asked while moving to the beat of the song.

"Tyrronan High." Sakura answered absentmindedly.

"High school?" he asked with suspicion.

'OH FUCK! I forgot!' she thought wildly. 'Oh well, looks like I just have to tell him,' she thought because no excuse came in her head. "Yeah, I'm still a high school student," she told him. She expected him to look at her madly and send her out, but all she got was a smile.

"What? Aren't you going to tell on me?" she asked him confusedly.

"Why? Do you want me to?" he asked innocently.

"Of course not!" she answered.

"Anyway, it's just fair because I'm a high school student too."

"No way!"

"What? Do I look old, for you not to believe I am one?" he asked good-heartedly while taking a seat. He and Sakura got tired from dancing so they decided to sit down on the available seats.

"Hahaha! I just never thought I would meet another guy who's also underage here," Sakura told him.

"Well, there are a lot of people here who are underage, you know? I guess, this is you first time to go here, am I right?" Zach asked as ordered for two martinis.

"Actually, this is the second time, but the first time to go with friends," she stated.

"Oh? So who did you go with on your fist time?" he asked once again.

"Um…just my brother," she answered once again. "Okay, so now it's my turn to ask you," she added.


"What school do you go to?" Sakura asked her new friend who is by the way really hot.

"Madokka High." Zach replied.

"Since when did you start going here?" she asked curiously.

"Um…I think when I was a freshman," he answered calmly. "Do you want to know why I go here most of the times?" he told her while taking a sip from his martini.

"Sure. Why the hell not?" she answered.

"Well, I'm really sure that it's not about hitting on girls." Zach said with a grin. "It's because, clubbing just lets me have fun. You know the pressure in school and at home, I forget about them when I'm here," he stated while drinking more.

"Wow. I never looked at it in that way," Sakura said as she drank her martini.

"Well, now you know. Hahaha! Woah! You sure like drinking, don't ya?" he said.

"Ehehehe! I don't know how I do it but I control my liquor well, but major headaches will come to me in the morning." Sakura stated sheepishly.

"Ah, no one is spared from hangovers. Curse you hangovers! Hahaha!" Zach said while laughing. Sakura laughed too.

"Hey, isn't that your friend?" Zach told Sakura as he pointed towards Tenten who was signaling for her.

"Yeah. I wonder why?" she wondered.

"You guys are probably going to head on home now. It's getting late anyway. Well, it was nice meeting you, Sakura," he said with a smile.

"And it was nice meeting you too, Zach," Sakura said while giving him a bright smile.

"Oh, and, Sakura?"


"Can I have your cell phone number?"

"Sure." she answered while writing it hurriedly on a piece of paper. "Here you go," she said while giving it to him.


Sakura then walked towards the place where Tenten and the others were. All of them had a great time. Chouji danced and talked to different hot girls. Shikamaru got eleven phone numbers and 14 e-mail addresses from different girls, but of course he won't contact them. Hinata met a guy while she was drinking at the bar. Tenten danced and talked to another guy in there. And Sakura made a new guy friend who is, by the way, good-looking.

"Guys, why don't you just stay in my place for the night?" Sakura asked while Shikamaru headed on his BMW.

"Sure. Your condo is the nearest anyway," Chouji answered.

"Is it okay for you, Hinata-chan?" Tenten asked her.

"Um….I t-think i-it's o-o-okay. F-father i-isn't h-ho-home a-a-anyway," Hinata answered.

"How about you, Shika?" Sakura asked.

"Sure. It's so troublesome to drive home anyway," he replied. In other words, his apartment was farther compared to Sakura's.

All of them are already tired and all they want now is to get some rest. When Sakura offered to let them stay in her condo, they are, of course, very thankful for the offer. Their apartments were a bit far from the club so Sakura's condo is the most convenient as of right now.

Sakura's condominium…..

Sakura lives alone in a 3-bedroom condominium. Her parents got her this because they're always in business trips and Sakura wanted to study in Tyrronan High. Sakura's brother visits her often, and his room is the one where Tenten and Hinata will be sleeping in later on.

"Okay, so boys stay here," Sakura said while opening a door. Inside were two beds which look very comfortable with all the soft throw pillows and silk comforters for each.

"Thanks, Sakura."

"Yeah, thanks,"

The two boys said as they went inside. They chose a bed for themselves and fell directly to sleep.

The girls couldn't help but giggle at them. They then walked to the next room. Inside was a king sized bed with a silk comforter and two soft pillows on each side.

"Sorry, there's only one bed here," Sakura said apologetically.

"No, don't be sorry. It's already okay. Hinata and I will be able to sleep comfortably here," Tenten said with a smile.

"Y-yes, S-s-sakura-chan, w-we'll b-be able t-to sl-sleep comfortably here. Thank you," Hinata said tiredly.

"Okay, then. Good night," Sakura said sleepily.

She then went in her room and fell asleep like an angel. Later did she know that when she wakes up tomorrow, a lot of twisted events will be starting in her life.


Okay, so that was chapter 1. Uh... I'll update soon. To all of you...this won't be a sakuOC.I just wanted you, guys, to know.Well...that's that! Bye!