Disclaimer: Don't sue me, I dont own Harry Potter.

A/N: I really looove reviews, they make me happy. Even if you just want to bash me (not that Im telling you too do that O.o) they will make my day. So with out further ado...Dance With Me!

Harry rolled over and looked up into the darkness. It was well past midnight, to dark to see anything, even with his glasses off.

He had been trying to sleep for the past three hours, but only succeeded in giving himself a headache. Ron wasn't even snoring.

"Bloody dances." First day of school and it was all ready a nightmare.

--------Earlier That Day--------

"Harry!" Hermione hit him full force, pulling him into one of her vice grip hugs, and Ron grinned at him from the Gryffindor table, spoon full of who knew what ready to go.

"Sorry we missed you on the train, mate. Bloody nuisance, we had to fly out with Dad. You know, with Voldemort gaining power and all." He shoveled the fowl concoction oozing over the edges of his spoon into his mouth and gave another cheeky grin.

"I would have been over, Ron, the Dursley's wouldn't let me out." They had needed him to clean, cook, the usual. It was just taking them a tad longer to finish with him than it would normally.

"It's not a problem, we have the whole school year now." Hermione nodded behind the red head in agreement.

Dumbledore stood from his usual place at the head of the Great Hall and tapped his glass with his spoon, hushing the whole room, "Welcome, to all of you." He grinned at everyone, "First years, the Dark Forest is forbidden to almost, "At this he looked down to Harry and sighed at bit, "Everyone. I would also like to add that, this year, a dance will be held in honor of the new year. We hope this will become a new Hogwarts tradition that the student body can look forward to."

Ron choked a little on his mush, "A dance. Oh, bloody hell, not again."

The headmaster continued, "There is more to it than just a simple welcome back; however, we will also be making it a requirement to ask a person from an opposing house." At this everyone began to yell, asking if he had lost his mind or something.

"This is crazy!" Ron complained, "We can't be forced to ask someone from another house!"

"Now then, Hufflepuff, you must ask a Ravenclaw, Slytherin, you must ask a Gyffindor or vice versa. If this proves to be to difficult, we will pair you off on our own. I am doing this in hopes that in the future the houses of Hogwarts will be more united than ever before. Thankyou."

He sat and left the stunned students to finish their meals.


Harry grumbled and rolled over, yet again. Of coarse, no one was happy, and it was a requirment that everyone have a date. If things kept up the way they were, the crazy headmaster was going to pair them off the way he wanted.


Snape slammed open the door to his potions room and moved swiftly to the front, glaring at everyone, "I asume you all had a decent summer. I also asume that I will not have to deal with any disruptions from summer happy students." He sat behind his desk, "There have been quite a few complaints about this dance. For this reason the headmaster has asked that I pair you off."

Harry shot up, knocking over his chair into Ron's table, and dumping all the contents onto the floor, "Most of us never said anything though!" He looked around at his fellow Gryffindors and saw that most of them were looking down at the ground, "Aww, you guys!"

Snape harrumphed and continued, "Well, if that is over..." He went on to name off the, obviously, prearranged pairs. Ron got stuck with Pansy, Hermione was put with Blaise, and Neville was put with a girl that had brown eyes and frizzy blonde hair, Sarrah.

Then it came to Harry.

"Mr. Potter," The proffesor practically spat at him, "We had some trouble with you, as there seems to be more boys than girls in both Slytherin and Gryffindor. The headmaster has made it clear that we are not to pair you with anyone other than a student from Slytherin, so you will be paired with...Mr. Malfoy."

Harry's jaw dropped and he shot a look to the blonde at the back of the room, only to see and equally disgusted face, "You cannot be serious."

The ice prince stood up, "I hate to agrea with Golden Boy, but what the hell? This is insane!"

"Language, Mr. Malfoy, and yes, I am well aware of that fact. Headmaster suggested that you go and talk, rather than dance or something equally disturbing."

"I am not going to be seen in public with Potter." Malfoy spat.

"You will, and you will enjoy yourself, or put up a charade of appearing as though you are have a decent time. Now on to todays lesson." He turned to the chalk board and began to write out ingredients and directions. Malfoy and Harry just sat glaring at each other, hoping that this would somehow make the other just disapear.

It didn't.