Chapter 4: Wake Up

Disclaimer: Hey, here's a big surprise for you, I don't own it!

"Oh, y-you're awake." Hinata said, with a very calm expression, she noticed that Naruto had finally opened his eyes.

He looked around a bit, and then tried to get up, "N-no, you should s-save you're s-strength." She told him, "Y-you've been o-out f-for three days a-after all."

"What three days! But, what about school?" He asked.

"I've been going, but I've b-been coming b-back a-afterwards. Y-you're homework is r-right o-over there." She said, and pointed to the desk.

"Thanks." He said, and as he looked around he noticed that the books that were strewn across the floor, were now in nice, neat stacks, and he could actually see the floor again.

"You're a good person Hinata, I'm really grateful to have a friend like you. How can I repay you?" He said, looking her straight in the eye.

"O-oh, y-you don't h-have to g-give me anything, I d-did it because I w-wanted t-to." She said, tearing her gaze away from his.

"Hmmm…" He said, contemplating what he could do, "I know!"

He then shot up from his bed, placed his hand behind her neck, and kissed her. Hinata was shocked, and completely taken by surprise by this action. Even though it only lasted for a second, Hinata was in heaven.

He finally released and they made eye contact for a minute, but then something unexpected happened, he went back in to kiss her again. This time though it was a bit different, it was a full fledged kiss, not just a friendly one like before.

They finally stopped, and although she enjoyed it, Hinata still gave him a confused look.

"I-I don't understand I t-thought you l-liked S-Sakura." She said, still stunned by what had just happened.

"Yeah, so did I but not after what I saw three days ago." Naruto told her, with a sudden look of gloom coming across his face, "I saw Sasuke and Sakura kissing." Naruto said, Hinata was caught so off guard by this that she even gasped a little. "But, it's ok because she made me realize something…just how much I like you, you're a really good person Hinata, and I like you…a lot." He said, which left Hinata completely shocked and speechless.

"Y-you d-do?" She managed to croak out.

"Yeah, I really do." He said, out stretching his hand to her face.

She grabbed his hand and then looked at it, "I-I'm sorry N-Naruto b-but I can't d-do this until y-you make u-up with Sasuke and S-Sakura. Y-you've all b-been friends for s-so long and I-I won't be the o-one to break you u-up." She said, a bit more confidently then usual.

Then without another word she just got up and left.

The next day at school Hinata walked into the classroom and found Naruto talking to Sasuke and Sakura, and he was talking loud enough that she could hear him at the bottom of the stairs.

"Look, what I'm trying to say you guys is that, I'm sorry and I want us to go back to being friends." That's about all she caught of what he said, and she started ascending the stairs heading in his direction.

"Please, can we go back to the way it was?" Naruto asked them.

"We can now." Came a voice from behind him.

"Hinata!" Naruto cried in excitement, and then sprang up to hug her.

So, they had to explain what was going on to Sasuke and Sakura. After that, life went on as usual (or as usual as it was going to get), the four stayed friends, and Hinata became really close to Sasuke and Sakura. Hinata and Naruto became practically inseparable, and every Friday the gang would still set aside to go to the club.

End Chapter 4

Here lies the end of chapter four, and the end of this story. Yes, I've finally gotten time to type up this story, and finish it. Now, I'm already on the third chapter of my newest Naruto story which will be out soon (for more information on that one check out my profile). Anyways, in my opinion, I don't think that this was my best work, but just so you know I am really bad at ending things. I usually go on with things forever and never end them, so that's why this last chapter wasn't great, anyways tell me what you guys think. See you next time!
