Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I was just waiting for a review, and now that I have one, here is chapter 2, enjoy!
Review replies:

Syraka- I love the nickname you refcalled that I gave Hades, I laughed my butt off. And don't worry, Hades is about to see what a handful Talim can be.

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters, I can't recall whom the Xena characters belong to, but all the Soul Calbur people belong to nintendo.

Chapter 2- Seduction and Link to the rescue

Hades stood in the corner as Talim furiously paced the extravagant bedchamber, decorated all in black and silver of course. Talim hated it, there was no real color and it was so damn gloomy.
"I want to go back to my sister!" Talim screamed at him as she finally stopped pacing and went to stand before him with a furious expression on her face "Send me back to her now"
Hades found himself smirking, he loved Talim's fire, it made her all the more appealing to him.
That topped the cake for Talim, she was as mad now as she could get, she brought a hand back and send her fist flying into his face as hard as she could, smirking at him and he dropped like a rock to the floor.
Hades glared at Talim when he saw that he had a bloody nose, she got him good.
"I'd let me go right now, Hades, before I dish out much worse!" Talim seethed at him.
The god of death stood and grinned at Talim "A bloody nose hardly makes me the least bit afraid of you, dear Talim, it just tells me to be wary of your hands"
Talim growled and went back to pacing the room, the god was so infuriating, he had to know that. The pig headed arrogant S.O.B, she'd give him a lesson or two, that's for sure.
'Xena' Talim said in her mind 'I have no idea how to get out of here, hurry up and find me'

Xena, Hercules and Gabrielle where well on their way to the lake that led to Tartarus, all hell bent to rescue Talim from the grasp of Hades.
"We'll have to be ready" Xena said "If he going to how Aires was with me, this won't be an easy task"
"Isn't that the truth" Gabrielle said quite honestly.
Hercules's eyes drifted up towards the hills and a figure caught his eyes "Hey, it's some blond boy, heading our way, looks like he's waving to us"
Xena looked up and her eyes softened in recognition "It's Link, Talim fought and beat him in the Soul Calibur tournament, they became good friends, I wonder what he doing out here"
The blond Hylian hurried to Xena, looking excited "I've been looking for all of you, I have something to tell Talim, where is she"
Xena thought a moment, not sure how to tell Link "Eh, Link, you know of Hades, right"
"Yeah" Link said, looking a bit confused "Darn right nasty character"
"Yeah" Xena said, her face growing very serious "He kidnapped Talim"
Link's face was expressionless for a few moments and then "WHAT"
"Yeah" Gabrielle said "He just showed up randomly, said he loved Talim and then he took her away"
"I must say" Hercules "It was really rather random, but that is how Hades has always been"
"If your going on your way to save her, count me in!" Link declared passionately.
"Thank you, Link" Xena said "Your presence is welcomed"
"Nice to see you again though" Gabrielle said, offering Link a friendly smile, since he hadn't exactly gotten a proper greeting when he'd arrived.
Link smiled back and then focused on the whole group "C'mon all, let's get moving and kick the crap out of mister gloomy pants"
Hercules snickered and the group nodded in agreement and they all continued on.

Talim sat boredly on the bed, Hades have had gone a little while ago to tend to some 'god' business, as if she cared.
"I hope Xena gets here soon, I don't know how much longer I can avoid Hades's advances" Talim murmured to herself, gazing boredly at the black tiled floor "And gods is the room so dull and gloomy"
"You can decorate it how you wish after we wed" A masculine voice said from the far side of the room and she turned to see that Hades had just stepped back into the room.
"Oh, it's you" Talim said with a complete lack of interest "I had hoped my sister, Gabrielle and Hercules had gotten here to save me"
Hades frowned and teleported himself right in front of her, leaving barely any space at all between them and he grasped her shoulders tightly, squeezing a little in warning "I would be much nicer to me, Talim"
"Why?" Talim said dryly "All you've done is kidnap me, make me miserable and piss me off"
Hades laughed, there was that fire again, the fire that made her so damn attractive and sexy.
Before Talim could protest at all, Hades had pulled her into his and crashed his lips against hers, groaning in pleasure at the softness of lips.
Talim's eyes were wide with shock and she struggled violently to get free from his grasp, but his grasp was like iron, IRON, he was definitely not going to let go, so that left one option.
Hades wrapped his arms tighter around Talim as he kissed her and when he was off guard, she lifted a knee and got him good in the groin.
Talim watched in satisfaction as he doubled over in pain "Well, Xena and I always wondered if that affected gods the same way if does mortal men, this answers our question"

Fiery little thing ain't she? lol

Well, that's it for now folks, all I require for another chapter is at least one review, something to let me know people are reading this, oh and I don't respond to or count one or two word reviews, those really don't help to inspire me to write. Love you! See you next chapter!

Tom Riddle's reluctant bride