My next chapter. Hello everyone. The forecast today is raining, it should turn to a light drizzle, but don't worry its supposed to warm up this afternoon and whoa! Whats that? 300ft pf snow in Palm Springs! Sorry, my bit of randomness of the day. Or, of the hour... Hi. OMG! Half of this chapter got deleted so I'm re-writing it!
Kairi sat very still in the car while her mom drove her over to Sora's. She was a little bit nervouse but its not like this was a date right? Sure, Yuffie, Rikku, and Selphie had gone crazy over this and immediatly started telling her what to wear, how to act, what to do. Some of their suggestions were... less than ladylike. But Kairi had really discarded all of this information as unneeded because this wasn't a date, right? She and Sora were just going to play basketball right? Nothing more right? Anyways, it wasn't like she liked Sora like that. She didn't love him, or even had a crush on him, but what was the weird feeling she got in her stomach, why did her legs always turn to jelly, why ndid she blush so much why did love him? Love him? No she didn't love him, did she? She hardle knew him! But still... she couldn't help but wonder, what did she feel towards Sora? Suddenly, her mom's talking brought her back to earth.
"So I'll pick you up in a couple hours kay hun? I think its great your getting out again after Ri-" Kairi stopped her hurriedly.
"No, Mom! This isn't a date! Hes helping me with basketball!" Kairi's mom gave out a little laugh, "MOM! Seriously! Not. A. Date." her mom just winked.
"Right hun, right. I got you." Kairi put her hand over her face and shook her head. What on earth was wrong with her mom? Why couldn't she be a normal mom going, 'I don't trust this boy. This isn't a date Kairi. Don't go up to the second floor of his house Kairi.' but she wasn't. She was weird. God, she hope Sora never had to meet her parents. Her dad was even worse. Finally, they pulled in front of a grandiouse house that looked just to huge to hold a small family of two people. Kairi blinked in amazement. What the...? Kairi's mom stepped out of the car and checked the address on the street next to the one on the paper. "Ok well, this seems to be it. Nice house. Kairi?" Kairi turned around.
"What is it now?" Her mom just smiled.
"It would be nice if you could marry Sora."
"AARRGGGHHH! GO AWAY MOM!" she cried pointing towards the car. Her mom laughed, said she loved her, and drove off. Kairi went up to the door and rang the bell. Ding dong ding ding. Finally the door opened to the face of...
"Mr. Hikari? Oh yes, your Sora's Brother. Hello, I am Kairi. Sora invited me over for basketball..." Cloud smiled.
"Hello Kairi. Come in." He lead Kairi inside a large room. Half of it was tiled off, and then there was one step down into a little sitting area with carpet and chairs and a couch. Kairi sat down on the couch as Cloud yelled for Sora. "SORA! KAIRIS DOWN HERE! DON'T KEEP HER WAITING!" Kairi heard a faint shout back that she couldnt really make out, but apparently Cloud could. She turned to watch him go into the kitchen, probably to make a sandwhich, and a little blonde head peeped around the door. He looked a bit like Cloud, but a lot like Sora too. Once he realized that no on but Kairi was there he strode towards you. He was small, about 12-13 is. He had intelligent blue eyes and spiky blonde hair. His face was pretty much the same shape as Sora's. He sat down on the chair across from Kairi.
"Hi." Kairi blinked, who was this kid?
"Hi. I'm Kairi. You are...?" The kid's face remained exactly as stoic as before, as if he expected this question.
"I'm Roxas. I'm Sora's and Cloud's little brother. I'm 13." Kairi nodded wondering why he was greeting her and why he wasn't blinking.
"Well hello Roxas. Nice to meet you I guess." Roxas nodded and just sat there staring at her. She was starting to get a little freaked out by the younger kid. He just sat there staring, as if seeing into her mind. "Something you want Roxas?" he shrugged.
"Nothing in particular. I just wanted to know who you were. I'll be going now. CLOUD!" Cloud rushed into the room and frowned when he saw Roxas and Kairi there.
"Roxas, didn't I tell you not to bother Sora's guest." Kairi shook her hands.
"Oh, he's not he's-" Roxas cut her off,
"I'm not. I'm going over to Hayner's now ok." Cloud looked at him carefully.
"I don't know if its a good idea for you to just walk there yourself and hes a new friend and..." now it was Cloud's turn to be cut off.
"He's down the street Cloud. I'm not about to get abducted. Hayner and I are good friends and there will be some other kids there to. Pence and Olette remember? Anyways, I'm going. Good bye Kairi nice meeting you. Tell Sora his lucky boxers are in the second drawer of the desk in the attic under two comic books. Thanks, bye." Kairi had to bite down on her lip not to laugh at that last remark as the strange little kid strolled away.
"Sorry about that Kairi. Roxas is Sora's and my younger brother. Hes very smart for his age and he tends to act a bit to smart too. I'll be making lunch if you need me." he said and strolled back to the kitchen. Kairi sat and waite for Sora to come downstairs. He did in a couple seconds. He grinned that same grin that made Kairi want to melt.
"Hey Kairi, sorry about the wait. The basketball courts in the backyard, lets go."
Sora's POV -
I feel really bad about keeping her waiting, I do. But if someone hadn't hidden my lucky boxers it wouldn't have taken my that long. I am going to kill Roxas when he gets back. I walk alongside Kairi out to the backyard. We had a pool, a basketball court, and Cloud likes to keep a little garden. I pick my ball up from over by the door and bounce it towards Kairi. She catches it with only her palms, refusing to let her fingers touch the ball. I laugh, she was funny.
"Sorry Kai, but I think in order to catch it well you need your fingers to touch the ball also," Kairi blushed and nodded and through a pass back to me. It wasn't good it wasn't ba... alright it was bad. "Heh, when your throwing a pass hold it like so," I said demonstratin where her hands should be, "And push it out from your chest." Another pass back to her and we continue this for a long time. Everynow and then I correcther on something. I can almost feel Cloud's eyes on us from the kitchen window. He wasn't exactly pleased with me inviting Kairi over. And not telling him until 12:00 am this morning.
Sora looked at his half asleep older bother and thought this would be the perfect time to tell him.
"Hey Cloud, I'm having a friend coming over tomorrow." Cloud nodded sleepily.
"A friend. Right, right." Sora grinned,
"So thats ok with you?" Cloud grinned drunkenly,
"Yeah. S'fine, s'fine."
7 hours later.
walked over to his brother's room in his boxers and shirt and found
Cloud in bed doing the cross word puzzle.
"So Cloud, you remember my friends coming over today at around 10 right?" Cloud sat bolt upright and stared at Sora.
"What?" he said blinking twice.
"Kairi is coming over today." Cloud frowned,
"How come I didn't hear about this?" Sora blinked innocently,
"What? Don't you remember I told you she was coming earlier this morning!" Cloud's frown depeaned and he began to glare suspiciously.
"This morning when?" Sora smiled sweetly
"At 12! Don't you remember!" Cloud started twitching from anger and Sora slowly began backing out of the room until Cloud finally burst.
/end flashback/
Now we were working on shooting the ball. Kairi's first attempts at a bank shot were... less than perfet. I stand behind her and place my hands over her and show her how to shoot the ball. It swishes through the net. "See? Not so hard!" I say with a grin. Kairi blushes at the contact and we go back to shooting baskets. After a while, I can tell shes getting bored and hot. She looks at me with a smile but I can tell its kind of half hearted. Apparently Cloud sees this too from where hes watching us and comes outside.
"Its hot today Sora, why not take Kairi for a swim?" What a brilliant idea Cloud! Like it wasn't obviouse I should! Kairi looks down,
"I'm sorry, I didn't bring my swimsuit..."
"No problem," I put in, "You can borrow a pair of trunks from Roxas and a black shirt from me," I can tell she catches the black because she blushed and giggled. I show her up to Roxas's room and give her the trunks and shirt. I then change in my own room. Yeah, our house is big. Too big for Cloud's income. Thank God for Government issued houses. We both come out at the same time and head towards the pool. We jump in. The water is a bit cold but its hot outside so its ok. We float on our backs for a moment before SPLASH! cold water is poured onto my chest. I lose my floatiness and fall down (not that thats reallyy possible) into the water. I stand and see Kairi looking innocent. "Yeah, innocent act not working!" i start splashing her back and before you know it we're in a splash war. I can tell I'm winning because a, shes retreating and b, growing up with two brothers I do this a lot. Somehow, we end up wrestling in the water. I'm holding her arms and pulling her close and looking into her eyes and... SLAM! We jump apart like rabbits and see Roxas and some kid in army digs stand there. Roxas rolls his eyes.
"I don't know these strange people. Lets go up to my room," the kid next to him nods and follows. I shrug and laugh and we sti down on the edge of the pool. Our feet dangling in the water.
"So whats it like having brothers?" she asks out of the blue. I shrug one shoulder.
"I don't know. Annoying sometimes. Especially the little one. But they can be ok."
"I've always wanted a little sibling," why do kids who are only childs want siblings? Look at other peoples siblings, they aren't that great! I give a laugh and lie down for a second. Cloud brings out towels and takes us to the kitchen. PB&J sandwiches. How original Cloud.
"Bon apetite." he says in a terrible French accent. I roll my eyes but Kairi laughs. Ok. We eat in silence before Cloud receives a call. "Kairi, your mom is going to be here in 5 minutes!" How the hell did her mom get our phone number? Kairi jumps up and runs to get her clothes (which she left not in Roxas's room thank God) she changed quickly and rubs her hair dry with a towel. I love the color of her hair, bright red. Really pretty. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. I walk with her to the door and open it. There standing before me is older Kairi. With bad makeup, I might add.
"Hey hun!" she says pulling an embarrased Kairi into a hug. SHe spots me, "OH you must be Sora!" she offered me her hand and I shook it,giving her my signature smile.
"Yes Ma'am." she smiles.
"Oh no need to be so formal! Just call me Kelly!" I nod again. Kelly huh?
"Yes Ma- I mean Kelly." she laughs again and reminds me how polite I am.
"Well, we're going to go now. Nice meeting you Sora!" I nod.
"Nice meeting you too Ma'am. I mean Kelly. Thank you for coming Kairi."
"Thank you for having me Sora I had a lot of fun." I grin again and they leave. Just like that they leave.
Ok, the second half of this chapter got deleted and let me tell you I was pissed when I found out because the original second half was much ebtter that this second half. And longer, much longer. BUt here is a downgraded version.