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What Virgo sees

Chapter nine: Virgo's last wish

The Elementé children stood gawking. Orochimaru and Kabuto ran off, like the cowards they are. Sasuke stared, too.

"I… I didn't mean… It was…" He began.

"Shut up, Sasuke." Scorpio stood up, still crying, but calmer now. "It was for the best. Virgo was my sister, maybe. But she died for a noble cause, no matter what she had to do to achieve her goal. Don't blame yourself."

What was going on?

Virgo blinked. Where was she? Didn't she just die? She looked around and nearly fell over. There was her body, lying limp at a tree. Capricorn stood next to her, trying to find a pulse. He did not.

But Virgo now saw things no one else did. Behind Capricorn ran a small, transparent goat, who bleated a lot. It had a blue, sparkly outline, and was very ghostlike. The other Elementé children had small things too. Aries had a ram, Taurus had a bull, Gemini had two small pixie-like people that looked exactly lie one another, Cancer had a crab, Libra had a set of golden scales, Sagittarius had a small centaur with a bow and Pisces had a fish. Scorpio's animal, a scorpion, was the largest of them all with a red outline.

Virgo turned. A small woman was behind her, waving shyly. When she spoke, her voice was a squeak. "Hi, Virgo. I'm your star guardian, the virgin."

"Star guardian?" Virgo inquired. "Do we all have one?"

"Yes," the virgin replied. "Well, you and your siblings, anyway." Virgo just stared at her and shrugged. "So what's going on?"

"Isn't it obvious? You're dead. Sasuke killed you with his chidori."


There was a roar behind her. Virgo turned to see and lion and a blue-haired woman there. "Come along, my little virgin." The lion said. "Gather your siblings, we have to leave."

The virgin calls out to her siblings, who also turned to leave.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"We won't be gone long."

They all disappeared. Not before Virgo felt something pressed into her hand and a small voice in her ear that said, "Give it to Edward."

Virgo looked down at the object in her hand and clenched it tightly.

"No pulse." Capricorn sighed. "You killed her, Sasuke."


"I already said shut up!" Scorpio shouted. She stamped her foot. "Capricorn, round up your brothers and sisters. I declare this mission over!"

Edward sighed. "I guess this means it's time to go home."

"Yes, brother." Alphonse agreed.

Edward turned, but felt a hand on his shoulder. When he looked, there was nothing there. Then he felt a bulgy piece of paper shoved in his pocket.

It's what you want, right?

The words echoed through his head. Strange.

Virgo stared at Alphonse sadly. He could see his human soul in the armor, curled up, scared. She sighed and looked at Edward. Would he ever read the letter?

Virgo's body was carried to Konoha, where it was buried under a cheery tree. Tsunade performed the sermon. Afterwards, she awarded the Elementé children bravery medals. After that, Edward returned to Amestris amid applause. Tsunade had sent a noteto Roy telling him everything.

Finally, it was nighttime. Edward took off his jacket and folded it, blinking when the note fell out of his pocket. "Hm." He picked it up and opened it, pulling out a note.

Dear Edward,

I'm dead, I know. It's Virgo, if you haven't guessed. I can see things, Ed, as I write it. I SEE THINGS! I can see these weird little animal things behind all my sisters. I can see Alphonse's human soul in the armor. It glows and stuff. Anyway, my little guardian thing… The virgin.. gave me this little red thing to give to you. I don't know what it is, so I just didn't think about it. I know about your metal arm and leg, and Alphonse's… Soullessness. Please. Take this thing and save yourself and your brother.


Edward shook the envelope and something clinked out. It was small and red, and seemed rather formless. His eyes flashed. The Philosopher's stone.

The end.