Disclaimer: I don't own power rangers. I also don't own Xena: warrior Princess.

Why I said that I have not a clue. (Breaks down and cries) XENA!


Welcome back. I hope you guys/girls enjoyed the last chapter. So with no further delays let the story begin.


Broodwing's plan

Chapter 7 – Is it really over?

The rangers were gathered in the Command Center with Cruger standing before them.

"Cadets you did a good job out there today; I'm proud of you." The rangers smiled at Cruger's praise. He turned his attention to Sky. "How is Cadet Carson doing?" he asked.

Sky had smile on his face. "Fast asleep in his bed sir," he replied.

Jack took a step forward and asked, "Sir, what will happen to the Zeo Crystal?"

Cruger sighed and said, "I was at a loss for what to with it for many reasons." He began to walk up and down the line of cadets. "For one thing we almost lost a piece of power ranger history." The cadets kept their expressions neutral but they agreed with him. "The power inside it was still great, even after the Zeo Rangers stopped using it and became the Turbo Rangers. The power remained inside the Zeo Crystal and it was entrusted to us to protect it from evil. No one could of see that one of our own cadets would steal it to be used against us." He stopped in front of Jack and said, "The Zeo Crystal will be put back where it has remained for years with a little added security to it."

Syd then spoke up. "What about the power and the Battlizer Bridge got from Broodwing?" she asked.

Cruger shook his head. "Kat did an examination on him and she got the results back not long ago."

The rangers were looking at him. "What did she have to say?" Sky asked, his worry showing. Cruger took a deep breath and said, "The battlizer is still in his morpher and the powers that Broodwing gave still are in him sadly," Cruger said lowering his voice.

The other rangers lowered their heads, each lost in their own thoughts. Sky spoke up, "What will happen to Bridge?" he asked.

Cruger was quiet for a moment. "Kat said he will be back to his regular old self but he might have some trouble coming to terms with what he has done. It will leave emotional scar."

The other rangers moved a little. "So sir there will be no punishment for Bridge?" Z asked. Cruger shook his head. "He wasn't in control and Broodwing is to blame." The rangers gave a sigh of relief. "There nothing else you guys can do for the moment so you're dism..." Cruger was cut off by Kat running into the room.

"Sir, Bridge is gone and he left this note behind," Kat said, breathing heavily.

Sky took the note and read out loud:

Fellow cadets, I have made the chose to leave SPD and start a new life somewhere else.

Please don't blame yourselves for me leaving. I can't handle hurting you guys again.

I'm sorry.


There was a moment of silence after Sky had finished reading the note.

"What does he think he is doing, running away like that?" Jack said, breaking the quiet.

"I don't know but we need to find him and fast." Z said.

"But where do we begin?" Syd said in a panicked voice.

Sky was thinking and then he had an idea, "Sir I know where Bridge is going."

They all looked at him. Cruger eyed Sky for a long moment; he was going to say something but when he saw the look in Sky's eyes he knew the truth. "Alright Sky, you and Ja..." Cruger began but Sky cut him off.

"No sir. With all respect, I'm going alone. It's better that way," he said.

Cruger gave a nod of his head. "Alright Cadet Tate, be sure to bring back Bridge."

Sky saluted and ran to the garage. He hopped onto his patrol cycle and drove off. As he left the SPD base, Sky was thinking of the only spot Bridge could go before going on a long journey to nowhere. Sky sped up his cycle and drove to catch his best friend.


Bridge was leaving the stand in the middle of the park that served breakfast only. As usual he had got a large plate full of buttery (wiggle the fingers) toast. He paid the man and was leaving to find a place where he could hurt no one. Bridge was sad to leave the place he had called home for so long, but he was doing the right thing. At least, he hoped it was, as he fixed the bag on his back.

If Bridge was expecting to make clean get away he was sadly wrong. Sky drove down the path. When he saw Bridge he stopped a few feet away from him.

"Bridge, thank god I found you," Sky said, relief flooding through his veins. But the relief was to be short lived.

"GO AWAY SKY. LEAVE ME ALONE!" Bridge shouted as he took off running.

Sky jumped off his cycle and began chasing after Bridge. Of all the things he had expected to happen, this was last. Bridge didn't want to be caught for a reason; he wanted to leave and not hurt his friends.

"Bridge stop. Don't do this. You can't leave," Sky yelled after him.

But Bridge was pretending to be deaf as he jumped over a stump. Sky wasn't going to let him get away that easily. Sky did a little flip over the stump and landed a perfect 10. Then he took off running again. The chase went on for a minute before Sky caught up to him.

"Sorry to do this to you little buddy," Sky yelled at him before jumping on him. He landed on Bridge's back and Bridge fell forward hitting the ground hard. Sky pulled Bridge's hands behind his back, breathing very hard. Bridge was breathing hard too. Sky took a pair of handcuffs and cuffed his hands behind his back.

"Sorry to do this but I have to keep you from running from me again," he said as he pulled Bridge upright.

Bridge struggled to get free. "LET ME GO SKY I HAVE TO LEAVE!" he shouted at Sky. But Sky was pretending to be deaf as he moved Bridge against a tree. "No. Not until we have a little heart to heart, even if it is against your will," Sky said, sitting next to Bridge. Bridge glared at him. "Why do you think running away will solve any of your problems?" Sky asked, ignoring Bridge's glare.

Bridge stopped trying to get himself free and answered Sky's question; "It's something I had to do to protect you guys, my friends, from me," he said lowering his head.

Sky watched him, his hear going out to his friend; "Bridge, as good as your intentions were, you were still running away from us and your problems, and that will only lead to more running in the future."

Bridge lifted his head a little to look at Sky. "You don't understand Sky. I feel the evil still inside of me and it scares me beyond words. I…I'm afraid that I will hurt you and my other friends in a moment of rage that I can't control." Bridge's voice broke and he began to cry.

Sky put his arm around his shoulder. "Bridge, that's not the only thing you fear is it?" he asked, suddenly sensing something else.

Bridge was shocked that Sky seemed to understand him on some other, deeper level. "I'M AFRAID OF BEING ALONE!" he finally yelled at the top of his lungs. Eyes were producing more tears.

Sky reached for the keys to the cuffs, then reached behind Bridge and unlocked them. After Bridge hands were free he grabbed Sky around the chest. "I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE I CAN'T STAND BEING ALONE!" he sobbed into Sky's chest.

Sky was hurting because Bridge was in so much pain and he was powerless to help. "You won't be alone Bridge if you come home with me to your friends. You won't be alone," he said holding Bridge with one hand and rubbing his back with the other.

Bridge looked up, his eyes red from crying. "Do you guys really want me at SPD?" he asked, not believing what he had heard.

Sky smiled and removed his hand from Bridge's back and brushed the hair out of his eyes "Of course I do. You're a part of the SPD family and that will never change."

Bridge smiled back and said, "Alright Sky, I'll come back to SPD with you."

Sky smiled as he helped Bridge to his feet and put an arm around his friend's shoulder as they began to walk. Bridge and Sky walked in silence, then Bridge suddenly asked, "How did you know where to find me?"

Sky laughed and said, "Bridge you're a toast addict so I guessed you would come here to get what you called the 'best toast in the world' before you went away."

Bridge laughed too. "If I hadn't stopped here I would have made a quick get-away."

Sky looked at him and said, "Maybe, maybe not, but we both know I would have found you before got halfway through the city." Bridge's grin grew bigger.

"Bridge, I don't feel like going back to base right now," Sky suddenly said out of the blue.

Bridge looked at him in shock. Sky continued, "Lets go see a movie and have a day of fun, just the two of us."

"Can we get a extra large pizza with everything on it?" Bridge asked, feeling happy for what felt like for the first time in a long while.

Sky gave a small chuckle and said, "Sure. Anything you want but first let me call the base to let them know I have you and we won't be coming back for a few hours."

"Alright buddy," Bridge said, then broke out of Sky's grip and added, "Race you to the Portal Cycle." He took off running. Sky shook his head and chased after Bridge. It was good to have his best friend back to his crazy old-self.

The End


Well another story finished. Hurray for me. I would like to thank my beta reader and everyone who reviewed my story.

Oh before I go, I might make a sequel to this story called

The Monster Within Green

Thanks again to everyone who read and reviewed my story. You guys rule.

Please review my story and have a nice day.