Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Dear Residents,

It has been a memorable two years. It truly has been a most turbulent time for each and every one of us. Throughout these two years, I have felt myself grow… mature… from a boy into a man. At least in my own mind, anyway. Perhaps I may still be a wimp in some of your perceptions, but that's not the point. The point is that all of you have helped me grow, change, adapt… to fit into a tougher situation, one in which I would have had absolutely zero chance of surviving if I had attempted on my own. To this, I give you all my sincere heartfelt gratitude. In all, the times that I have spent in this inn, as a part of you all, shall be forever remembered… but unfortunately, not cherished.

Why? That's because of the harsh, and most certainly unreasonable treatment that I have received during my tenure as the landlord. In these two years, I have periodically been kicked, punched, flung, slashed, cheated and tested upon by you monsters for no better reason other than the fact that I was male.It was a variable beyond even my control – after all, who can actually select his gender? Now, if I had indeed done something to deserve such treatment, I would have no complains, and I would readily accept the treatment. Even then, until now, I have accepted the punishments, but I must question, what exactly have I done?

Now, if you girls can recollect, I have helped you all, cared for you all, been there for you all when you people needed someone to lean on. Motoko, remember when your sister challenged us when I was half-crippled and you were weak, all because of your ridiculous pride? I helped you - I devoted myself to your cause, fighting for your freedom, your honor. I fought hard, gave it my all that day in Kyoto… just for you. And yet, what have I got in return? Nothing at all, and it would have been fine, oh yes it would, had it not been for the punishments you continued to dish out the moment you recovered fully from your depression. After a long while I started to wonder - exactly what did I fight for that day? It most certainly was not your honor. Because if I was, then I feel like a fool, like my effort wasted. For in the end, I realized, that I fought for something that wasn't there.

I could carry on and list out the times when you all have requested my help, received it, and thanked me with nothing but more pain. However, I wouldn't, because it makes me feel infinitely stupid… it makes me wonder why I spent so much effort on you girls in the first place. And besides, I now know very well, that even though I have helped you, none of you would have helped me if the roles were reversed.

And really, I'm finally tired of all these undeserved punishment. All of my so-called 'perverted tendencies' have been nothing more than mere accidents or tricks pulled by Kitsune. And that reminds me to ask this - how blind, really, are you people to not have noticed Kitsune's tricks? Honestly, I cannot believe how many times Kitsune saying that I came unto her and molested her had tricked you all. Really, even if at the start I did molest her (which I didn't), surely after some time I would have caught on and known not to do it again? Apparently, you people think that all males are full of raging hormones, unable to be controlled. Or maybe, the satisfaction of thoroughly beating the lights put of an innocent person gives you monsters a high.

To Naru… I once loved you. Unfortunately, it appears that after a prolonged period of this torturous treatment the love is… lost. Evaporated into thin air. Literally beaten out of me. Now I no longer hold any feelings for you, which I suppose will make you happy. Finally free of a pervert huh? It lightens me as well… although I wouldn't like to think about why. But now, I must question - why do you always prevent me from going out with other girls, like Mutsumi, if you truly have no interest in me?

Even if I had wanted to molest Mutsumi at any point, which I never even thought about, I'm sure she would have given in willingly… offered herself, even.

And you know it.

Still, you were too proud to admit it. You knew that I liked you, so you used my delusion as leverage, leaving me hanging, restricting me. You cannot possibly know how much leaving me in the dark tortured me! All those times I wondered if I was too inferior for you. Now I know. You wanted to see me crawl, grovel in front of you, pining for you until you were ready to accept my love. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid my patience has run out. Its really time for me to put it down and move on.

To dear Shinobu, there is only one thing I can say. You are a good person. Don't allow the people around you, and this letter, to affect you, to change you. Please get over your crush on me, and find a better man than a loser like me someday. Find someone who wouldn't waste 17 years of his life pining for someone who didn't exist.

I must apologize now, for I do realize that I have been rather crude, and all of you must be wondering about the point of this letter other than venting out my frustrations. Well, I have decided to quit this meaningless job, since after so long you girls would obviously still prefer a member of the fairer sex as the manager of this inn. Attached you would find the title deed, which has been blanked for the next owner.

Lastly, I want to say that even though we are parting, we are parting on good terms. (At least from my side.)

May we never meet again.


Keitaro Urashima