Disclaimer: Bleach does not belong to me

Title: Colorblind
Rating: G
Genre: Angst
Warnings/Spoilers: Set right before the Soul Society Arc (think episode 15 of the anime and/or volume 6 of the manga)
Word Count: 10-squared, baby
Theme: #88 color my world


Rukia wakes silently in the darkness of the closet with tears slipping down into her hairline. She dreams in black and white and wonders if she has abused this fake body of hers to the point that she needs a new one when she realizes that she's always dreamed without colors.

She's glad.

She would hate to truly know the color of his hair as he slides off her sword or stare at the pool of colored liquid that spills from his limp body.

She wonders if this makes her weak and then realizes she doesn't care if it does.

...i wake up screaming only to realize the nightmare's not over...