Visions of Love

Rating: M Genre: Romance/Horror/Angst

Summary: "You say I'm a heartless creature but what does that make you? You, a creature of the damn doesn't know how to love or show compassion, how is it a kind girl can turn into an evil entity of the night?" Dark SxS.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh

Prologue: Take My Hand



There's nothing left…

I'm lost…

I'm all alone…

Isn't there anyone out there….

Those were her thoughts as she stood outside in the harsh cold rain of night, the icy water pounding on her frail body, feeling the cold bitterness run through her veins. The darken sky reflecting her now black heart of her dark domineer the caressed her soul. This was the tragic tale of a young girl named Shizuka Kawaii. A young girl deprived of her innocence with nothing left to hold to her heart. The once cheerful and happy beautiful young girl had turned into nothing more than a fallen angel of misery and despair. The one person that had cared for her deeply was now gone, never to return. Her so called friends had abandon her and the rest of the world had simply continued with their lives never caring about the poor sadden maiden or to help in leave her miserable state. Now here she is, standing in the middle of an alley in the freezing rain, knowing she could probably get raped or even killed at any given point but the only thing was – she really didn't give a damn. She didn't give a damn about what would happen to her. Leaving this world and going to the next was only her only wish right now anyway. For her, death would be the easy way to make all her worries, all her doubts and fears go out the window. The chilling winds fall upon her pale skin that made her look like a ghost as her auburn hair was soaked, dripping freezing water from the ends as subtle tears ran down her cheeks. Her eyes spoke of misery, sadness, and darkness. Her once beautiful hazel eyes that were filled with the innocence of a young girl had disappeared into the night sky.

"I need you Joey" she muttered under her breath, holding herself tightly, trying to hold the last bits of warmth in her body even it was failing.

Tears beamed from her eyes, all she wanted was to believe that there was someone who could save her. Someone that could hold her right now and tell her that everything would be ok and that she had a home to go back to.

She fell to the ground to weak to stand any longer. Her mind was racing; she didn't know what to think any more. The bitter cold was enough to drive her to insanity. She felt numb through her whole body, no longer feeling an ounce of emotion.

"I give up, I can't live like this any more" said Shizuka with a deep sorrow in her voice.

"You don't have to"

She turned her head to see a man with platinum hair and dark brown eyes dressed in all black standing over her. She looked into his eyes and felt a chill run down her spine. Something about this man was different; it was almost as if his body was release an aura that filled the air with a terrifying evil like that of the devil. Who was he?

"If you want my money, I have none; if you want my body, it's already been broken, and I have nothing to give you" she said in q quiet yet harsh tone.

"Such bitter words from such a radiate angel" said the man as she helped her get to her feet. "I just happen to be walking and I see you, an angel that's lost her wings"

"I'll ask you again, what is it you want from me?"

"I'm here to answer your prayer, you want to give up, you don't want to live this life anymore….am I right?" he asked, petting her soft locks.

"So you heard me" said Shizuka.

"Every last word, I can give you another life if that's what you want, a chance to live in another reality"

"I don't understand"

"If you come with me I can show a whole new side of life that few have seen in their lifetime, a life that grants you immortality, if you take my hand, you won't have to suffer any longer" he said, extending his hand to her.

"I don't even know your name nor do you know mine" she said.

"If you must know my identity, my name is Bakura"

"I'm Shizuka"

"A pretty name for such a beautiful girl" said Bakura with an evil grin on his face.

"What did you mean by a life that can give me immortality, there's no such thing"

"The real question is if there was would you be willing to take, even if it meant losing your sanity" he said in a chilling voice.

"I'm already on the bridge between sanity and insanity so that isn't going to frighten me" she said.

"Then take my hand if you don't fear the darkness, if you refuse then I'll simply walk and you can forget what happened here"

She looked in his eyes that were surrounded in mysterious but she wanted to trust him, if what he said was true then she would be free but at what cost would she have to give to gain the new found freedom?

She slowly raised her hand and took his own. Even if there was a cost, it would be worth it to escape this harsh reality. She was even willing to submit to the darkness.

He gave her a evil smile and leaned over to whisper in her ear,

"Good choice"

He leaned down a little farther and bit into her skin, glistening his razor sharp fangs. Shizuka felt her freeze, she opened her mouth to scream but no sound would come out. Her mind went blank as she was overcome by the pain until she eventually fainted. Bakura held her in his arms, looking down upon her angelic face as the rain continue to fall and disappeared into the dark. It was that night that Shizuka Kawaii became a vampire…