Chapter 1

Well….as usual….team 7 is waiting for Kakashi, who is always late…, .well…rarely on time.

"AHHHHH! Why is Kakashi sensei always late?" Naruto screamed at the air…which is pretty stupid.

"Shut the trap, Naruto! Kakashi sensei is never on time and you knew that!"

"……"Sasuke just stared at space with his hands in his pockets….

"Good morning!" A voice called.

"YOU ARE LATE, IT IS ALREADY ABOUT NOON!" Naruto and Sakura yelled at their teacher.

"Well……I got lost on my road of life….."

"Liar…" Naruto mumbled to himself.

Well……so it is just a usual mission….cleaning trash….boring day….

End of Chapter.


HAHA, just kidding…THIS is what happened

"Today were going on a mission…...A rank ……with team Gai."

"Oh yeah!" Naruto cried, "….WHAT? Why with them? Aren't we strong enough?"

"……"Sasuke just stared at space with his hands in his pockets….again…..

"Well…eh… just have to ask the Hokage, Naruto." Kakashi answered.

"Kakashi sensei…what's the mission about?" Sakura asked.


"What?" Sasuke asked impatiently.


"What!" Naruto asked…well…I mean shouted.

"Clean the toy shop"


"WHAT? Is that called an A rank mission? That's suppose to be D rank!" Sakura and Naruto shouted.

"Stupid Kakashi……" Sasuke said under his breathe.

"Well….Tsunade Sama just said it is so… go back to pack your things… you guys tomorrow. Bye!" And Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke.


"I think I'll go pack now…bye..." Sakura managed to say.

"Ya….bye…" Naruto answered. And Team 7 dismissed to……pack things…..

To Team Gai:

"NOW! My youthful young students! Were going on a mission! With team 7!"

"Gai Sensei….we are not young anymore….." Tenten had 3 lines on her face.

"YES GAI SENSEI!" Lee cried. And you can see sunset and two watermelon head hugging together saying:





"…….." Neji and Tenten sweat drop.

"I can't believe that I have this kind of teacher and teammate."

"Me too….."

End of Chapter 1 plz R and R

Theunknown: Well…I think this is pretty stupid….

Biancajewel: Yeah….its also short too.

Appleiam: YAYAYAYA! Now shut up, or else I'll kick both ur ass off! (Starts running around like crazy) HAHAHAHAHA!

B and T: --