I do not own Charmed or their characters with the exception of Christine, Allyson, and Charles.

Leo gets the surprise of his life. A granddaughter and great-grandchildren? First fanfic. Please be kind and review.

Leo ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Hi honey," he said when he spotted Piper at the stove. "What are you making?"

Piper looked up and wiped a stray hair from her forehead. "Um, I am making Chicken Primavera, homemade garlic bread, and a crisp green salad." She motioned around to the simmering pots, colanders, bowls, bread maker, and various spices. "It's just been demon fighting, faking deaths, demon fighting, taking on Billie, demon fighting, new identities, demon fighting, going back to our true identities, demon fighting, being a wife and mother, demon fighting. I am finally getting back into the kitchen to cook something other than potions. I miss that."

Leo gave his wife a bright smile. "Did you forget to mention, demon fighting?" He ducked a flying dish towel. "Piper, you can cook anytime you want to! I really miss your cooking," he said leaning towards Piper with a sexy little grin.

Both turned around to see Wyatt orb into the kitchen. "Mommy! Daddy! Dinner!" he yelled pointing the stuff cooking. "Chris and me hungry, Mommy."

Leo picked up Wyatt and smiled. "Chris too, huh. Hungry for Mommy's cooking?" Wyatt nodded with a sly smile. "Oh really? Since when does your baby brother eat chicken?" Leo asked tickling him.

Wyatt laughed and squirmed in his daddy's arms. "I don't know why," Piper began, "but, Leo, have you ever thought of the grandchildren we are going to have someday from our boys? I mean, someday you and I will be Grandma and Grandpa."

"Yeah, I have thought about it. I think it will be great! We can spoil our grandchildren and give them back!" Leo laughed.

"I have the cutest little outfit for Chris for Halloween!" Phoebe gushed as she breezed into the kitchen. "Wow! Piper cooking again! Are you sick?" Phoebe asked, laughing.

"Hahaha Sis! What outfit?" Piper asked.

Phoebe whipped a little outfit out from around her back. It was a duck suit. With a fluffy tale and everything.

"OH!" Piper squealed. "It is so adorable! Leo, go get Chris and bring him down here and get Wyatt's costume too, please."

Leo left to go back upstairs.

An hour later Paige and Billie came strolling in the front door. "We come bearing Halloween candy!" Paige called out.

"Among other things!" Billie said with a smile carrying in other packages.

"Among other things?" asked Phoebe as she came in holding Chris.

"Well, we saw this new shop and we thought we would stop in and see what they got," Said Billie.

"I see," said Piper with Wyatt and Leo. "From what I see you did more than stop and see what they got." Piper nodded towards the packages.

"Well," began Paige with her quirky grin. "What can we say, we saw what they got and we decided to splurge. Oh! The kids look great!"

Wyatt was dressed as Dalmatian puppy and Chris in his duck outfit. "Woof! Woof! Woof!" barked Wyatt.

Everyone laughed. Leo held up the camera. "Time for pictures!"

Two hours later Leo, Piper, and the kids came back in from Trick-Or-Treating. "They were a smashing success!" said Piper. "Everyone on the block thought they were so cute they got extra candy!"

"Ooooo! The more for us!" cried Billie and Paige.

"Well, we have had a lot of Trick-Or-Treaters tonight," began Phoebe. "A lot of families with younger children have moved in the neighborhood." She held up the nearly empty candy bowl.

Leo took the kids upstairs for their baths and bedtime. Paige and Billie went into the attic to study more. Phoebe and Piper sat on the couch talking about old time Halloween's. Laughing and some of the antics they tried pulling on Prue and Grams.

Half an hour later Leo came downstairs reporting the kids had their baths and were zonked out in bed. The doorbell rang as Leo was crossing the hallway. "I'll get it," he called out.

Leo opens the door and looked down to see two children. A boy about nine or ten dressed as a zombie and a girl about six or seven dressed as Sleeping Beauty. "Trick-Or-Treat!" they called out.

Leo grinned. "Wow! What great costumes. They look homemade."

"Thank you! That is because it is homemade." Their mother said with a smile.

Leo looked up and saw their mother. Then it seemed as if time went still. Not like Piper freezing time but just stood still. His mouth dropped open. The woman gasped. The shocked looked mirrored Leo's.

"Grandpa?" the woman managed to whisper before she fainted on the porch.