Disclaimer: I own Jin and Touya. Yes, I do, every inch. Ok, so maybe I don't. Are you happy now conscience? Huh? Damn honesty…



Yaoi (deal with it, it's how I write. Maybe the next one will be het).

Possible OOC, but then again, we don't know much about Jin and Touya, do we?

A/N: Each divider marks a different person's POV. It starts off in Jin's, then moves to Touya, back to Jin, etc. I hope that you enjoy…

No More Dust Bunnies

I sighed. He was at it again. Touya's always off trainin'. He never even tries ta have fun. I wish I could show him what fun really is. I know! Touya's me good friend, maybe we can have a sleepover! It's perfect! I'll have ta get ready…

There, he's looking the other way. Now I can finally look at him without shame. His strong, muscled body, wild red hair, large blue eyes, topped off with a small cream-colored horn. I'm not exactly sure when my feelings began towards the Windmaster, but they can't be denied. I've tried giving hints, I've played hard to get, I all-out asked him once, but thankfully he was too drunk to answer, let alone remember.

Now he left. Oh well, nothing to do now but train. Subconsciously, the ice shards he was sending shrieking at a tree formed the silhouette of a certain Irish demon.

All right, everything's set. I've got the food, I've got the movies, now all I need is Touya. I'll go get him! "Touya, oh Tooouuuuya!"

Eh? Why is Jin calling me? Better see what he wants. "Come on, Touya. We're goin' ta have a li'l sleepover! It'll be fun," he said in his Irish accent. I wonder if he knows how utterly adorable it is? Oh, he wants an answer. "I suppose I can, if I must." Phew, pulled off cool and not desperate.

He's comin'! Whoo! Partay! This is going to be more fun than a fight! I can feel my ears pointin' already.

Later, I was in Jin's room. All the food had been eaten, the movies watched. All that was left on the sleepover schedule was the sleeping. I looked around for a sleeping bag or blanket. "Jin, where am I going to sleep?" I asked. "Aw, darn it!' he cried out as he smacked his head in frustration. "How could I forget yer bed? I'm sorry Touya," he said, genuinely apologetic. "Perhaps I should return to my own room," I said awkwardly. How could my closest dream be thwarted by a simple lack of bedding?

Touya can't leave now! The fun's just beginnin'. Wait, I know….

"You can sleep in me bed too! It'll be great!" he proclaimed as he held open the covers so that I could catch a glimpse of his red boxer shorts. Must…concentrate…do not…drool. "I suppose," I said elegantly as I slid into his bed. It smells like him. I could die.

Yes! Sleepover on!

Lying beside my truest love, I longed to tell him my feelings, but that might ruin our perfect moment. I wonder, if I lean into him, will he mind?

Asleep Ah, please, no! Not the

"DUST BUNNIES!" he shrieked in him sleep. "Jin, Jin! It's ok, it was only a dream." I said soothingly, stroking his hair gently, as I had imagined so many times before. He slowly entered the waking world.

I…hate…dust bunnies. Help me Touya!

He wrapped his muscled arm around my waist and held me close. I must be dreaming. I was at a loss as to what to do. I had never been so close to a person before, including my parents. I went with my instincts and nuzzled into his chest.

Maybe Touya can chase away the nightmares. He can be my new Teddy bear. I'm sorry Teddy, I didn't mean for you to be lost in a tornado!

This must be heaven because here I am, cradled in Jin's arms. Perhaps we can do this always. "Touya?" "Yes Jin?" "Could you sleep here every night. Ye can chase away th' dust bunnies." "I suppose I could." I answered as I buried my face into his warm chest.

No more dust bunnies. Now I can finally go to slee… snore
