A/N: Welcome to No Turning Back everyone! This is a short chapter for now, but in upcoming ones they'll be longer, I hope. But thisi is just shorter to see if I'll get a lot of feed back on it or not. So please review and tell me what you think! Thxs! Oh, and this is an alternate ending to Ep. III. But NOT an Anakin redemption fic. (I like it when he's evil, what can I say?)

Disclamer: I do not own Star Wars! (Darn it)

Chapter 1

"I have the high ground, Anakin!"

"You underestimate my power."

"Don't try it."

As Anakin frowned, he leapt off the platform and flipped through the air towards Obi-Wan, who stood at the ready with his light saber. Obi-Wan swept his weapon at Anakin, but was surprised when all he went through was empty space. He turned around to face Anakin, who held his saber in attack position. Anakin brought down his light saber in a quick swoop, and within seconds Obi-Wan lay on the black cinders, dead. With his foot, Anakin sent his old master down into the lava and watched contentedly as the body burned to a black crisp. With a slight smirk, he turned away from the sight and began his descent back upwards to find his wife; he had to make sure she was all right.

Anakin had never meant to harm Padme, but she had betrayed him! She had brought Obi-Wan here to kill him! Anakin's body twisted and his fists clenched as he thought of that betrayal. For a moment he wanted to continue his throat choke on her and finish her off, but there was something holding him back; something that he could not explain. He knew that she deserved to die after what she had done, but he refrained from any more physical harm. Once he had gotten back up to the platform, where the ship had landed, and saw Padme lying there, helpless and unconscious, something snapped in him.

At that moment he hated everyone. No one was free from his wrath, including himself. He hated himself for doing this to her, he hated her for coming here, he hated Palpatine for telling him the ways of the Sith; he even hated the unborn child that Padme was carrying, for if it had not come, he would have never had visions of Padme dying and none of this would ever had happened. Anakin knelt over his unconscious wife, clutching her to his chest as he began to weep. Under his sobs, he swore that the universe would pay; everyone would suffer for this anomaly that had happened to him. He looked up as he heard another spacecraft coming in for a landing. He recognized that craft immediately as one of Palpatine's. Lowering his wife gently back onto the ground, he stood up slowly, preparing himself for the meeting that was about to take place. Anakin watched in anger as he saw the door open and Sidious appear, his deformed face hidden behind his cloak. Anakin could hear Sidious' cackle as he walked down from the capsule and approach him. Subconsciously, Anakin flinched at the sound; it sickened him to the core. As Sidious got closer and stood nearly a foot away from him, Anakin clenched his fists and looked down at his feet.

"You have done well, my apprentice," came Palpatine's hypnotizing words. "I trust you have destroyed General Kenobi?"

"Yes, Master," Anakin replied, still not looking up.

"Ah, I see your wife came for a visit too?" Sidious asked, an evil grin spreading across his hideous face. "She betrayed you, didn't she, Vader. Kill her."

Anakin's head shot up, unsure of what he heard. "What?"

"You heard me. Kill. Her. Now."

He grimaced as he looked down at his wife. Could he kill her? Should he kill her? Deep down, Anakin knew that he wouldn't be able to do it; he loved her too much, no matter what she had done. Anakin knew that he now had a choice of what action to take, and he sensed that Sidious knew that as well.

"You don't have the guts to do it," Sidious spat.

Slowly raising his head, Anakin looked into Darth Sidious' eyes for the first time since he had gotten here and saw his reflection in his eyes. What he saw sickened him, his own eyes showing the same yellow that Sidious had in his. Anakin glanced away and looked back down at his wife. He was doing everything for her, to protect her; he could not stop now. As Anakin looked back up at his "master" he realized that he had chosen his path and there was no turning back now; he had to go through with it. Raising his light saber over Padme's unmoving body, he heard Sidious' laughter. With a swing of his light saber, he cut the body in two and could no longer hear Sidious' insane laughter.

It is a fan fiction sin to read and not review!