Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters created by the wonderful J.K. Rowling. But I do have them on loan!

Just a little something fun I came up with. Its short and prolly not that original but maybe you guys will like it anyway! Let me know what you think, the bad, good, and the whatever else.

Late Night Homework

"Stupid bells,"

Hermione mumbled. As if she needed a (constant!) reminder of how late it was.

Everyone else had gone to bed ages ago. Even her best friends, Ron and Harry, had left her an hour ago. They had been too tired and too lazy to finish their essays on the history of defensive magic that was due in two days time> Both left flashing her apologetic smiles that read "we'll finish them tomorrow, Hermione" as they cautiously backed away from the flustered witch and her reproachful glares.

So, its just me and the grandfather clock, once again.

Hermione thought, as she perused another large tome. She had almost finished her essay now, and was proud to say it was five times the required length, not including footnotes, references, and explanatory parenthetical asides.

Usually, Hermione, would have finished her essay sooner but something had been bothering her lately, although she couldn't quite put her finger on it. And for Hermione Granger, not knowing something was definitely annoying. She sighed and slammed the heavy leather cover of the book shut and blew her fringe out of her eyes.

The last bell rang and Hermione was just casting a smug look of triumph at the offending clock when her newly won silence was threatened again. This time, she heard the portrait that hid the entrance to the Gryffindor common room swing open.

Hmpf! the prefect within her thought, Someone is getting in quite late.

She turned around in time to see a figure dressed in black sweep into the room and hadn't even the chance to gasp when a gloved hand covered her mouth.

Okay, I know that was really short, but if I see people are reading this I will make my next chapters longer. Title incomplete as of yet.

Please review if you get the chance!
