I do not own the characters, of course, but I did write this! That's a start… It's about what happened to the tragic corpse bride, Emily)

Drowning In a Dream

I see no light; the dark is all that I have known

And that's how it's been for I don't know how long

Yet it's been all too long

But then I see you; just a little glimpse of light

And, oh, I want you for my own, to scare away the darkness

Something alive to chase away my foolish fears

A love at long last

But what I don't know, what I don't care to know

Will come back to get me

I don't even know what I'm doing to myself

I only care for me, only for my feelings

I don't care to notice what you feel

And in the end you'll leave me

Though you're the only one I truly ever loved

I brought this to myself; I'm drowning in a dream

I thought for a time you would come to save me

But then I realized you didn't love me truly

You were scared and I was too overjoyed to notice

I loved you but I didn't let you know me

How could I ever expect a complete stranger's love?

It shows just how naïve love can be

You stood in the light while I was in the darkness

I could see you clearly but I was just a blur

How do I imagine such far-fetched love?

That just shows how blind I am

How could I ever expect anyone to love someone they couldn't see?

I didn't even know what I was doing to myself

I only cared for me, only for my feelings

I didn't care to notice what you felt

And in the end you left me

Though you're the only one I truly ever loved

I brought this to myself; I drowned in my dream

(Be nice! It's my first one!)