Z Star: Hello everyone! We are back! And for the last time.
Goten and Trunks: WAAAAAHHHH!
Z Star: I know I know. But hey, the good thing is that we can be together in this story for one last time.
Goten: I'm so depressed.
Trunks: Me too.
Z Star: Oh no I've made them dark and moody! I guess I'll have to use my crazy, creative writing to save the day! Oh and I don't own anything. Except my character who's making her first ever appearance, Yen Yang.
Chapter Six: Happy Halloween!
Gohan slammed the back door behind him, wiping the nervous sweat off his forehead.
"Phew! That was a close one." He chuckled. I guess I'll go home now, once I find Goten. I hope he had a better night then I did…
Gohan was about to open the garden gate that let him out, until he saw,
"Ugh…" Was his reply. He was hanging upside down from a tree, bruised, battered and basically in a world of pain. Sharpener had cuts everywhere. You almost felt sorry for him…
"O.O What happened to you!" Gohan asked, thinking of a way to get him down.
"Hi big brother!" Gohan turned around to the voice that belonged to his youngest and only sibling Goten, with his best friend Trunks. They sat eating a pique-nick of sweets, which they found in Sharpener's shed.
"Goten! Trunks!" Gohan asked. "What did you do to him!"
"He called me short!" Goten whimpered, with his chibi-eyes.
"And he said he wouldn't give us candy!" Trunks said. Gohan slapped his forehead.
"You can't just go beating people up for doing that kind of stuff! That's what guys like Cell, Freeza and Garlic Junior and Senior would do!" Gohan said, kneeling to their level. "I know this is partly Halloween's fault, with the sugar and that but you can control yourselves for a bit can't you?"
Trunks and Goten looked at each other and said,
"No." Gohan sweat dropped.
"Well I guess I can't blame you, you are only 7 and 6 year olds." Goten and Trunks nodded. "I remember when I was your age-"
"Gohan please don't go on about the old days." Goten begged.
"-.- Fine, but lets get Sharpener to a hospital."
"Do we have to?" Trunks and Goten said making the puppy dog eyes that only Gohan could resist.
"Yes! Look what you did to him." Gohan said turning to Sharpener, moaning in pain.
"You do now all this time my blood has been rushing to my brain, being upside down for over an hour." Sharpener said.
"Wow, I didn't know you had a high enough I.Q to know that." Gohan snickered.
So they left Sharpener at the hospital with the ugly nurse, who tried to kiss him a couple of times. But Gohan being the kind person he was protected Sharpener from the hairy beast. After that they decided to go back to Capsule Corp.
"Hey everyone we're back!" Gohan said, putting his coat on the hanger.
Bulma was drinking a cup of coffee at the kitchen table with her husband sitting next to her. Yep they stopped arguing just about 2 minutes ago. But they weren't the only ones there.
Krillin, Android 18 and Maron came around to say hi, leaving Master Roshi at home. Well they thought they left him at home, but he followed by sitting on the roof of the car.
Puar and Yamcha had decided to visit too, with his and Bulma's daughter, Yen Yang. It's a long story, let's just say too much alcohol can lead to some mistakes, but miracles as well.
Yen Yang was 12 years old had black, long hair, tied back and pastel blue eyes like her mothers. Vegeta didn't seem too found of her though (Who would be fond of their wife's ex boyfriend's daughter?).
But that wasn't all the people, even Chi Chi came to see how her boys were doing, with Tien and Chiaotzu and even Piccolo!
"Hello boys!" Chi Chi and Bulma greeted.
"So how much candy did you get?" Yen Yang asked, taking a sip of her juice.
"Practically nothing!" Trunks said, holding out his trick or treat bag.
"The only candy we got only fills up half the bag!" Goten grumbled.
"Aww, I'm sorry guys." Yen Yang frowned.
"You know Halloween isn't over yet you know…" Krillin smirked. He reached into his bag and took out a couple of sweets. He threw them at the Chibis and they caught it. "Happy Halloween."
"Thanks Krillin!" Trunks and Goten dried, with their big happy chibi eyes.
"Oh yeah, I have some sweets for you too." Yamcha reached into his rucksack and handed the happy saiyans the sugary snacks. "They're left overs from a Halloween party I went to. I don't want them so you can have them."
"WHOOOOPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Goten cheered, eating the sweets out of Yamcha's hands like a Parana, nearly biting his hand off.
"OWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Poor Yamcha. "I think he bit one of my fingers off!"
"Oh don't be paranoid Yamcha, you just got a bite mark." Bulma informed him, taking out a few bandages.
"Come on, me and Bulma will fix your boo boo." Chi Chi teased.
"I AM NOT 12 ANYMORE!" Yamcha screamed, holding his broken finger.
"Yeah, but you sure seem to act like it." Yen Yang giggled.
"Ok missy, that's enough of your cheek!" Yamcha chuckled chasing his daughter and Trunks and Goten following behind screaming, then Maron and Yen Yang joined in. Then Gohan thought, what the heck, I'll join in the fun too!
"Oh GREAT! Now they're all hyper!" Piccolo grumbled crossing his arms. And I thought that at least Gohan would grow out of that by now…
"Maron please calm down!" Android 18 yelled after Maron.
"I told you celebrating Halloween this year was a bad idea!" Vegeta snapped at Bulma. "This is another repeat from last year!"
"Don't you talk to her like that!" Chi Chi growled, putting her hands on her hips.
"Stay out of this, Kakarot's whore!" Vegeta snapped again.
"Vegeta!" Bulma gasped, while tears rimmed in Chi Chi's eyes. Vegeta realized what he just said, and thought he should do something quick.
"O.O Um… um… Chi Chi, what I said was completely out of order, and I hope you accept my most-"
"HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME AND MY DEAD HUSBAND LIKE THAT!" Chi Chi screamed and then WHACK! Vegeta had a HUGE punch mark on his face. He was speechless. Even Yamcha, Gohan and the kids stopped chasing each other.
"Uh-oh this can't be good." Gohan said.
"This is going to be good!" Trunks squealed under his breath.
"Yeah, too bad we don't have popcorn!" Goten grinned. "Oh wait, I have some in my pocket!"
"I WAS ABOUT TO APOLOGIZE YOU OLD BIDDY!" Piccolo, Gohan and Krillin tried to hold Vegeta back and Bulma, Android 18 and Yamcha tried to hold Chi Chi back.
"GO DAD!" Trunks cheered.
"GET HIM MAMA!" Goten cheered with popcorn in his mouth.
"Come on Chi Chi you are better then this!" Android 12 growled.
"Should we try to help?" Chiaotzu asked, thinking weather he should risk his life again and get killed or stay out of it.
"You stay out of this one Chiaotzu, you know we can't bring you back with the Dragon Balls anymore. I'll help." So the brave Tien stepped in, taking his jacket.
"Well this has been a great night!" Trunks said.
"Yeah! Too bad Halloween only comes once a year." Goten smiled.
To interrupt the battle of the century, the doorbell rang.
"We'll get it!" Gohan and Yen Yang said. They left the fight and opened the door to none other then Hercule! Also known as Mr. Satan! The biggest fake in all of Dragon Ball Z!
"Can we help you?" Yen Yang asked, raising an eyebrow. Hercule was huffing and puffing like an angry bull who was seeing red.
"Can you help me… can you help me?" Hercule growled.
"Yen Yang, go inside!" Gohan warned and Yen Yang did as she was told. Uh-oh, I think this might have something to do with me…I knew I shouldn't have asked Videl to dance!
But how wrong Gohan was. Lucky for him Hercule wasn't hunting him down. But Gohan could beat Hercule up any day with or without his saiyen powers.
"YES YOU CAN HELP ME! SOMEONE! IN THIS HOUSE! BROKE! MY! DOORBELL!" The fake champion exploded at the top of his voice. Trunks and Goten decided to peer through the door and Hercule immediately recognized them. "YOU TWO! YOU'RE THE BRATS WHO BROKE MY BELL!"
"Uh oh!" Goten squeaked.
"We're dead! We're dead!" Trunks repeated over and over again.
"RUN GOTEN! RUN TRUNKS!" Gohan screamed at the top of his voice, trying to keep Hercule out. But another threat came crashing through the door, and you know his as Android 17!
"HEY! YOU'RE NOT THE KID ON THE OATMEAL BOX!" Android 17 screamed at Trunks, pointing an accusing finger at the boy. "YOU'RE THAT BRAT WHO NEARLY KILLED ME! I'M GONNA GET YOU! AND YOUR LITTLE FRIEND!"
"Eeep!" Trunks squealed like a little girl. Goten had to swallow all the saliva in his throat, just so he wouldn't choke himself with the fear he felt. 'Gulp!'
"HEY! That's our son's you're talking to!" Vegeta and Chi Chi growled.
"You take the android and I'll take care of the fake who stole my husbands glory!" Chi Chi and Vegeta nodded. Finally they had come to an agreement for once. "ATTACK!"
And like Native American Indians they charged at the two intruders and an even bigger fight broke out!
"Aren't we lucky to have such good and protective parents?" Goten said to Trunks.
"Damn right my old friend." Trunks grinned, as they watched the scene, putting an arm around Goten's shoulder. "Happy Halloween Goten."
Then Goten wrapped his arm around Trunk's shoulder and used his other arm to hold the candy bar he was eating. "Happy Halloween Trunks!" He chirped. "And Merry Christmas!"
Trunks rolled his eyes. "That's not for at least 2 months! But why am I telling you anyway? You'll forget that in about a minute…"
"What did you say Trunks?"
"See what I mean? Eh, Merry Christmas to you too Goten and happy Halloween till next year!"
Z Star: Well that's the end of the story. 'Sniff' excuse me, I think I've got a tear in my eye…
Goten: Aww don't cry Star!
Trunks: Yeah, you can write a sequel next year and Christmas is around the corner!
Z Star: You're right! Look out for my next DBZ Halloween fic next year! But for now, I bid you all good bye! Miss ya already! And Merry Christmas!
Goten and trunks: GOOD BYE! (Waves goodbye)
Devil-Sima Yi: Thanks for the support Dude! I hope you liked the final chapter. Sorry if it was a flop though -.-; I don't think it was as good as the other chapters.
TrunksgirlBalze27: Sorry for taking awhile to update but I hope this last chapter was a success!
Jill2282: Well miracles can happen, I sure hope Goten becomes smarter.
J.Jaguron: Thanks for the support, I am doing a sequel for this next year so look me up!
Princess-Aiel: It only takes one person to ruin everyone else's fun -.-; Yeah I think Sharpener definitely ;earned his lesson:) See ya round Aiel!