"There's nothing to do around here!"

The Doctor and Rose are exploring the TARDIS. They go into a room full of old recreational stuff: mostly junk. Then they discover that the door is broken and they can't get out. The Doctor starts using his sonic screwdriver to fix it. Rose becomes bored.

Rose: I'm bored...

Doctor: Shut up.

R: What can I do while you fix that?

D: Read a book.

R: Great..

Rose goes to the bookshelf.

R: Damn!

Rose goes back to the Doctor.

R: I can't understand the language!

D: (sigh) Watch a movie.

R: There's nothing to watch them on.

D: Tidy up.

R: Eww! It's all covered in dust!

D: Have a nap!

R: But I'm not tired..

D: No..

The Doctor shines the sonic screwdriver in Rose's eyes.

D: You are tired..

Rose falls unconscious.

The Doctor goes back to fixing the door in peace and quiet.