Chosen to Rise; Destined to Fall

Part Two: The Beginning

Chapter Thirteen-

- The Heir of Slytherin-

Tom was silent as the Slytherins made their way out of the Great Hall. He looked up in awe at the moving staircases. Students made their way up the stairs and had to pause when several staircases shifted. The walls were covered in thousands of moving portraits and Tom could only look around in wonder.

"Gryffindors, this way," called a tall, brown haired boy. His Prefect badge shone in the light and Tom thought, I'll have one of those when I'm a fifth year.

The Slytherins stopped, allowing a group of students to pass. Several Slytherins leered and called out snide remarks to the Gryffindors. They retorted back and two boys, one from each house, almost got into a nasty row. However, one of the Professors walked out at that moment and the two boys stepped back, scowling at each other.

"Gryffindor and Slytherin are fierce rivals," said a voice and Tom looked over to see a boy with strawberry blond hair, blue eyes, and Slytherin robes denoting him as at least a second year. Even though Tom was younger then him, they stood at the same height. "The name's Malcolm Travers. I'm a third year." The boy smiled.

Tom smiled slightly back. "Tom Riddle."

"Good to meet you," said Malcolm as they began walking again. They turned a corner, heading down a corridor.

"We're not up there?" asked Tom.

"Nope. Dungeons for us," chuckled Malcolm. "Only Gryffindor and Ravenclaw live in the towers."

Tom nodded, looking around at the portrait covered walls. They headed down a set of stairs and Tom noted that the ceiling was arched high above their heads. This corridor was darker, with torches encased in marble columns lining the path. The walls were slightly damp and stony, matching the floor.

"So the rivalry is that bad?" asked Tom.

Malcolm nodded. "Quidditch is even worse. People have been sent to the hospital wing plenty of times during and after matches."

Tom arched an eyebrow. "Really…"

"But after all," continued Malcolm with a shrug, "the house rivalry has been like this from the beginning."

"True." They were quiet for a few moments. Then Tom asked, "So what do you know about Salazar Slytherin?"

"Have you heard about the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Read bout it in Hogwarts: A History,"

Malcolm chuckled. "Read that huge thing, have you?"


"Well, then you know the whole legend, what with the Heir of Slytherin and all."

"What do you know about it?" asked Tom, deciding to see how much information he could glean from Malcolm. Even thought he knew a little, he could make it appear as though he knew enough but was just trying to get another's viewpoint on it.

"I heard –" Malcolm stopped as the group came to halt before a large portrait of a man in a top hat and fancy black dress robes. He carried a silver staff with him and his gaze was piercing.

"Password?" asked the portrait coolly.

"Pureblood," said Rafe, the Prefect leading the first-years.

"I should hope so," responded the portrait before swinging open and allowing them to pass into a dim corridor. They entered an enormous room with an arched ceiling. The stone walls were covered in dark green tapestries and the entire room looked elegant. On either end of the room were two tall, Gothic windows, but they looked more like decorations then something to allow light to pass. Most of the floor was smooth stones but where there was carpet, it was plush and rich looking. A vast fireplace crackled with welcoming flames along one wall, with comfortable-looking black leather furniture scattered about the room in semi-circles. Above the fireplace there was an intimidating portrait of Salazar Slytherin. Tom found himself caught in Salazar's gaze.

It took a few moments before he snapped out of it, turning to see the older students moving into their own groups, lounging around the common room. On the far wall were two areas for studying, with tables and bookshelves stuffed with old books. Between the two areas were twin staircases, going off in opposite directions.

"Now," Rafe was saying. Tom turned to the Prefect, listening. "To the right is the boy's dormitory, left is the girl's. Myself and Eileen," said Rafe, motioning to the sallow faced girl Tom had seen in Flourish and Blotts, "are your Prefects. If you need anything, let us know. Midnight is the curfew for being back here in the common room. We can give points and we can take points away, so make sure you check the notice board for anything we might put up." He pointed to the notice board by the entrance to the common room. "Now, it's late and we all have an early morning tomorrow, so get some sleep. Your uniforms and things are already up in your dormitories." He stepped back, turning to talk to Eileen.

The majority of first-years made their way to the stairs and Malcolm walked over to Tom. "Ready for your first day?" asked Malcolm.

"Of course. So what were you going to say before?" asked Tom as they made their way over to two chairs by the window. They took their seats and Malcolm propped his feet up on a small table.

"The Heir of Slytherin is said to possess the same characteristics of Salazar and able to control the creature that lies within the Chamber of Secrets. Of course, we don't know if this Chamber really exists, as it's only legend, but you never know."

Tom nodded. "So what characteristics?"

"Being a Parselmouth, left-handed, even the appearance of the person possibly."

Tom chewed his lip thoughtfully. Parselmouth…that's me…and I'm left-handed… He looked over at the portrait of their Founder for a few moments and then looked back at Malcolm. "So do you think there's an Heir?"

"Sure. Why not?"

"Your foot isss in my way," came a whispered voice. Tom blinked, glancing down. His eyes widened slightly upon seeing a black snake with silver lines. It was sitting in the two inch space between his chair and the wall. It stuck out its tongue, tasting the air and lifted its head, peering up at Tom. "You can underssstand me?"

Tom nodded slightly, glancing at Malcolm, who was talking with a boy that had walked over. Tom caught his name, "Gordon," and then looked back at the snake. "Do you have a name?" he whispered.

"Nagini. And I'm a she."

He checked to see if anyone was watching and then reached down, watching as Nagini slithered up to coil around his forearm. "You live in the castle?"

"Yesss. I've been here for quite sssome time." Nagini lifted her head as Tom brought her to his lap. "You're new here…I haven't ssseen you around."

"My first year."

"You ssspoke of the Heir of Ssslytherin. You could be the Heir."

Tom was quiet, thinking about that. Hm…she's right… "Wouldn't the Heir have to be a pureblood?"

"Not necessssarily. It doesssn't sssay that in the booksss."

"What books?"

"In the Ressstricted Sssection of the library. I sssee people go in and out all the time."

"How do you get in there?"

"I do not know."

Tom felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and realized he was being watched. He looked to see Malcolm and his friend, Gordon, staring at Tom with open mouths, in shock.

"You – you can talk to snakes?" asked Malcolm in a whisper.

"Yes." Tom allowed Nagini to slither up his arm and around his upper back, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Y-you're a Parselmouth!" squeaked Gordon.

Tom shrugged. "Yes."

"T-this – there's never been a Parselmouth here before, not in ages!" exclaimed Gordon.

"They say that Parselmouths are Dark Wizards," said Malcolm quietly.

"Possibly." Tom shrugged. "Doesn't mean I'm a Dark Wizard."

"Are you left-handed?" asked Gordon.


"What if all that stuff about the Heir of Slytherin was true…" murmured Malcolm.

"You do look a lot like Salazar," commented Gordon.

"I guess I'll just have to figure that out," said Tom. He looked at Nagini. "Do you stay here?"

"Yesss. I will talk to you later," she hissed, slithering over the back of the chair and down to the floor, disappearing into the shadows.

Tom looked back at Malcolm and Gordon, who had very curious expressions on their faces. "How long have you known?" asked Gordon.

"Ever since I was little. They spoke to me on trips to the country."

"This is wicked!" exclaimed Gordon excitedly. "I've never known any Parselmouths!"

"They're not that common," said Malcolm.

I wonder if that's why Dumbledore gave me that look when I asked about my ability to speak to snakes, thought Tom. He wouldn't give me any more information…did he think I was a Dark Wizard or something?

"Boys, its nearing midnight," said Rafe, walking over to them. "We've got to get up at six, so you might want to head upstairs."

"Alright," said Malcolm, looking at Rafe. "We're heading up." He stood, looking back to Tom. "We should talk tomorrow night. I think I know of something that might interest you." He and Gordon, who was still staring at Tom, made their way towards the stairs.

Tom waited a few minutes before following, heading upstairs. He found himself in a short corridor. Names engraved on golden plates were beside each door. Tom found his name and saw that he would be sharing a room with Randolph, Alphard, and a boy named Dominic Avery.

Tom entered the room, looking around at the four, four-poster beds hung with dark green drapings. Beside each bed were a desk and wardrobe. A door to the far right was cracked open, revealing a bathroom. There were no windows but the walls had silver and green cloth draped over areas that weren't covered by rich tapestries. In the center of the room was a circular fireplace, covered by grates. Oil lamps sat on each desk, keeping the room well-lit.

"Hi," said a voice.

Tom turned, startled by the voice as he thought he was alone. A boy sat on a bed, feeding his eagle owl which was perched beside the bed. The boy was already in his pajamas and his ear-length dark brown hair hung in waves around his face. His dark eyes were friendly but there was something else hidden there.

"Hello," said Tom.

"I'm Dominic, Dom for short." The boy, Dominic, sat back against his pillows, kicking off his slippers. He folded his hands behind his head.


"You live in an orphanage, don't you? Randolph was saying something earlier about that."

Tom shrugged. "So?" He walked over to his bed, opening his trunk and pulling out his pajamas. He changed, sliding into his bed. "I'll find out about my family soon enough."

"Well you have to be a pureblood, otherwise you wouldn't have made it into this house," said Dominic.

That's what you think, thought Tom.

Randolph and Alphard walked in at that moment. "I can't believe I'm finally here!" said Alphard with a grin. He changed into his pajamas, jumping onto his bed. "And in Slytherin! Just like the rest of my family. It's wicked!"

Randolph moved to his bed, changing, and sliding under the covers. "I knew I'd be in this house. There wasn't ever a question."

"Stick in the mud," smirked Alphard, throwing a pillow at Randolph.

"Just saying." Randolph threw the pillow back at Alphard and blew out his lamp. "I'm going to bed." Randolph reached over to his drapings and pulled them shut. Alphard, Dominic and Tom all looked at each other, eyebrows raised.

"I think he got up on the wrong side of the bed," whispered Alphard and Dominic snickered.

"I heard that," came Randolph's voice from behind his curtains.

"You were meant to," said Alphard and laughed.

"Tomorrow should be fun," said Dominic. "I look forward to Potions. I heard that Professor Slughorn, the head of our house, makes it really fun. And, we might even snag an invitation to his Slug Club."

"What's that?" asked Tom.

"Special group of Slughorn's," explained Alphard. "My father was part of it. Slughorn came in my father's final year here at Hogwarts and said that only the elite were selected."

"It could be fun," said Dominic. He stifled a yawn. "Tomorrow morning will come all too soon. Night." He blew out his light and closed his drapings.

"See you in the morning, Tom," said Alphard, doing the same.

"Night." Tom blew out his light, blanketing the room in darkness save for the fireplace in the center. He shut his drapings and laid back in his bed, looking upwards into the dark. Hm…the Heir of Slytherin? Possibly. I'll have to see what books Nagini was talking about. I love this place already. It's such a relief from the orphanage and the people here…I'm actually getting along with them for the most part. I don't have to be on the edge all the time and defending myself. And seeing the looks in Malcolm and Gordon's faces when they found out I was a Parselmouth…I loved it. There was fear and awe and I could definitely get used to it. He closed his eyes, settling himself to sleep.

The next morning dawned bright and early. Too early in Tom's opinion. He heard something ringing and realized it was an alarm clock. He quickly pulled his pillow over his head, blocking out the sound. "Bloody alarm," he muttered.

"It'sss morning,"

"Go away Nagini." His voice was muffled by his pillow. He felt something touch his face and tickle his cheek. "Nagini, stop."

"The othersss have already gone downstairsss to breakfassst. You're late."

At that, Tom bolted up, opening his drapes. An angry hiss resulted from Nagini being suddenly knocked to the floor. "Sorry," he said quickly, looking around. Sure enough, everyone was gone. "Bloody hell," he cursed, climbing out of his bed. He glanced at the time. Good, still a half an hour before breakfast starts, he thought. After a quick shower, he changed into his uniform. He paused, looking at the mirror. It was as if the poor orphan boy was gone and replaced by a completely different person. A tall boy looked back at him, with wavy dark hair, piercing eyes and pale skin. The uniform fit him well and he had to admit the green and silver seemed to make it even better. He donned his robe, smirking. A serpent…how appropriate.

Running his fingers one last time through his hair, he left. As he neared the entrance to the Great Hall, a familiar blond head passed by, laughing with three other Gryffindors. Vincent saw Tom and said, "I'll catch you inside." Once the three Gryffindors had walked into the Great Hall, Vincent turned to Tom. "Looks like we're rivals."

"Appears that way," said Tom calmly. He noted that Vincent's robes weren't second hand and a spark of anger flashed in his stomach. He kept it down, his face remaining calm and cool. He should never have left me,Tom thought angrily.

"Thought we were going to stay best friends forever."

"Forever is a long time." Tom strode past Vincent and into the Great Hall, making his way over to the Slytherin table. He took a seat between Randolph and Alphard. Malcolm, Payton, and Dominic were sitting across the table.

"Finally made it," chuckled Alphard. "We were taking bets to see how long it would take you to wake up."

"Tom needed his beauty sleep," teased Payton.

Tom noticed a curious look on Dominic's face and said, "Dominic?"

Dominic opened his mouth to say something and then changed his mind, shutting it. He took a bite of his bacon and finally, after everyone was looking at him, asked, "Is it true?"

"Is what true?" asked Tom.

Dominic glanced around and then in an undertone, he whispered, "Are you a Parselmouth?"

Tom was surprised at the fact that Dominic already knew about his gift, but then again, he shouldn't have expected Malcolm to be able to keep a secret like that. He looked around at Alphard, Payton, Randolph, Alphard, and Dominic in turn, seeing what appeared to be awe on their faces.

"Are you serious?" asked Randolph, his eyebrows arched. For the first time, Randolph looked genuinely intrigued by Tom.

Tom felt a rush of excitement move through his body, twisting inside his stomach. At the orphanage, the other children were terrified of him and his ability to speak with snakes. The adults, he knew, thought that he was mad, or something else all together. However, here, it seemed, that his ability to speak Parseltounge was something to be in awe of. Being that it was a rare gift and very unusual, it would give him the necessary advantage that he wanted over the other students. But he couldn't be hasty and he couldn't show off. It had to work with his plan and he'd have to be the modest, role model student if it was going to work.

"Yes, I can speak it," said Tom.

"Wicked," came a few whispers.

"Oi! Randolph! Did you get in invitation yet?"

They looked to see Rafe making his way towards where the younger students were sitting. "What invitation?" asked Payton.

"From Professor Slughorn," said Randolph.

Rafe set his arm on top of Randolph's head, using it as an armrest. "He'll get it. He's a Lestrange," smirked Rafe.

"Get off me," protested Randolph, moving to get out from under his brother's arm.

"Or what?" taunted Rafe, messing up Randolph's hair.

"Rafe! Stop!"

The other Slytherins were snickering and even Tom felt a soft chuckle escape. He stared at his kippers, blocking out the sounds around him. I…did I just laugh? he thought in surprise. It was such a change to the orphanage and he hadn't expected it at all. One thing is for sure. I'm never going to want to leave here. Part of the emptiness inside him seemed to be disappearing. Not to be mistaken for happiness, of course, or friendship, as he wanted neither. They weren't part of him and would never be.

"Boys, your schedules," said a cheery voice. Tom looked up to see a portly man with thick, shiny straw-colored hair and a gingery-blond mustache.

Tom took the piece of parchment from Professor Slughorn with a quiet, "Thanks," and looked at his schedule. Double Potions this morning, then Double History of Magic…tomorrow is Broom Flying, Herbology and Charms. Double Transfiguration Wednesday…Astronomy that night. Broom Flying again on Thursday…then Double Defense Against the Dark Arts…Friday is Herbology, Charms, and Astronomy again…I hope all these will be interesting.

He felt eyes upon him and looked up to see Professor Slughorn still looking at him. "Professor?" asked Tom.

"Tom Riddle, is it?" asked Slughorn, fingering his mustache.

"Yes, sir."

Slughorn smiled, pulling out an envelope from the pocket of his robe. "This would be for you, m'boy."

"What is it, sir?" asked Tom, taking the envelope and turning it over in his hands.

"An invitation, only for the very best." Slughorn continued to smile. "I hope to see you tonight at the party. Details are inside." He turned, heading down the Slytherin table, continuing to hand out schedules.

"You know what that is!" asked Alphard excitedly. Tom looked over at him. "It's an invitation to his Slug Club! I got mine on the train. My brother's part of it, so are Rafe and Abraxas."

Randolph glared, crossing his arms over his chest in a huff. "I haven't got one yet."

"You will," said Rafe, messing up Randolph's hair once again. "Eventually," laughed Rafe, skirting away just as Randolph went to hit him. Rafe smirked, walking away. Randolph grumbled something, attempting to fix his hair.

Most of the students were getting up, leaving the Great Hall to collect their books for their first classes. "We'd better go," said Payton, standing.

"Congrats on the invitation," said Malcolm with a smile. "Only certain people get them."

"And of course that would be you," said Payton.

"Of course," smirked Malcolm. "See you at lunch." He left their group to join with his own classmates.

Randolph, Payton, Tom, and Alphard made their way out of the Great Hall and back to the dormitories. After collecting their books, they walked through the dungeons until they reached the Potions classroom. They found seats at a table in the front and set their things beneath the chairs.

"Looks like we're having Double Potions with the Ravenclaws," said Payton, watching as a batch of Ravenclaws walked in.

"Well spotted," smirked Randolph.

"Oh shut it," retorted Payton.

Tom and Alphard glanced at each other, smiling a little. It still felt strange, smiling, laughing…but it was getting easier. All the better for my plan. I know what I want and I will get it.

"Welcome to first-year Potions!" said Slughorn and they turned their attention to the professor. He stood before them, his hands clasped over his middle. "We've got quite the treat for you today! Nothing too advanced," he chortled, "but I'll be helping you out. This will take the entire period and don't hesitate to ask. Now, take out your books and turn to page ten. It will give you the list of ingredients for a Levitating Potion. We'll let them sit over break and then try them out!"

Twenty minutes later, cauldrons were steaming purplish fumes and students were busy crushing black beetle eyes. "Bloody Ravenclaws," muttered Randolph. "They think they know everything." He glared at two Ravenclaw girls who obviously thought that they had done it correctly, as they were sitting back, giggling with each other.

"Just ignore them," said Alphard, adding his last two ingredients to his cauldron. He stirred it, checked the time, and sat back.

"Easy for you to say. My potion is still yellow," said Randolph.

Tom glanced over at the Potion and then at the ingredients that Randolph still had left. "If you add the ectoplasm and then stir counterclockwise for six turns, it should help."

Randolph glanced at Tom, looking as if he was going to say something, but then just did what Tom said. Sure enough, the potion quickly turned a dark purple. "Thanks," said Randolph gruffly.

Tom merely nodded and went back to his own potion. "Let's see what you have here, Tom, m'boy," said Slughorn, peering down into Tom's cauldron. He took the stirring rod and lifted some of the now thickened liquid. "Very good!" Slughorn smiled brightly. "Quite the talented lad." He looked around at the rest of the class. "Finish your ingredients and then take your break. We'll try the potions when you get back."

Most of the class stood, leaving for break. Tom, Alphard, Dominic, and Payton stood, pushing in their chairs. Randolph, two other Slytherins, and two Ravenclaws were still left, finishing their potions. Suddenly a loud explosion rocked the room and a thick smoke filled the air.

Tom coughed, waving his hand to clear the air. The culprit was soon identified as a female Slytherin, whose cauldron had just exploded, sending gobs of sticky purple goo flying everywhere. Luckily, it had flown towards the two Ravenclaws, who were now covered in it.

"Ugh! Disgusting!" cried Victoria Riglsby, staring in horror at the goo that covered her. The Slytherins snickered, except Tom, who just watched with calm features.

"No one's hurt, good," said Slughorn, cleaning the mess with a wave of his wand. He moved to check the Slytherin and the Ravenclaws. "Just a bit of a shock. Happens every time. No need to worry. I'd make sure I add the pure water before the beetle eyes rather than after, Ms. Schaeffer." The Slytherin girl nodded, her face bright red from embarrassment.

"Rachel and potions don't seem to get along very well," snickered Randolph.

"You're one to talk," said Alphard with a smirk.

Randolph glared at Alphard. "At least mine don't explode."

"Are you sure about that?" asked Dominic, smirking as Randolph's potion began to bubble out of his cauldron.

Randolph looked quickly back to his cauldron and turned off the fire. He sagged back in relief as the potion settled down, now a deep purple. "Whew."

"Close call," laughed Alphard, clapping Randolph on the shoulder.

"Oi," said Dominic, nudging Alphard. He nodded towards a pudgy Slytherin girl named Millicent Harding, who was talking to her cauldron. Or so it seemed. Dominic and Alphard snickered. "Nutter."

Even Randolph was snickering, propping his feet up on an empty chair. "Oi! Harding! Does it talk back!"

"Leave her alone," said Philip Longbottom, one of the Ravenclaws, glaring at Randolph.

"Or what?" smirked Randolph.

"Boys, boys," said Slughorn, moving between the two. "No need to fight. Mr. Longbottom, why don't you help Ms. Riglsby finish her potion. Mr. Lestrange, I'd suggest you leave with your friends and enjoy your break." Slughorn gave them a pointed look and they complied.

Randolph stood, shooting one last glare at Longbottom, and said, "Let's go, Alphard." He and Alphard walked out, followed closely by Dominic.

Payton turned to Tom, smiling. "Never a boring moment."

"Seems that way," said Tom.

"Are you coming?" asked Payton as she headed for the door.

"I'll be there in a minute." Payton nodded and left. Tom began cleaning up around his cauldron, glancing at Millicent and Rachel. Millicent was still huddled over her ingredients, chopping them into tiny bits.

"If you chop any harder, they'll be dust," said Rachel, looking over at Millicent.

Millicent glanced at her but then went back to chopping, muttering something under her breath.

Tom just shook his head. Mad, that one. He stood, smoothing his robes. As he turned to go to the door, he felt a hand on his arm. He looked to see Professor Slughorn smiling at him. "Yes, Professor?"

"Tom, I have to say, I'm impressed already. Your potion is perfect."

"Thank you, sir."

"You grew up in an orphanage?"

"Yes, sir."

"Amazing," whispered Slughorn. "Simply amazing." He glanced around and then beckoned Tom over to his desk. Tom followed, folding his hands in front of his body, quiet. Slughorn took a seat, opening a tin of crystallized pineapple. "My favorite," chuckled Slughorn, eating his selection. Tom took note of this, storing it away in his memory. Always good to know what I can use, thought Tom. "Now, Tom," said Slughorn as he leaned back. "I shall be watching your progress closely. I think you have the greatest potential out of all these students. And the fact that you didn't grow up in the wizarding world, is even more astonishing. You'll go far, Tom, mark my words. Now, Tom m'boy, if you need anything, you know who to ask." Slughorn gave him a wink and then stood.

Tom turned to see the rest of the students coming back in from their break, taking their seats. Tom walked back to his chair, sitting down. First day and already I'm impressing the professors. Perfect, thought Tom with an inner smirk.

"That was brilliant!" laughed Alphard as they ate lunch. "I felt like I was flying!"

"That was fun," agreed Dominic. "I'll have to try that Levitating Potion again sometime."

"Boys," chuckled Payton, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"You know you loved it just as much," said Randolph. "You were laughing so hard your face turned purple."

"So were you," retorted Payton.

"I'm allowed to."

"How's that?"


"Because why?"

"Just because. Why do I always have to explain everything?"

"Because I said so," smirked Payton.

Dominic and Alphard snickered, watching the display. "Oi!" They turned to see Malcolm and Gordon walked over to them. "How was Potions?" asked Malcolm as they sat down.

"We did Levitating Potions," said Tom, taking a spoonful of soup.

"Lucky!" exclaimed Gordon. "I can't wait until Potions. Slughorn is brilliant."

"What do you have after lunch?" asked Malcolm.

"History of Magic," said Randolph and made a face. "My brother said it's the worst class he's ever had to take."

"It is rather boring," agreed Malcolm with a chuckle. "But I'm sure you'll find ways to entertain yourself."

"Randolph can dream about Millicent," teased Payton.

"Disgusting!" Randolph shoved Payton away from him, who was laughing. "I'm trying to eat."

"What's this?" asked Malcolm, arching an eyebrow.

"Millicent Harding," snickered Dominic, jabbing his thumb towards the quiet girl that was sitting by herself a ways down the table. "Mad as a hatter."

"She is," said Alphard. "Talking to herself during Potions."

Malcolm and Gordon both smirked. "Well, then she and Randolph should get along quite well."

"What's that supposed to mean?" scowled Randolph.

"Nothing." Malcolm gave him an innocent look and then burst out laughing.

Tom looked over at Millicent, drowning out the conversation. He found that she reminded him of himself, in a way. Alone, friendless, always taunted. Not that he felt sorry for her. Of course not, that would just be silly. He was simply making an observation. My life might have been horrible at that orphanage, thought Tom, but here it's going to be far better. I refuse to be that person at the bottom. I will rise above everyone, including the professors.

"So, Tom," said Malcolm, bringing Tom out of his thoughts. "Did Slughorn talk to you yet?"

Tom nodded. "During our break."

"You know why he invited you to his Slug Club, don't you?" Tom didn't answer, so Malcolm leaned forward. "Your special ability. Not very common."

Tom shrugged. "I know."

"All the Slytherins know," said Gordon.

"I wonder how that happened," said Payton sarcastically.

"It's a wicked ability! Everyone should know," said Alphard with a grin.

"I don't think we need to tell everyone," said Tom, looking at each of them. Even though his voice was quiet, it carried a silent command.

"Why not?" asked Dominic.

"When the time's right," said Tom simply.

They nodded. "Alright," said Alphard.

"We won't let the professors get wind of it," said Malcolm. "That's easy enough."

"Good," said Tom.

History of Magic passed by at an agonizing slow pace. By the time the first-years had escaped Professor Binn's classroom, they were all tired. Even through dinner, they talked about everything except the horrible class. Tom, of course, had somehow become the object of Binn's interest, as the professor had constantly asked him questions. So, as much as Tom wanted to sleep through the boring lesson, he had had to stay at least partially conscious.

After dinner, Tom headed to the library, deciding to check out this Restricted Section that Nagini had told him about. The others hadn't followed, wanting to stay as far away from books as possible. The Slytherins were having their first party and though Tom would be there later, he wanted to see what he could find on the Heir of Slytherin.

After gathering an armful of dusty volumes, Tom took a seat in the back, dropping the books onto the table in front of him. Only a few feet away was the entrance to the Restricted Section, the gated area dark and foreboding. I wonder what sort of books are in there? Probably all the interesting ones, he thought.

He began flipping through a book on the Founders of Hogwarts. Footsteps drew his attention and he looked up to see a teenage girl with long brown hair tied in a ponytail walking by. She entered the Restricted Section, shutting the door behind her. It can't be that easy, thought Tom.

He went back to the book, reading. About ten minutes later, the girl walked out and Tom decided to act. "Oi! How do you get in there?" he asked, nodding towards the Restricted Section.

The girl turned to look at him, a fat book in her arms. "You need a note from the Professors or be a Prefect," she said. Tom noted the shiny Prefect badge on her Hufflepuff robes.


She nodded, turning and walking away. Tom sat back, looking at the Restricted Section. I think I can manage that. Stretching his arms, he went back to reading.

It took him several hours before he finally found something on the Heir. "Working hard?" hissed a voice. Tom looked down to see Nagini on the floor, winding around his foot. He reached down, allowing her to slither up his arm.

Bringing her up to rest on his lap, he said, "I think I finally found something."

"And what isss that?" she asked, turning her head to look at the book.

"It says here that the Heir of Slytherin, being a descendent of Salazar Slytherin himself, can control the creature within the Chamber. However, Hogwarts has been searched countless times and no such Chamber has ever been found," read Tom. "How can I possibly be the Heir?"

"You did not know your parentsss. They could be dessscendentsss."

"My father possibly," said Tom. "But my mother was human. She wouldn't have died otherwise." He frowned, looking at the book. "I don't think my father would deserve to be a descendent of Salazar. He left my mother to die," said Tom darkly.

"Perhapsss. Did you dissscover how to enter the Ressstricted Sssection?"

"Yes. It shouldn't be too hard."

"Perhapsss there are booksss in there that can help you. Booksss that they wouldn't want you to ssseee."

Tom nodded. "Of course. I'll just have to wait and be patient." He closed the books and then picked up Nagini, allowing her to rest on his shoulders. He stood, picking up his books and putting them away. "I suppose you're going to hang around me now?"

"Of courssse. You are very interesssting, Tom."

"Thanks," smirked Tom slightly. "I'll take that as a compliment." He picked up his bag, shouldering it. "If you're coming back with me to the common room, you might not want to be on my shoulders."

"I'll meet you there," said Nagini, sliding down Tom's arm and dropping to the floor. She slithered off into the darkness.

"This is going to be quite the year," said Tom quietly as he walked out of the library.