Hate you

I find him lying on the path in the rain. He doesn't look up at me as I sit next to him. "Yami?" I say softly. He turns his crimson eyes, once full of joy and pride, now devoid of anything, to me.

"Why are you out so late?" I won't ask why he's here, as I know. I won't ask what's wrong, as I know. I know the answer to this too, but I feel I must ask something.

He twists so he is on his side, facing me, but doesn't answer. I sigh softly, as the thunder growls over head. Since he won't talk to me, I lay next to him and prop my head up with my arm. I run my thumb softly over his cheek and his eyes question me silently.

I choose to ignore his silent questions, and just continue to brush his cheek. After lying silently for a few hours, I feel that I should leave. I lean towards him and kiss his forehead, my lips barely grazing his skin, my white bangs falling in his face. I get to my feet but gaze at him for what I hope will be the last time tonight. The question he poses this time is different, and one I can answer. Why.

"Because I care." I respond simply, and turn to move away.

"I hate you. Tomb robber." His soft statement causes me to look at him and I see his eyes asking me silently, praying for the response, the one I always give. I smile.

"I know. I hate you too. Pharaoh" And I walk off, leaving him to lie in the rain.

But somehow, the point gets across. They're are many ways to say 'I love you'. And this is ours.

Edit: Edited and reposted All Hallows Eve 2005