Dragon Blue

Disclaimer: Sonic and his friends and foes are © SEGA, Aquaphina and the other Seagons (plural of Seagon/Aquari) in this fanfic are © Imperfection07.
Rating: Teen (Warnings: Violence, language, Frightening "Scenes", character deaths, and some sensuality)
Genre: Action/Adventure/Romance
Summary: Aquaphina's whole life changes after she finds the Green Chaos Emerald that leads to many events that have to deal with the destruction of her home and family, new enemies, and a blue hedgehog. (Sonic-X universe)

Chapter 1: Deep Blue Sea

The ocean was peaceful at this time of day, the current wasn't too strong for her to handle. A small school of fish was completely unaware of the bluish colored irises that were narrowed at them; the short blonde hair barely rising and catching any attention while the yellow spikes for ears on the top of her head were lowered as if showing her on a hunt. The black line atop the finlike ears and tail (including the back spike) slightly became a dark gray as the light shone from the ocean ceiling.

Her body was a light gray color while her human-like muzzle was black, including her hands, feet, and a small circle around her upper torso that bent sharply downwards so it was halfway to the middle front.

"Dinner's served…" She smiled and got poised. The fish sensed a slight disturbance in the water current before continuing to swim around in a random circle.


The school of fish scattered once at least two of their species were grabbed by a gray blur that vanished behind the bunch of seaweed.

Aquaphina smiled at her catch, two fat and appetizing anchovies…

Immediately she popped the live fish into her mouth and vented out the excess water. Enjoying the taste going down her esophagus she got poised. "Round two…"

The pod was a bit more ready as the blur shot out and snatched at a fish as the rest swam off in a hurry.

"Gotcha," She smiled triumphantly before the fish slipped out of her hand. "HEY!"

Disgruntled at loosing her catch she swam after it. The fish lead her past a few reefs, a mile of Open Ocean, and then a trench. Aquaphina stopped short and froze as she stared at the trench that the fish swam past.

Aquaphina swam back to the underwater shore line and stood there. She was afraid of the trench just like the other members of her kind. It was supposedly the area where the great city, which they promised to watch thousands of years ago, sunk. A bit nervous, she backed away before a small greenish glow caught her attention.

"Huh?" Aquaphina backed up and crawled on the ground as though the water buoyancy had no effect. Peeking over the side she glanced at the glow shining through the darkness. Curiously she peered closer and ignored the sudden shiver she had.

"It's just dark…" She murmured to herself in an attempt to regain some courage before swimming up a bit and lowering herself into the trench, slowly.

Unlike most animals, Seagon never were affected by depth or water pressure. They dubbed themselves Masters of the Ocean and other such things. The males were always at least over six feet; however, the females were always mistaken for mermaids being at a normal five foot height as they were.

Aquaphina continued lowering herself into the darkness ignoring the shivering fear that was going up her spine as she neared the glow. She swam towards the glow which seemed to be coming from a gem, more or less an emerald shape. Her eyes widened with marvel of the object that was now in her hands.

Unbeknownst to the Seagon, a predator of the deep sea was eying her. Its huge jaw opening and closing as it neared and the small glow of its appendage dimmed, using the light of the gem as its prey's beacon.

Aquaphina's fin ear twitched and she looked around, knowing that her normal sight wasn't much help she closed her eyes and issued a small ultrasound warble. Of course she had spotted the creature swimming directly at her.

Panicking, Aquaphina swam upwards to avoid the sudden spiked jaw that threatened to end her existence. Trying to keep calm, she continued trying to keep her distance from the deep sea beast and find the trench she had swam into. The long beast did a U turn and tried to snap at her again only to miss. Aquaphina searched frantically before finding the trench opening via echolocation and swimming desperately towards it.

"Get me out of here!" She mentally screamed as the distance between her and the trench opening lessened. Swimming upwards now, Aquaphina kept a good and solid grip on the gem as she broke to the 'surface' and swam to where she knew her pod was, looking back every moment or so to make sure she was not being followed by the…the thing…

The Seagon continued swimming at breakneck speed before slowing down near her home reef. Pausing, she looked around frantically before calming herself down and taking deep breaths.

"I hope I never see that thing again…" She gasped before looking at the gem in her hand. "At least I got… whatever this is…" Aquaphina couldn't take her eyes off the glowing rock in her hand as a strange pulse of energy continued going through her fingertips. It was a bit…strange…yet addicting…

A small amount of the energy began sweeping through her form before the Seagon let out a sudden gasp and dropped it on the sea floor sending up a small amount of sand. Shaking the dizziness off, Aquaphina swam down to the gem and carefully picked it up before swimming to where she knew her colony was staying at for the season.

It didn't take her too long to find the colony of Seagon on the huge reef. If a normal human was to go down there, they would've thought they were hallucinating seeing how many there were. Aquaphina was one of a thousand living in the Atlantic Ocean with her mother, father, and younger brother. Her family was staying near an underwater den that was one of the many created during their stay, miraculously created overnight when they arrived. They were migratory and moved around, depending on the seasons and weather.

A few of the teenaged Seagon were at the surface, enjoying the rush of the cold air when they breached the surface of the water while some parents were gathering a bit of food such as seaweed for those not young enough to hunt yet. Aquaphina enjoyed the cooing noise that came from each of her kinds' members as she swam past them with the glowing gem. Like other underwater mammals, every family had a different tune to distinguish each other. They didn't have to anymore since they gained features like hair, height, and features. Still, the noises were calming and were like music to their 'ears'.

Aquaphina continued swimming past the others before recognizing the three other members of her family near the middle group of dens.

Her mother, Angel, had the same skin patterns as Aquaphina except her hair color was natural seaweed green that reached her middle back. It was very long and thus Angel was estimated at 5"9'. Her eyes were a light blue like her daughters. Aquaphina couldn't help envying how beautiful her mother looked at times but it was a phase she was going through.

Her father, Kraken, was a strong looking, sturdy 7 foot male Seagon. He had sharp green eyes that looked peaceful while in a good mood but threatening whenever he wasn't. His son and daughter mainly relied on his eyes to tell how he was. Kraken's powerful tail was one for him to boast about whenever he got in a fight with one or more sharks. Those events always worried Angel who continuously scolded him afterwards. His light blonde hair was noticeably passed on to Aquaphina when she was born.

Aquaphina's brother, Echo, was small and what the other Seagon called an 'Aquari' since he wasn't a matured Seagon child yet, being a mere three foot unlike his sister. He had mischievous green eyes like his father and short green hair that matched his mother's. His fin ears were always spiked backwards as though he had swam through the water at a fast rate.

Her other family members (as in her grandparents) stayed behind at one of the points since they had gotten too old to travel. This often made Aquaphina hope her mother and father weren't going to be the ones who stayed behind next. Usually when they traveled back to the previous 'post' Aquaphina wouldn't see the ones who were there previously.

The young female Seagon swam towards her family. Her mother was sitting cross-legged on a low ledge as she cradled, or rather tried to cradle Reefer who was tossing and turning in his sleep being the energetic young Aquari he was. Her father was probably out looking for food.

"Mother!" Aquaphina suddenly called out once she caught sight of them. Angel looked up and recognized her daughter swimming towards her with a glowing object in her hand.

"Aquaphina? Are you alright? I was worried!" Angel said as Aquaphina slowed down so she was floating next to her mother.

"I…I found this…near the trench…" She explained with the Deep Sea Gulper's teeth still fresh in her mind.

"Dear, you know you're not supposed to go near the ancient city's resting place." Her mother sighed before glancing at the gem. "What is that?"

"I don't know…but it keeps on showing this light…" Aquaphina murmured poking it with her pointer finger. "It even feels like there's energy coming from it. It's a bit strange to explain how it felt."

Angel reached her hand out and beckoned her daughter to sit down next to her. Aquaphina nodded and sat down. "Can I see it?" Her mother asked. The blonde Seagon glanced up a moment before nodding and placing the glowing gem in her mother's hand. "It's not doing anything strange as far as I can tell."

"You don't feel any power emitting from it?" Aquaphina looked at her mother, surprised.

"No sweetheart…I don't…" Angel replied giving it back to her daughter. Aquaphina only shrugged before Echo stirred, and blinked to clear his vision once he saw the gem.

"What's that thing?" He asked quickly before swimming out of his mother's arms and going around his sister. "Can I see it? Why's it glowing?"

"I don't know, seeing means you can't touch (in other words means NO), and I don't know…" Aquaphina answered, pulling the gem away from her brother before he could lay his hands on it.

"AW! C'mon please!" Echo begged before turning to Angel. "Mom! Aquaphina's not sharing!"

"Mother! Tell me you're not going to take his side!" Aquaphina yowled before Echo about faced and grabbed the gem from his sister prior to swimming off. "That's why…" Then she sped after her brother.

"You little brat!" Aquaphina cried out as she chased her brother. Echo tried to evade her by swimming into huge groups of Seagons but Aquaphina found him easily by following the light. That was before they sped away from the colony.

Aquaphina swam fast sending up a trail of sand as she traveled along the sea floor, a tactic she used while hunting for fish. Echo looked back before the female Seagon swam up from behind and tackled him, sending them both spinning headfirst in the water.

"AACK!" Echo squirmed in Aquaphina's grip before the gem was tugged from his hand. "Not fair!"

"I said you can't TOUCH it." His sister warned, releasing him. "And you know I'm twice as fast a swimmer as you."

"Nuh-uh!" (x67)

"Yeah-huh!" (x67)


Aquaphina paused as a thought came to mind. "Nuh-uh!"


"HA! SO YOU ADMIT IT!" Aquaphina grinned.

"DARN…It…" Echo suddenly looked up and his fin ears drooped. Aquaphina noticed a shadow going over both her brother and herself before looking up and seeing a huge ship closing in on them.

Aquaphina spotted the glow from the gem before holding it at eye level. The glow had become brighter and almost blinded the Seagon and Aquari.

"What's it doing!" Echo asked, holding onto his sister who continued looking at the emerald in her hand. Aquaphina continued staring at the gem before lowering it and looking in the direction of the huge submarine.

She spoke only one word to her brother as fear grew inside her: "Swim…"

To be continued…

Some explanations for this chapter…


Aquari- Immature/Child Seagon

The Seagon Names- Have to do with water/ocean etc.

Seagon Calls- Differ from each family of Seagon within the colony like how certain marine animals use this to communicate with one another.

The 'Deep Sea Creature'- Ten to one it's a Deep Sea Gulper or any other Deep Sea animal of that category (then again they trap their prey by using light to draw them in …) Finding Nemo reference

How Aquaphina (including other Seagon) could go into the Deep Sea- Uh…another Finding Nemo reference…

Aquaphina- Just a play on the name: Aquafina (Thanks Queen of the Sacred Flames for the name idea)

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