Title: Montana Fun

Author: thousandmiles

Rating: T

Spoilers: None

Summary: Alex and Bobby are send to Montana for a conference. Things happens, secrets revealed and Bobby and Alex grow closer.

A/N: The well known conference fic. I couldn't help myself. Getting Bobby and Alex away from NY, is a nice thought. This isn't going to be angst or something like that. Nope, just some fun and romance. And also don't hold me to accuracy considering Montana and the things they are going to do. Can't promise anything about updates. I'll try to update fairly regularly. Reviews are welcome. And if you have suggestions about exercises for the conference or ideas, feel free to tell me about them

Part one

"You want us to do what?" Alex exclaimed as she and her partner stood in front of their captain's desk.

"I want you to go to Montana for a conference." Captain Jimmy Deakins answered. He knew they would be reluctant about this. Both his detectives loved their work and what they did not like was listening to people talk about all kind of things. However he had not told them everything yet. He'd saved the best for last, well not entirely the best.

"What kind of conference?" Alex asked as she sat down on one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"Actually it's something new. It's about partnerships and teambuilding."

"And why should we go? There's nothing wrong with our partnership. We don't need any training!" Alex still didn't know why they needed to go.

Holding up his hand, Deakins continued. "I know. Apparently it's important and the big shots want to send the best we have."

"So we're show-dogs?" Alex pointed out.

Jimmy smiled, he could count on Alex to point out the obvious.

Alex who'd done all of the talking so far was annoyed her partner hadn't uttered a word. Neither of them liked these kind of things. "And you..." She said, pointing to her partner. " why haven't you said anything? Don't tell me you wanna go."

"I… I don't know, it's always good to learn something new. It could be… interesting."

"Interesting, learn something new? What are you talking about?" Sighing she looked back at Deakins. "Look cap, we got plenty of paperwork left. Can't you find someone else?" Never had she thought she would prefer doing paperwork over anything else. It had come to this.

"No can do, Alex. You two leave tomorrow. Here's the information. See you two when you get back." As the two detectives reached the door, they were called back by their captain. "And detectives, plays nice with the other kiddies. You're representing the NYPD." Giving affirmative nods they left for the desks.

"You…" Alex starts back at her desk. "..were not very helpful back there. Do you wanna go?" Bobby's lack of resistance had come as a big surprise to her.

Bobby shrugged. "I'm sure it won't be that bad. It… it could be fun." He mumbled, sifting through the papers.

"Fun? Who are you and what have you done with the real Robert Goren." Alex eyes met her partner suspiciously.

Giving her his small smile, he softly said. "There's not much we can do about it now. Let's make the best of it."

She couldn't really disagree with that, but not wanting to give in, she went back to the papers. After reading them thoroughly she looked at her watch. Only an hour to go. "You know what? Since this conference is mandatory and I don't even wanna go, I'm going to head home and enjoy my evening, starting with a nice warm bath." That said she grabbed her stuff and left.

Bobby's mind hadn't fully acknowledged that Alex had actually left. It was still processing the words nice, warm and bath. That brought an image to mind he shouldn't have about his partner. Those less than professional thoughts about her had been occurring more often lately. Spending the next few days together would not improve that. Guiltily spending more time with her had been a reason why he hadn't really objected. On the job there wasn't much time to get to know each other or simply spend time together. However, in Montana, they could. Maybe it could be a beginning of a change in their dynamics.

They arrived at their hotel around noon the following day. It was beautifully situated in a rural landscape that was now covered with snow. In a way that made the surroundings all the more romantic. Alex wasn't sure that was a good or bad thing.

At the reception desk they were handed their keys and even more papers. They were surprised to find they had adjoining room. Another pleasant surprise was the size and luxury of the room. There was a small living area, a king sized bed- that made Bobby's mind wander yet again-, and a large bathroom with a big shower and bath. Looking around her room, Alex decided this conference might not be a bad thing. Putting away her stuff she heard a knock on the door that joined hers and Bobby's room. "Come in." She called to him as she unpacked her bag. "Nice room, huh?" She said without turning around to acknowledge him. "This conference is probably going to be such a waist of time, but at least they gave us good rooms. And I am going to make good use of that bath. It's big enough to fit two people and then some easily."

For Bobby that wasn't the best thing she could have said. Having company in the bath… would she mind if he surprised her? Shaking his head he looked around her room. It was identical to his.

"It says on the papers we have to be in the main lobby at two. That leaves us some times to have lunch and look around. You interested?"

"Very." Putting her bag in the closet, she grabbed her coat. "Let's go, shall we?"

They had found a nice little restaurant a short walk from their hotel. Sitting at a corner booth at the window they finally had some time for themselves. "Ever been to Montana before?" Alex asked as they waited for their lunch.

"No, not really. You?"

She got a dreamy smile on her face. "Yeah. We went there when we were young. My parents took us on a vacation to Yellowstone Park. They'd rented a cabin and it was winter time. It was wonderful. We made a snowman, had snow fights, went hiking and simply enjoyed being away from home. We didn't get to go on vacation often so when we did it was always special." Seeing his eyes turn sad, she sighed. The differences between their families was obvious. That was one of the reasons she hardly talked about her family, knowing it hurt him, but this time he had asked. She briefly placed her hand on his and squeezed it. There was no need for words, for they could never say enough.

Their little moment was interrupted by the waitress bringing them their lunch. They talked about their expectations and thoughts about the conference. Before long they had to go back to the hotel. At two o'clock Alex and Bobby, like many others, were lead into a large conference room. Taking their seat in the middle of the room, Alex just had to say it. "Let the games begin."

Bobby gave her a stern look, before he turned his attention to the stage. What he didn't know was that Alex words would come to haunt him.
