Title: How Things Seem (Sequel To Knights Reunited)
Authors: Jamie552 (writes Bosco) and Starbright (writes Faith)
Summary: Three years after the party at Haggerty's, Bosco and Faith are married and living happy and normal lives. But Bosco gets offered something he can't refuse...
Disclaimer: We, sadly, own nothing.
Warning: Some language.
Three years…three years had passed, and I don't think I'd ever been as happy. Three years, and my whole routine had changed, my whole way of life.
Who would've thought that me, Maurice Boscorelli, would be happy living and breathing for one woman. But I have to say, I had no idea what the hell I'd been missing. You'd think that moving from girl to girl and being wild and free would be the more desirable way to live…but it wasn't.
Faith had changed the way I look at life, the way I look at love and commitment. Marriage, to me, is no longer the ball and chain that I once imagined it would be. Now, marriage to me is full of happiness and love…a love that I once didn't understand, a love that I once didn't even believe in. It's amazing how one person can change your life and the way you look at the world around you. Faith had changed my perception.
She let out a small sigh in her sleep, snuggling closer to me and laying her head on my chest. She felt so warm and soothing in my arms, and I let out a sigh of content as I pulled her closer, revelling in the feeling of her skin against mine.
This woman had such a hold on me…
She'd had a hold on me for years, and I finally had the courage and the sense to make it a reality…to make it real. The day I married her, for the first time in my life, I'd done something that made sense. And believe me, me doing something that made sense? That's certainly an event.
After our honeymoon, we got out of our leases at our apartments and bought a house about 20 minutes from where the old Camelot used to be. It was nice to drive by the intersection everyday. Even though the new 55th was there, it still brought back memories to see the familiar firehouse and the familiar street. I had a substantial commute in the morning to Bed-Stuy, but it was the last thing on my list of concerns. I didn't mind the drive…it was well worth it.
We both wanted to be close to where we'd started. That area of the city was our home, and it didn't matter where we worked.
Davis and Sasha, who got married mere months before us, were doing better than ever. They'd also bought their own house and now had the task of raising two identical twin girls, Kylie and Tanya. The night Sasha went into labour, the entire gang had showed up at the hospital. Sully and I were assigned the duty that night of making sure that Davis didn't drive the nurses nuts, asking every two seconds how his wife was doing. I'm sure that if he had hair, he would've been pulling it out in the waiting room. Sasha had respectably put her political career on hold to spend more time with her daughters.
Sully was also doing well. He and Monica had moved in together and there was even talk of a wedding and selling the cottage that for the past 5 years, Sully had called home. It was amazing to see him so happy and settled. Even though I'd never told anyone, not even Faith, I'd been worried after the death of Tatiana that he would never be the same…that he would never find another woman he could love as much. But he had, and Monica was an angel.
Carlos and Holly reminded me a lot of the Leave It To Beaver family, the Cleavers. Since Carly Ann was born, they'd welcomed a little boy into the Nieto family, who they'd named Nathan Michael. Carlos had been promoted to supervising paramedic at the 55th firehouse and Holly happily spent most of her time at home with the kids.
Lieu was still the same as ever…a father figure to every single person from the old 55th. He'd been made a grandfather once again and he didn't even get defensive when we called him old. I think he was living the life he'd always wanted; a large family, all of whom could sit on his lap when he dressed up as Santa at Christmas…he was in his glory.
Brenden and Grace had also welcomed a little Finney into the world, a little girl. Rachel Christina was born on August 18th, and was a spitting image of her mother. Brenden still worked with Davis in Anti-Crime and Grace occasionally found time to teach at the academy, but mostly, like Holly, stayed at home with Rachel.
Kim and Jimmy hadn't welcomed any new members into the Doherty household, but had a happy handful in their two sons, 15 year old Joey and 7 year old Bobby. Both boys took after their father, Joey with the girls and Bobby with the dimples. Kimmy had called Faith several times, asking how she ever heard about Charlie's girlfriends without having a nervous breakdown. Joey, apparently, was quite a hit with the female population at his school.
Emily and Charlie were growing up at what felt like an alarming rate. Emily had graduated from school and was now a fully fledged paramedic at the 26, and Charlie had graduated from the academy and was working with a training officer at the 59. I occasionally saw them both in my travels while working at the 79, and Faith sometimes ran into them during her trips with the Major Cases squad. I was so proud of them and had been present at both of their graduations. I'd always felt like a father figure to the Yokas kids, and when Fred didn't make an appearance at either kid's graduation ceremony, that feeling had been cemented.
Out of everyone from the old 55, Faith and I were the only married couple without kids. Naturally, this was a regular topic of discussion, and we normally found ourselves being bombarded with questions about family and when we were planning on starting one. We always fought back with the same line of answers; we don't know yet, we haven't really thought about it, and we're waiting for the perfect time.
Truth is, we certainly had thought about it. It was a regular discussion at the dinner table and when we were sitting together. I was ready for a family, but I didn't wanna pressure Faith into something that she might not be ready for. She'd already had two kids, and I knew there was a chance that she didn't want any more.
I wanted kids more then anything, but I'd never tell her that. If she didn't want any, I'd respect her decision and play along.
I think her hesitance towards starting a family with me had something to do with age. She seemed very self-conscious that she was older than I was, but I couldn't tell her enough times that I didn't care about that, and nor did anyone else. I loved her more than I thought I was ever capable of loving another person, and the idea that she was self-conscious about age had me slightly perplexed. That was something that didn't offer a direct solution to me on how to make it better…I had no clue.
Sighing lightly, I placed a kiss in her hair and once again tightened my embrace. Her breath tickled my chest and I smiled as the morning sunlight streamed in through the blinds and shone upon her face, making her skin glow and her hair shimmer as it fanned out on her pillow.
Closing my eyes, I willed myself to fall into sleep again, the warmth of the sunlight warming me through the sheets of the bed. "Boz?" I snapped my eyes open at the soft sound of Faith's voice and looked down at her.
"Your awake?"
"Mmmhmm." She slowly started rubbing her thumb against the skin of my stomach and I shivered lightly at the feeling. "Guess I slept too long."
"Well, we were up late last night."
"Yeah…and who's fault was that?"
I couldn't help but laugh at her words, and she giggled lightly. "Sorry about that."
"Don't be."
"Next time, just tell me."
"Yeah right…I'll get right on that the next time, Boz."
I chuckled again, looking over at the alarm clock on Faith's bedside table. "We gotta get outta bed soon."
"Why, what time is it?"
"Almost 1:15."
She sighed, raising a hand up and rubbing her eyes in an attempt to wake herself up. "Back to the drawing board, I guess."
"Why, you still stuck on that case?"
"It's never-ending, Boz." She said, still rubbing her eyes. "I don't think this case is solvable. He's just too smart."
I pulled her closer. "Nah, you just haven't found his flaw yet…and you will, baby, you always do."
"I dunno. Their only teenagers, Bosco. Teenage girls who took a wrong turn on the way home from school."
"Your not blaming yourself for this again, are you?"
"Why shouldn't I? It's not like I'm making much of a difference in what happens to these kids."
"But you are, Faith." I said, my voice soft and sincere. "You are. Remember what McAllister told you…you and your office speak for those who can't speak for themselves…believe me, your making a difference."
"Carmela LaRossa's family came into the office the other day." Faith whispered, resting her hand on her forehead. "I sat and watched as her mother cried while they collected her personal effects."
"There was a silver locket…that they gave her for her 16th birthday."
I sighed, giving her a gentle hug. "You'll get him, baby, I know you will. Don't blame yourself."
"I hope so, Boz."
"Come on, it's getting late and we need to get ourselves presentable."
She laughed lightly, placing a kiss on my bare chest before pushing herself up and slipping her t-shirt over her head. "Presentable varies from person to person."
"Yeah, I agree." I smirked lightly, running my hand down her back as she combed through her hair with her fingers. "Like right now? Your more then presentable to me."
"Boz, I'm wearing a t-shirt."
"Exactly, your more then presentable."
"Well, I'm flattered that you think so." A small giggle escaped her as she looked back at me. "But my boss might not be too impressed."
"Oh, who cares what old steel eyes thinks."
"Well, since he signs my pay check…I'm required to care."
"He hates me anyway."
Faith laughed, watching over her shoulder as I stood from the bed and pulled on my sweatpants. "He doesn't hate you…I think he's either intimidated or jealous."
"Jealous huh?" I smirked again, raising my hands above my head and stretching my sore muscles. "I can't imagine why."
"Oh yeah, right." Walking over to me, she tickled my sides, causing me to drop my arms, laughing. "I can point out at least 10 things…as I'm sure you could too, if you put your mind to it."
"I'm willing to miss roll call if you were to stand here and name them."
She blushed lightly, draping her arms around my waist. "I'd love to…but I can't be late."
"I bet I can think of something that would change your mind." I leaned into her, pressing my lips to hers softly…she reacted, moving her arms up to settle around my neck as I moved my lips down her cheek to her shoulder.
Faith ended up being late that morning, and I smiled as she frantically jumped outta the car and bolted into the office building where Major Cases was situated. Sending me a smile and a wave through the glass of the revolving door, I watched as she ran in and out of sight.
I arrived at my house at about 3:30, and my eyes fell on my partner, Kyle Mathison, as I entered the locker room at a run. "Do you even have the mental capacity to be here on time, dude?" He asked, leaning against the lockers and watching me as I fumbled around, trying to get changed. "Lieu just about had a conniption."
"Yeah well, being a cop longer than you, I know how to get outta trouble, Kyle."
"Being a cop longer than me, your supposed to set an example, Bosco." Kyle and I had been partners for close to 4 years. I liked him…he was reliable and took his job seriously, he was a good cop. Although he was cocky and sometimes arrogant, I spent half of my time ignoring him anyway. Lieu, who had met him more than once, said that Kyle reminded him a lot of me when I first arrived at the 55th…I wasn't sure whether or not I should be offended.
I looked at him, frowning, as I strapped on my vest. "Shut up."
"Sensitive this morning." He laughed. "Judging from the love rash on your chest I'd say Faith was late this morning too, huh?"
"Will you shut up?"
"I didn't realize that an old geezer such as yourself could still create a situation that would cause her to be late."
Sighing, I stood up straight. "Did you just call me an old geezer?"
"Yeah…so what?"
"Christ, you're a pain in the ass."
"I'm actually surprised that you came."
"Why's that?"
"Well, at your age, having sex must be stressful." He had a smirk on his face, and I wanted nothing more than to smack it away. "I just assumed that you would take the day off to recuperate yourself."
I raised my hand, holding my index finger and my thumb about a centimetre apart. "Your about this close to having your ass kicked, Kyle."
"Does she fake-"
"Get the hell outta here!"
He raised his hands in surrender. "Ok, enough teasing for one day."
"I'm serious, get the hell outta here before I get to my gun."
"I was only teasing!"
"Nobody ever teases me about that stuff, Kyle." I said seriously, reaching into my locker and grabbing my turtleneck. "Not me…ever."
"That's right, because you used to be some sort of God or something, before you got married, right?"
"I never said that…it's just, that's something that I take seriously, that's all."
"Ok, I'm sorry." Looking back over his shoulder, Kyle sighed. "So, what are you gonna tell Lieu?"
"Well, I can't, and wouldn't, tell him the truth."
"Just say you got caught in traffic. I was in the other room and the guy on channel 6 said there's a jam over on Lafayette."
"I don't take Lafayette."
"It's over in the general area of Major Cases…Bilko won't know the difference."
Slamming my locker door, I put my hand down on the bench as I slipped my jacket on and did it up. "You got the keys?"
"Yeah, I grabbed them after roll."
"Ok, hand em' over."
He raised his eye-brows. "Why?"
"Cause you know I always drive."
"You were late! You shouldn't get to drive when your late."
"Kyle-" I started through clenched teeth. "Gimme…the keys."
"Look, just because your senior officer-"
"Gimme the keys!"
"Ok, fine!" He handed them over, sighing as I took them and put them in my coat pocket. "Ready?"
I nodded and walked past him to the locker room door. He fell into step behind me and we made our way from the locker room down a short hallway that bent to the left, leading down a small set of steps to the front desk.
Melanie Hathaway sat behind the front desk, apparently already working on the numerous reports that the desk sergeant was responsible for. She shook her head, smiling, as we descended down the steps. "Your unbelievable, Boscorelli."
"Yeah, I've heard that before." Sighing, I rested my arms on the surface of the desk. "Lieu around?"
"No, lucky for you." She put her pen down. "I almost had to remind him to watch his blood pressure when you weren't in roll this afternoon."
"Yeah, I know-"
"Well, if it isn't Officer Boscorelli and company." Looking over my shoulder, my eyes fell on Calisto…the biggest jerk and/or jag-off in the house. He was a favourite of the higher brass, and he had no problems flaunting his influence. "You weren't in roll call today."
"Yeah, thanks for stating the obvious."
He glared at me before settling his eyes on Melanie. "I thought Lieutenant Bilko asked to be notified upon Officer Boscorelli's arrival?"
She quirked an eye-brow. "And what business is that of yours?"
"Completely my business." He replied, approaching the desk with an air of arrogance. "He gave you an order…and your expected to follow. Unless of course, Officer Boscorelli is uh…paying you in other ways to keep his arrival a secret." Apparently pleased with his rudeness, he turned away and started up the steps.
"Hey John?" Melanie called out. Calisto stopped, looking at her from his perch halfway up the steps. "How's the impotence thing working out?"
A furious blush rose in Calisto's cheeks as several officers by the desk, including myself and Kyle, starting laughing and snickering. He continued upstairs, the speed of his walk increasing until he shut himself in his office.
I continued laughing, looking at Melanie with wide-eyes. "How the hell did you know about that?"
She laughed as well, quirking an eye-brow. "Girls talk."
"Bosco." I cringed inwardly as the voice of my Lieu, Bilko, rang out through the lobby. "Bosco."
"Yeah boss?"
Bilko appeared at the top of the steps, an unreadable expression on his face. His hair was white, his face kind and welcoming. His laid back and humorous personality made the house and roll call fun and completely free of stress. Even though Swersky would always be my Lieu, I liked and got along with this man just as well. "Your uh…late again, did you know that?"
"Yeah boss…I know that."
"Care to explain?"
Kyle nudged me, and I cleared my throat. "There was a jam over on Lafayette, and I got caught in it dropping Faith off."
"A jam? On Lafayette?"
I nodded stupidly. "Yes, sir."
Bilko studied me for a moment, narrowing his eyes as if trying to mentally catch me in my lie. I tried to appear stoic, trying not to offer any reason for him to be suspicious. "A jam…on Lafayette?"
"Yes, sir."
The older man let out a breath, his cheeks bulging out momentarily from the air flow. "Tomorrow? Don't take Lafayette."
I sighed, glancing at Kyle before looking back to Bilko. "Thanks, boss."
"Get out there boys, the people await."
I watched as Bilko walked around the desk, disappearing down the hallway. Kyle slapped my back. "Good job."
"I still think he knew."
"Nah, he didn't."
"You better follow orders and get out there guys." Melanie said, picking up her pen and starting on the report again. "Be seen and not be seen."
Nodding, I grabbed my gloves and glanced at Kyle. "Come on."
"Oh wait, Bosco!" Turning, my eyes fell on Bilko as he stuck his head out a doorway. "Forgot to tell you…Davis and Finney from the 53 Anti-Crime unit, you know them, right?"
A felt a smile spread across my face at the mention of my friends. "Yeah, why?"
"The lieutenant from the 53 called this morning and said that his Anti-Crime unit is looking for an officer, for uh-" He paused waving his hands around. It appeared he couldn't remember what the other lieutenant had said. "Looking for an officer for uh…"
"It's ok, boss." I said, my smile widening at his forgetfulness. "I'll call Davis later and ask about it."
The boss looked sheepish, leaning in the doorway. "That's gonna drive me nuts, you know…till I remember."
"I'll do what I can to help, sir." Amazingly enough, Calisto had reappeared beside me, a small blush still in his cheeks.
"What do you want, Calisto?"
"Well, sir…I don't mean to be rude-"
"Yet, sadly, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly often." Bilko finished the sentence gravely. "Better not to say anything, John."
"But sir-"
Bilko held up his hand. "Best to not say anything." Glancing at Kyle and me, he nodded his head towards the front doors. "Get going."
Grabbing Kyle's jacket, I started pulling him towards the door. "Come on."
Once we were outside, Kyle laughed out loud. "That guy is such a jerkwad."
"Who, Bilko?"
"No, Calisto." He laughed again as we slid into the seats of 79-Daniel. "Runs to the teacher when the other kids tease him."
"Whatever, the guy's a jackass."
"Hey, at least you didn't get in trouble for being late…not really, anyway."
"I still think he knew I was bull-shitting about Lafayette."
"What's he gonna do? Call channel 6 and ask about the traffic reports?"
"I wouldn't put it past him." I couldn't help but chuckle as I backed the squad outta the spot and started slowly down the street. "You better radio that we're out."
Keying his radio, Kyle sighed. "79-Daniel to Central, we're 10-98."
"10-4 Daniel, welcome to the party."
I cringed lightly as the cold response of the dispatcher came out through the radio. "I think she's pissed."
"Ah, she's always pissed at us."
"We always give her reason to be pissed-"
"No, we don't…she just has favourites."
Shaking my head, a laugh escaped me as I merged in with traffic on Arthur. "Favourites, huh?"
"Damn right."
We got our first call moments later…drunk and disorderly.
I was puzzling over what Davis and Finney would want…why they would call for me when they had a full house of officers at the 53. Kyle didn't seem to care that much as he rambled on about his latest girlfriend. Lieu was right…he was exactly like me.