By Amel J. Figueroa a.k.a. The Nation's Voice
Thousands upon thousands of tombstones stand erect and in order like the fallen soldiers still standing at attention; Heroes all from different times in history, ages and race that had one common goal. Protect the foundation this country was based on.
The seventy-plus year old man stands over the grave of the man who brought him home.
"You know many people have wondered and have requested for you to have a mausoleum for your remains. Well at least a memorial since your body was never recovered. I think it would be against everything you stood for in this world. You wondered how a hero is measured. The understanding that many soldiers have died tragically heroic, their tombstones are all the same. How do you measure a man's worth? 'The Rev' saw something in you and gave his life to save yours."
Mazowski stands and looks up towards the heavens. Tears form in his eyes. The air is fresh and clean. No smell of death although he is surrounded by it.
A small group of men move forward in silence. Taking point is the man known as Captain America. They march the death march. The men are drained from the events of the past few weeks especially losing so many of their own upon being promised to be back stateside. Of course no one could have predicted the oncoming events that have occurred, being betrayed by their lieutenant, losing a close friend and spiritual guide, and being guided by an unknown, a fearless man virtually invincible in every way.
Mouse looks at the status of his men and can sense their morale going down. Callahan especially is showing signs of mental fatigued and frustration knowing 'The Rev' was a close friend. Mouse catches up with Callahan and marches alongside of him.
"What the hell is going on here Mouse?" Callahan never faces Mouse hiding his frustration and anger, his breathing heavier than the rest.
"What do you mean Callahan?" Sgt. Mazowski does his best to figure him out and make sure he gives him the support necessary.
"I don't trust this guy. He's leading us to our deaths. We need to do something about him."
"Stand down Callahan. I know 'The Rev' was your friend and he was my friend as well but you need to think about things logically." Mouse makes sure to be as comforting as possible, pushing Callahan further away would only cause more harm than good.
Mouse looks at Callahan still trying to get a look at his face but all Callahan looks at is the horizon to his left, Bombardments and rifle fire is subtle and muffled because of the distance.
"Cal, he's not in charge. I am." Mouse tries to be reassuring and he believes what he says from his previous conversation with Captain America.
At this point Callahan turns to face Sgt. Mazowski to reveal a man changed by the events. His eyes puffed from lack of sleep along with cries of loss, Callahan is not the same joker Sgt. Mazowski has come to know and laugh at his quips.
"A few of the men and I have been talking and we refuse to die out here and better yet we refuse to be led to a slaughter. And right now we need you on our side and step up to lead us through this." Mouse face becomes expressionless, his eyes move from Callahan to Captain America at the lead, his thoughts rushing a mile a second. Callahan continues to sway Sgt. Mazowski. "Mouse, maybe the lieutenant was right, we all know the devil plays trick for his own amusement. What's not to say this super-being is not toying with us, leading us to be picked off one by one for his amusement? Something to go back and talk to his Nazi buddies?" The words creep into Sgt. Mazowski's head and just like a cue from the skies it begins to drizzle outside. The men begin to remove their ponchos while continuing to march forth. Captain America seems un-phased by the rain and slows his pace to give the men a chance to put on their ponchos.
Callahan and Sgt. Mazowski both continue their march not worrying about their ponchos or for that matter the rain.
"Mouse, you know I'm right. We stand a better chance being led by you and taking this bastard down before he takes us down or worst yet." The drizzling rain turns to a full rain now. Sgt. Mazowski remains expressionless as he just marches forward. Callahan at this point resembles Iago in Othello and tries to push forth his fear on Sgt. Mazowski.
Sgt. Mazowski thinks back to the men that are lost. He thinks back to 'The Rev' seeing him smile at Callahan's jokes, he remembers him pushing Captain America out of the way and taking the bayonet. There was a reason 'The Rev' gave his life to protect this man and it's not because he's the devil. Sgt. Mazowski looks at Captain America and then one by one at his men. He knows he has to set an example. He knows he can not lose anymore men. Callahan talks more to Sgt. Mazowski but he can not hear him. Some of the men are weary and tired and some are hungry for blood. These are the men that Callahan is talking to Mouse about.
The rain falls harder. Callahan passes Sgt. Mazowski a knife and presses him and pushes him forward towards Captain America. Sgt. Mazowski knows an example must be made. He will not lose any more men. Not today and not ever from this point. Life begins to move in slow motion for him as he approaches Captain America with Callahan and some of the men right behind. The few that know what Callahan has been planning. Sgt. Mazowski reflects on this and sees it like the betrayal of Julius Caesar. But there is a difference. And the expressionless Sgt. Mazowski sees 'The Rev' in his mind and knows what he has to do.
Sgt. Mazowski face changes to that of a man of confidence and with that very confidence he faces Callahan. Sgt. Mazowski tackles Callahan down to the ground like the wrestler he was in high school and pins a fighting Callahan down. Everyone stops dead in their tracks as Sgt. Mazowski has the knife in the air pointing straight at Callahan. Captain America rushes over to see what all the excitement is all about to find Sgt. Mazowski over Callahan.
Sgt. Mazowski stares at Callahan just as he begins to break down and cry.
And Sgt. Mazowski looks at his men and Captain America. There is silence in his mind and anger in his heart. Sgt. Mazowski plunges the knife down with all his force and might left of Callahan's face into the mud.
And Mouse makes his declaration. "I am not giving up on you." He stands up as the men stare at him as he looks at them all. "This nonsense stops now!!! No one is going to die! No one is being led to their deaths! This is war gentlemen! We came here for a purpose and you all knew there would be a chance you might not be going home! And if you believed as such then you are the fools! This man…" Mouse points to Captain America "…is here to take us home! If he wanted us dead then he wouldn't have even bothered to attempt this foolish rescue mission! We owe him everything and he owes us nothing because he is risking his life just like we have for a dream of peace! War has casualties and yes we have had some but it doesn't mean we should turn to monsters! 'The Rev' gave his life for this soldier because he believed in this dream and much more than that he believed in this man! And that's all he is…a man in a fancy suit. And he wears the colors of America. They sent him in to rescue us for some god forsaken reason. We have been far behind enemy lines and now we are closer to the frontlines than what we have been in months. Be thankful. I refuse to lose any more of you so get your crap together because we are moving forth with Captain America whether you like it or not!"
Sgt. Mazowski looks down at Callahan who is broken his tears mixing with the rain. Mazowski grabs his helmet and sticks his hand out to Callahan who wipes away his tears and grabs his hand. He helps Callahan up. Sgt. Mazowski puts on his helmet and moves forward. "We're going home." Mazowski says as he passes by the men and passes by Captain America who releases a smirk. Not a smirk of arrogance but a smirk of respect. He knows he wants to be like this man.
"You heard the Sergeant!" a soldier yells out and moves forward. Another soldier helps Callahan with his helmet and pulls his poncho out to cover him.
The soldier looks at Callahan and smiles at him. "We wouldn't want to lose you to a cold, you heard the sergeant. We're all going home." Callahan breaks a smile.
"Home." Callahan reflects on the word and he looks at Captain America.
Captain America nods to reassure him that that's what the plan is…to get everyone home. He turns and walks briskly to catch up to Sgt. Mazowski who has taken it upon himself to take point.
"What do you want Captain?"
"Just wanted to let you know you did a good job." They march forward together facing the break in the sky from where the rain stops.
"I know my men. And I know they are scared."
"Are you scared?"
"Terrified. But you need fear to conquer fear. It's not everything to be fearless. That's how you get men killed."
"Yes Captain?"
Captain America breaks a genuine smile. "You're my hero. Thank you for teaching me things I didn't know I had to learn. I've learned more from you in the past few weeks than I did in the three months of training I had to go through. And I appreciate it."
"Captain, we're all soldiers. Leaders are not made in a lab. They are made out here through unselfish actions."
They continue to march forward with the men behind them with their spirits lifted more so than before. The men look at the frames of the two soldiers ahead of them. An image they would never forget.
"So where did you learn to speak like that?"
"Speech class of course."
Mouse smiles at the tail end of his memory.
"I am grateful for what you have done for this country. I can't take credit for the person you became."
A man approaches towards Mouse.
Mouse's hand shakes and he grabs it with his other hand to stop it from shaking. He knows he won't be able to continue these visits much longer. He's just too old.
A gruff voice is heard behind Mouse. "Good memory? I have some of my own. Mind if I joined you for a bit?"
Mouse turns around, nodding approvingly; to see a man much younger looking than he is.
"Excuse me sir? How is it you know this man?"
"He saved my life once."
Mouse laughs at the statement. "That's impossible; you probably weren't even born when this man was around."
The man with the gruff voice says nothing more. Mouse notices the sincerity in the man's eyes. He's either crazy or he ages well.
"You want to grab a cup of joe? I know a place not far from here and I'm due to take my meds before my second round here."
"You visit often old timer?"
"Once a month."
"Come on mister. I took the bus all the way from New York and all I'm asking is for an hour of your time. I'll tell you some stories about him." Mouse looks at the man who looks back.
"Sure thing old timer."
"Come again?"
"Sgt. Mazowski. They call me Mouse."
The two men walk through the cemetery.
"What's your name mister?"
"Logan. My friends call me Logan."
To Be Continued…