Disclaimer: Unfortunatly I own nothing but six books and a nice collection of CD's:-(

A/N: I thought I would try a different character, a less known one, to be paired off with Severus (in the end). I know the Hooch/Snape ship is not a popular one but I thought I could have some fun with it. I hope you like it, if not, oh well. Please review, I do like to here a range of opinions in howIcan improve ;-)

And a big thank you to my beta-reader zazzle!

Ramblings of the Quidditch Queen of England

December 24, 10:02pm

24 mad laps around the Quidditch pitch, 1 glass of cherry, 6 mince pies (All in preparation for the worst night of my life; for the 9th time)

Well, here I go, once again down to the annual Hogwarts Staff Crimbo Bash for what seems like the hundred and fiftieth time. Every year I have to turn up, as I have no other-half to blame my absence on and no particularly good reason not to go anyway. Not that I hadn't tried every other excuse ranging from 'My broomstick lost its co-ordination,' to 'I am far too ill to come' to my ever favourite, 'I slept with my best mates boyfriend and we had a huge row.' But none of them have ever excused me from these few ghastly hours of torture where I try desperately to get myself drunk on Butterbeer and low-alcohol punch made by Pomona Sprout. I have never succeeded to date, but I did once pretend to pass out, but to my immense disappointment I only to found one of the old farts (whose name I cant be bothered to remember) standing over me, trying to kiss me. Not a pleasant experience I can assure you. To make matters worse, the staff decided that I was ungrateful for the old fart's services and proposed that we go on a date to a flashy restaurant in London.

I think not, somehow.

Especially not someone who smells of cigarettes and looks like he flew smack into a Quidditch goal pole several times, but I digress. I absolutely detest these staff 'get-togthers' as Minerva would call them. They are pointless, boring and I'm always the one they are trying to match off with some snotty pureblood with a burgeoned side-parting who thinks Quidditch is a mans sport and a kitchen is the women's place to be.


I don't think so, for some reason.

They just don't see that I hate being dragged around in some red tartan – yes tartan – dress that Minerva bought for me to wear for this particular night because she thought it bought out the colour of my eyes.


I am now officially at the top of the 'most wanted list' by the fashion police.

To top it off, I am one of the most well known people of the whole group excluding Dumbledore himself, and there will most likely be people what want pictures and autographs. Oh and did I mention that every staff member is allowed to bring four people of whom they choose to this get-together?

Ack, I would bring my wonderful brother but unfortunately he has skipped the country until tomorrow and shall suffer my wrath for the umpteenth time. Oh god, here we go. I think just a quick prayer would do me good, even though I am not a muggle. Oh hell, lets get it over with!

And tonight, Mathew, I'm going to be…


And here come the fake smiles and bitchy comments about my attire. I would personally like to thank Minerva in the morning, once I have drowned my sorrows in a HUGE bottle of whisky once I return to my chambers, for the humiliation she has caused me. Even Severus looks better than I do and he's in a reindeer waistcoat that sings 'Merry Christmas' everytime you touch one of the noses. As predicted, not two minutes in the door and I get dragged around all the males in the room. Most look uninterested, some dismiss me and others (mainly the old guys) look like they're in for an early birthday present. As if!

"Oh Minerva, you forgot Severus! Silly! We can't leave poor Severus out!" Poppy Pomfrey suddenly announces to Minerva and the whole room. So I get frog marched by Poppy, Minerva and Pomona over to where Severus sits in his dark corner trying to blend in with the darkness but failing, and trying desperately to cling on to every bit of furniture as we go along. Standing in front of a Slytherin looking sheepish is no mean feat for a Gryffindor, but then again, even Severus looks slightly afraid of what they're about to put him through.

"Come and fill up your glass Poppy," Minerva said loudly and pushed me closer to Severus.

"I don't need a re-fill, I got one earlier!" Poppy replied airily and waved her hand. Minerva looked at her and raised her eyebrows. "Oh of course! Sorry, must have a re-fill!" she giggled and dashed away to catch up with Minerva and Georgia.

"So, enjoying yourself?" I asked trying to make light conversation.

"Don't play thick, it insults the both of us," Severus snapped back.

"I'll take that as a 'no' then," I said ignoring his comment.

"You're a very clever witch," he said with a mock-toast to me and drank the rest of his punch. Taking that as my leave, I saw Albus and made a beeline across the room to him.

"Ah Rolanda!" he said cheerfully and poured out a glass of punch for me. "Here, all that frog-marching must have made you thirsty,"

I smiled wanly at him and accepted the cup of greeny-gungy stuff warmly.

"How's it going?" I asked lowering my voice and looking around the room.

"Oh smashing," what he really meant was 'hell', but Albus is a gentleman, and will never let on more than his usual happy façade. Smiling, I took the opportunity to take a quick glance around the room to see which areas I must avoid being dragged off to. Looking at the middle-aged section I saw a very tall, handsome, dark-haired man talking to Sophia Sinistra and a few boring people who were here last year. No doubt some relatives of one of the boring members of staff. I linked eyes with him for a split second and felt myself go all pink.

"Oh, so you like Marcus do you?" Albus said into my ear and I felt my blush deepen. I felt like I was sixteen again and being told off by the headmaster for getting up to no good in the Quidditch block showers. "I'm surprised you haven't noticed him before, he has been on staff since September,"

I generally try not to spend time in the staff room as my attributes are always discussed by either sex and I am always put on the spot with a really embarrassing question like "So, who have YOU been seeing lately," as if I am the school's bicycle. I do have to feel sorry for them though as they do lead rather boring lives. Since they have past the age of having sex, one have to find other things to amuse one's self. I dread the day that happens to me. One of my worst fears is turning into a hypercritical old bat like my aunt. I feel sorry for my dad, having to have a sister like that! Maybe that's why he moved to America to escape the brashness of the British. I shall never know as he died when I was four. I am now depressing myself further.

"Oh, no," I managed to reply. By that time Albus has been swarmed by a group of women trying to ask him out on a date. This is why we stick together; we know the feeling of being famous. No doubt Minerva shall rescue him in a few short minutes and then it shall be back to hunt-the-first-available-male-down-for-Rolanda-to-marry. Honestly, I think their marriage has to be the best well-known secret of the wizarding world. I don't know how he copes with it all.


I am now currently by the punch bow, filling you in, and fetching two cups of this ghastly looking concoction. Oh well, I hope Georgia over-did the alcohol. I am trying desperately to get asked out on a date with Marcus as he is;

A bona-fide sex god

I have heard many good things about the bedroom department, and

It will save me from being dragged around looking like medieval Scottish loser with a sign above my head saying 'Help me, I'm in need of a good shag'.

Mind you I would not blame him if he did not.


Oh yes. She definitely over-did the punch. Either that or someone else has spiked the drinks. It is not that good for I cannot write or walk straight. 'Tis very hard trying to do both at once.

Oops, tripped over Filius Flitwick and landed in the lap of the person whom I hate:


He just sneered at me. Bastard.

Oh god, I am now being steered away from HIM and from the direction I was going in to see Marcus by Pomona!

The only thing worse!

1.43 am

I think I'm going to escape while I can and drown more of my sorrows in that beautiful bottle of whisky that I have back at my quarters. It is depressing for a thirty…thirty, erm, cough eight cough one year old to walk back to her chambers in a state of hopelessness ALONE. All I have to look forward to is a cold bed and my memories to keep me company. I have to keep my cool for I am The Quidditch Queen of England, ex-star seeker of the Holyhead Harpies and ex-England captain, and…oh god. Shut up woman.

I need a whisky…or two…

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