CSI: Miami

Title: Southern Girl

Genre: General/Romance

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Calleigh/Horatio

Summary: When Calleigh is invited to go to her brothers wedding her takes Horatio as her partner and while they are there Horatio gets to see what his "Bullet girl" is really like.

Disclaimer: I don't' own CSI: Miami, but I do own all the unfamiliar names and people.

Calleigh sat at home daydreaming it was 8:30 and she should have been
at work more then half an hour ago. She didn't her the door un-lock or
open, but she did feel the hand that sat formally on her shoulder. Jumping at
fright she braced herself for the hard cold floor. Instead the strong
arm held her up. Calleigh opened her eyes to see Horatio's blue eyes
looking back at her; all she wanted to do was melt in his arms. But instead she asked, "What are you doing here?"
"Well Eric called to tell me you weren't at work yet so I came to see for my self," Horatio answered.
"And what were you doing away from work Lieutenant?" Calleigh asked, her green eyes sparkled with mischief.
"Taking my nephew to school, Detective, and what's your excuse?" Horatio asked not letting Calleigh go.

"I was sleeping in, and dreaming that one day my prince charming will come for me. But first could I please stand up?"
"Sure," Horatio blushed a little from holding Calleigh.
"Thanks, no how about we get to work," Calleigh said as she grabbed her jacket and purse.
"After you, Miss. Duquesne," Horatio answered and opened the door.

"Thanks for the ride Handsome" Calleigh stood close to Horatio, and whispered in his ear, "Or should I say Prince charming" She kissed Horatio on the check and with a little bounce in her step left him standing there thinking.

"Hey Calleigh."
Calleigh turned around to see Tim Speedle right behind her.
"Hey what's up?" she asked.
"How'd you go with Angelo's gun?"
"Oh um…I got distracted!"
"What's on your mind Cal?" Tim looked at Calleigh in an 'I-think-I-know' look.
"Nothing... well... nothing really important?"
"You sure?"
"I'm sure," Calleigh smiled
"See ya later."
"Yah See ya Cal."

"Hey Calipo." Calleigh nearly dropped her cell as she heard the voice on the other line, "Tommy, how you been," Calleigh said in her thick accent.
"My wedding's coming up and…"
"Where's my invitation?" Calleigh buttered
"It'd take to long to get there!"
Calleigh smiled, "Go on."
"Well Angela would like you to be her maid of honor"
Calleigh nearly fainted, "Really?" she asked in shock.
Thomas pretended her did here that, "You will have to come over on Friday, have Saturday and Sunday to our selves, Mondays the wedding and on Tuesday we rest up after all is said and done"

"Yes sir"

"Calleigh there's just one problem"

Calleigh frowned, "What's that?"

"Who are you going to bring as your partner?"

"Well…good question" Calleigh thought until Thomas invaded her out of her thoughts.

"You could bring Horatio Caine, that boss mama said you're always talking 'bout"

Calleigh went pale white, "Oh no don't even think about it"

"Sorry Cal, I've already put him down as your partner"

"Thomas Duquesne!" Calleigh raised her voice

"Calipo calm down, I've got to get going"

"Ok, bye Tommy I'll see you Friday"

"Love you Cal"

Calleigh flipped her cell closed and headed of towards Horatio's office.

"Did I come at a bad time?" Calleigh asked as she stood against the door frame to Horatio's office.

"No I was just leaving" Yelina answered, walking pasted Calleigh in a huff.

"What can I do for you Calleigh?" Horatio looked up at his from his chair.

Calleigh sat down and started talking, "Well, it's my brothers wedding and I need to take someone with me, I don't know who but then he gave me an Idea of who to take, so I came up to see you"

"Calleigh, do you want me to go with you?" Horatio asked calmly.

"Yes," Calleigh answered as she jumped forward from her seat.

"When do we leave and how long do I need to book us off for?"

"We leave of Friday, and get back Tuesday or Wednesday"

"So I'll book off 6 days and I'll get the plane tickets"

"No Horatio I can do that!" Calleigh exclaimed.

"As well as finish a report?"

"Ok you win"

Horatio smiled

"And, Horatio?"


"Thank you" Calleigh smiled a warm smile that Horatio loved.

"No problem"

Calleigh left his office not worrying about the 6 days ahead.

This will probley be one of my longest chapters, hoe you enjoy it and there will be sequals. Just press that purple button in the left hand corner of the screan and review, all are welcome.