Do you realize how many times I deleted this chapter, and re-wrote it? A lot, I'm telling you! Even at this moment, I'm still trying to get it all right! Anyways, I do hope you all like it. Tell me what you a review!

Chapter 23: Best Days

Do you believe
In love at first sight
I think you do
We're lying naked under the covers
Those are the best days of my life
- Best Days, Matt White

Hermione lied on the floor, still frustrated on not "getting any" that day. She rolled her eyes in annoyance. So she couldn't help but be ticklish, who cares? Hermione looked over to see Sirius' brows furrowed, staring at the ceiling, and she wondered what he was thinking about.

"Sirius, what are you looking at?" Sirius squinted his eyes and tilted his head.

"I'm looking at that bit of peanut butter on the ceiling. How in the world did that get there?" He asked, quite seriously too. Hermione rolled her eyes and got on top of him. It now seemed like Sirius was in the mood, as he started kissing her heavily, rolling them both so he was on top. He stopped kissing her and rested on his elbows on either side of Hermione.

Hermione looked up at him. "You know," she said kissing him in between words, "I think we should discuss, what and when are we going to tell everyone?" The mood was once again, broken. Sirius sighed and lied his head on her chest, still leaning onto his elbows lightly

"Well, we have an Order's meeting tomorrow. Maybe that can be you're chance to tell them." He replied, resuming his kissing. Hermione, on the other hand, had other ideas and pulled away from the kiss.

"I have to tell them?"

"Well, you're the one who wants to tell everyone were shagging."

"We're not 'shagging', Sirius. We're just…sexually active, and a couple! They need to know that. They have a right!" Hermione declared, now thinking of what to say.

"Either way, I know that there is suppose to be dinner! And either way, we have no food in the house, therefore, we're going to have to venture out and buy food!" Sirius told her, getting up and grabbing her hands to pull her up too. Hermione grabbed her coat, scarf, and gloves', seeing as it was snowing, again. Sirius, too, grabbed his jacket, but lacked his hat. After Hermione had checked her reflection in the mirror, they headed to the nearest grocery store. For the first few minutes of their walk, it was silent. Hermione was taking in the falling snow that was creating the beauty in the town. Sirius was looking at Hermione, thinking how lucky he was that he was back. Hermione then smiled and started twirling around laughing.

Sirius laughed along. "What are you doing love?" She looked at Sirius, and he noticed the snow flakes on Hermione's eyelashes.

"It feels good to be free at last." She said, quietly, leaning in to kiss him. He smiled and spun her around, watching her dance in the snow.


"Darling, what are you going to make for dinner tomorrow?" Sirius inquired, looking at the groceries around the table.

"You know what, I don't know yet." She replied, her eyebrows furrowed. "Something with…chicken." Sirius snorted.

"Good, 'cause that's the only thing you bought." Hermione glared and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Ouch, Granger, that hurt!" Hermione laughed as Sirius mocked hurt. Hermione went into the pantry and exited within minutes.

"So, what are you making now?" He questioned once again.

"Do you really have to know everything?" She retorded.


"For your information, I'm making chocolate cake for tomorrow." She told him, starting to mix all ingredients.

"Ah, for tomorrow, eh? None for tonight?"

"Not one bit. You are going to have to suffer."

"You know, I don't think I will have to." Came his smooth reply. He reached in front of her and dipped a spoon into the chocolate mixture, then proceeded to eat it. Hermione turned to him, a hand on her hip.

"That wasn't very nice."

"Yes, well this isn't either." He dipped his finger into the mix and put it on her nose. "That's what you get for throwing snow at my head." Mischief gleamed in Hermione's and Sirius' eyes. Hermione dipped her own fingers into the chocolate and wiped it on his cheek, laughing.

"Oh, Ms. Granger, you are in loads of trouble now." Hermione shrieked as chocolate came her way. That started their game for the night. Hermione and Sirius fun lasted for an hour, ending with both of them on the kitchen floor, having slipped in a bit of mix. Sirius was on top of Hermione, leaning down every so often to capture her in a kiss.

"Is that so?"

"Oh yes, because you have…er…disobeyed the rules of men." He said with each kiss, "You see, us men aren't suppose to look weak."

"Oh, really?"

"Most definitely. Now, because we've got chocolate all over us, we have to go shower."

"And you're complaining about that because…"

"Trust me, love, I'm not complaining, just informing."


Hermione woke up with Sirius' arms around her. Her hair was still damp from the shower last night, and so was Sirius'. As Hermione lay looking at Sirius, she stroked his cheek, going down to his chest where a couple of scars and tattoos lied. She wondered if he got the scars when he was in the veil.

"I got that my, um, 5th year I believe." Said a tired voice. Hermione looked up to see Sirius watching Hermione trace his chest.

"What did you do?" She questioned back. Sirius looked thoughtful, and then smiled as he remembered the memory.

"I got into a fight with Malfoy. He's quite unreasonable, actually. I mean, all I did was turn his hair bright pink." Hermione smiled, but didn't laugh that time. She traced another scar along his lower abdomen.

"And this one?"

"I, uh, I got that when I was on the run." Sirius replied in a quiet voice. "I almost got attacked by a werewolf. I was in Romania at the time." Hermione's eyes got wide.

"Sirius?" She asked, quietly.

"Yes, Love?"

"Did you miss me when I disappeared? Or did you just forget about me?" She avoided looking into his eyes. Sirius took Hermione's chin and lifted it, pulling her into a kiss.

"I miss you every single day. I think the only thing that kept me going was you…and that rat, Peter." Hermione smiled, disappearing as soon as it came.

"He's not dead yet, Sirius. He's still out there with Voldemort."

"I know, love. We'll figure out something. But I don't want to worry about that just now. We have time." Hermione shook her head and sat up, hugging her knees.

"That's the thing, though, Sirius. We don't have time! What if either of us disappears again?"

"I'll make sure that we don't leave again 'Mione!" Sirius said, getting frustrated. Hermione got up, angry herself, and grabbed her towel, walking to the bathroom. She turned around.

"You can't always be my knight in shining armor Sirius. We have to look at reality here. Anything can happen." She walked into the bathroom, and locked the door." Sirius sighed and ran his hands over his face.

"Damn women." He grumbled, getting up from the bed.


Hermione was in a sundress she had, and was going to start making dinner. The order was going to be here in less than an hour, and she still had no idea what she was going to make. She sat on the counter, looking at the recipes.

"How does…Cajun Chicken sound for dinner?" Hermione asked, flipping through the pages.

"Yuck…" Sirius replied, who was tossing a ball in the air and catching it.

"Okay, what about chicken stir-fry?"

"Double yuck."

"Sirius," She turned around and frowned, "Do you like anything with chicken." Sirius stopped tossing the ball and thought for a moment, temporarily scaring Hermione.

"I like spaghetti." He said after five minutes.

"But I've got chicken, not hamburger."

"Well, make it without either."

"But what do I do with the chicken?" Hermione replied.

"I don't know."

"Well, I can't just waste the chicken and make spaghetti. That's a waste of money."

"But I don't want chicken." Sirius said, charmingly.

Hermione smiled sweetly. "But I don't want to waste the chicken, love."

Sirius sighed and rolled his eyes. "This is getting us no where."


Sirius heard the door open and close. He went to the entry room and held out his wand, not taking any chances.

"Who's there?" He called out, looking around in the dark.

"It is I, Remus Lupin, here with Tonks." The voice called out. Sirius sighed and walked over to the Remus and Tonks, gretting them.

"I thought you would have been a Death Eater or Voldemort." They talked for a few more minutes and started walking in the kitchen, where Hermione was in the process of making spaghetti with chicken.

"Hello Remus. Tonks." Hermione said without looking up.

"Hello Hermione!" Replied Tonks, "How are you?"

"Oh, wonderful! Just dandy, couldn't be better!" Tonks heard the sarcasm in her voice and smiled.

"Telling everyone about you and Sirius, eh?"

"Yes and I'm bloody nervous. I don't know wha-" Hermione stopped, "Wait, how did you know about me and Sirius?"

Tonks smiled. "Remus told me of course." Hermione turned towards Remus, eyebrow raised. As if sensing her look, Remus turned around and saw Tonks and Hermione looking at him, and got the idea that Tonks spilled. And not against her will. Hermione shook her head and heard the front door open, once again. Hermione took a deep breath and took off her open, leaving the kitchen. Sirius, Remus, and Tonks all heard her talking to Mrs. Weasley, the one Hermione wanted to avoid.


Everyone in the Order was finally here and were all seated, eating dinner. Hermione hadn't said too much, being scared of talking to Mrs. Weasley and everyone else, about her and Sirius.

"Hermione, dear, how are you doing, living with Sirius at the moment?" Asked Mrs. Weasley.

"Er, it's good. Sirius is treating me wonderfully."

"Good, good. I'm glad you hear he's not taking advantage of you." Hermione felt Sirius rise beside her.

"Sirius! Sit down." Hermione whispered.

"No, Hermione. It's time she found out now, anyways." Sirius turned towards Mrs. Weasley and started talking.

"Mrs. Weasley…Molly. Why in the bloody world would you think that I would take advantage of Hermione?" He saw Molly hesitate then respond.

"Well, hearing of your past…"

"What, that I slept with a few girls? That I had a reputation of a bloody git? Or that I actually fell in love with a girl? Which surprises you the most, Molly?" He said, his voice getting louder. It was obvious that his past was a hard topic to talk about.

"Sirius." Said a calm voice. It was Dumbledore who had spoken up. "Calm down, please. I don't think Molly was thinking of any of that." But when Molly didn't agree, Sirius pushed his chair aside and left into the library. Hermione was angry about what Molly said.

"Molly! That was not appropriate! I don't know why you would say something like that." Hermione got up, and left through the same door Sirius had went through.

Hermione opened the door quietly and looked for Sirius.

"Sirius?" Sirius didn't answer. Hermione walked to the farthest bookshelf and found him sitting on the floor, looking through a picture album.

"Sirius?" She said once again. But Sirius failed to answer, but patted to the vacant spot next to him. Hermione sat down and laid her head on his shoulder looking at the album too.

"You realize that I didn't sleep with lots of girls, right 'Mione?" Sirius asked quietly.

"I believe that the relationships you had were special and were not all about sex." She smiled and kissed him.

"Good." He kissed her back. Hermione smiled and got up, dragging Sirius up with her. Sirius groaned.

"I don't want to go!"

"Sirius you will go. And," she said, grinning. "I will give you permission to tell Molly about us." Sirius grinned and winked at her, grabbing her hand. They exited the library and made their way into the dining room, where everyone was still eating. When Sirius and Hermione entered, everyone stopped. Sirius grinned and lifted her hand, which was still holding his hand.

Sirius smirked. "Still think I'm taking advantage of her, Molly?"

Okay, I'm still not crazy about this chapter! It seems like I can't get it right! sigh Well, I'll get the next chapter to be good. Anyways, I'm writing a new story (which will be continued) and It's a Hermione/Sirius one, but Hermione doesn't go back in time. I guess you'll have to read it, eh? Anyways, please tell me what you thought of this chapter!