Here I am writing chapter 10! I swear I'm on a roll haha. Though it appears as though everybody has forgotten this story, I'm all right with that I suppose… Just as long as people are still not giving up on me, it's all good. I would have written this chapter sooner, but I was busy rewriting chapter 3 for the first part of this story (it's slightly different, but it all leads to the same ending). So check it out new and old readers if you like! Plus there's school and of course, the laziness… And here is chapter 10! By the way!!! ANY AVENGED SEVENFOLD FANS OUT THERE: head banging to "Critical Acclaim" has to be the greatest thing in the world. If you guys have not heard that song, go on my myspace profile (which would be located on my fanfiction profile!) and listen! Trust me; it's amazing and the lyrics about politics and such are so true. All right random moment, but I'm an obsess fan with A7X even though I look like one of those country prep girls ). Enjoy the chapter everyone!

Chapter 10 "Close the Eyes"

"Don't call me Kyo-kun you filthy mortal. I don't need to waste my time with a silly prisoner such as you."

Something struck the rat leader as he watched the orange head boy turn his back against them all, walking by Kagura's side in an elegant yet sturdy motion. Straight away Yuki couldn't prevent himself from looking down at the princess. The look on her face was…like a nightmare gone terribly, terribly wrong. He couldn't tell what laid behind those glassy blue orbs. Tohru didn't have the slightest smile or the tiniest frown. It was like…she was having a vision; her body formed as a statue. Was she having a vision?

Her lips suddenly parted. "Did…I do something wrong?" Tohru asked herself, not minding the Zodiacs who surrounded her.

Fury enraged the rat leader. Just…pure fury. He looked at Momiji out of the corner of his eyes, unable to remove his gaze from the cat leader. "Momiji-kun, do you mind bringing Princess Honda-san to my office along with Lord Haru?"

Momiji didn't have to ask for a reason as he nodded; half a frown on his features explained everything. He pulled Tohru along with him as she gave in, stepping away from Yuki. At first Tohru was a bit stunned by Momiji's sudden actions, but didn't resist as she took a couple of glances over her shoulder, only seeing Kyo walking off into the distant and Yuki's attention towards her. More and more Zodiacs started getting in the way of her image, and eventually the gap that was open suddenly closed up.

Once Tohru was gone from the picture, Yuki sharpened his eyes at the cat leader and swiftly marched up to Kyo, quietly ordering any other Zodiacs who got in his way to step aside. A few of them eyed Yuki suspiciously yet worriedly, knowing that something was wrong. Lastly, Yuki was able to catch up with Kyo as he harshly grabbed his arm, pulling the hot headed boy straight towards him. This was exactly like earlier today… It was so awkward. It was only a few hours ago since he had last spoken with Kyo at Mortal Castle. Why did it seem like days? Was it because Kyo was acting completely different? Different as in not concern about the princess and not using better words that were right for a complicated situation such as now?

"Lord Yuki?" questioned Kagura perplexed; however there was a tint of irritation escaping. Supposedly she wanted her alone time with Kyo and she wasn't going to hide it.

"What do you think you're doing?" ordered Yuki sternly, giving another tug on Kyo's arm.

"What?" Kyo pulled his arm away unsympathetically, giving Yuki a disgusting look. "What do you want?"

"Why is he such a stubborn, stupidWhat was that back there?" Yuki back waved his hand towards the Zodiac crowd who finally started to mind their own business, a few shuffling around to get back inside the castle. However, a few remaining ears who had nothing else to do paid close heed. "Did you forget who you were talking to a while ago?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" questioned Kyo stupidly, making an attempt to walk away. However Yuki merely followed without a thought.

The rat leader glanced at Kagura before asking, "May you give us some privacy please Lady Kagura? It'll be quick."

Kagura struggled with her decision before giving a disappointed smile at Yuki, nodding her head as she stole a few glimpses at Kyo. She walked away with a pouted face, not trying to hide the fact that she clearly didn't want to walk away from the two of the leaders, especially the fiery cat. The violent aura they gave off was quite deadly to her however.

Yuki waited for her departure before turning his eyes back on the cat leader who still continued to walk away. He leaned closer to the cat leader, disgusted by Kyo's face, but he couldn't risk everybody around them listening to their discussion. This was a personal situation that had gone completely wrong. "I'm talking about Princess Honda-san!" he hissed.

"That mortal girl?" queried Kyo, looking even more sickened then his closeness with the rat leader.

"Kyo you can stop with the act!" whispered Yuki callously, grasping Kyo's arm once again as he dragged him along, trying to get away from the crowd. Kyo's cursing didn't bother Yuki one bit. "Making it appear as though you don't know Princess Honda-san is excusable, but not how you responded to her earlier! Did you see her face?"

"Making it appear?" Kyo spread an arm away from his body, gesturing that everything was his fault in a sarcastic way. "I don't even know that girl!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" mimicked Yuki, continuing to drag him away to a quiet place. However, it seemed that in every corner of this territory, a Zodiac was around; in human form or Zodiac form. "Kyo, Princess Honda-san is seriously confused. You can't possibly feel anything after what you've done."

"Oh, yes I can!" The cat leader was swift enough to release Yuki's grasp as he aimed head on towards Yuki, his fist clenched with excitement for another skirmish. Unfortunately, the rat leader was too fast to undergo Kyo's attack. The cat leader's eyes were on fire as he lazily stood up straight, glaring at Yuki through his half shut eyelids with his head held high towards the sky. "Lord Akito told me a lot about you during the past six months or whatever; falling head over heels for the princess of Mortal Castle while being imprisoned." He looked away, appalled. "How sickening. You seriously are stupid no matter how you put it nor how much you deny it."

Yuki was attempting to whack the hell out of the cat leader, but there was something that seriously bothered him. Why did Kyo's expression and tone make it seem as though…he were telling the truth? But that couldn't be. Kyo had met Tohru before Yuki came into the picture almost a year ago! The history that happened between the cat leader and the princess before his existence came along; all was unaware to Yuki. But with the amount of time he was in enemies ground, it was a clear portrait that Kyo had formed an impossible 'bond' towards the girl. But now… What in the world was Kyo doing? Yuki had no desired feelings for Tohru. It was only an act of protection; an act of helping a friend. Why point fingers at someone else when it was clearly Kyo's fault?

"He told me to let you be," grumbled Kyo, crossing his arms. "I don't know what the hell he's thinking! Maybe he thinks he can get through her and discover some kind of weakness against the enemies…" It was obvious that Kyo was talking to himself. He glanced at Yuki and spoke, "But whatever; it's none of my business. You are just one foolish Zodiac to fall for a mere, weak mortal. And I thought getting capture was the worst you can do. Just because I spoke my mind out to your girlfriend doesn't mean I have to apologize. So get away from my sights you damn rat!"

It wasn't the fact that he was angry about what Kyo had accused him of doing… "Kyo!"

"Lord Yuki wait!"

Yuki spun around and saw a dark brown headed boy running after them; however his eyes were stuck on Kyo. Jekou ran up to Kyo and muttered something to him that Yuki couldn't make out. Kyo and Jekou continued to exchange words and no matter how much the rat leader wanted to snoop in, he just couldn't. Suddenly Kyo eyed Lord Yuki, a small smirk on his face before turning around, strolling away.

Yuki was prevented from reaching Kyo as Jekou merely wrapped a single arm around Yuki's shoulder, pulling him into the opposite direction. "Forget about him," muttered Jekou. He wasn't asking Yuki; he was ordering him. "We need to talk."

"Don't call me Kyo-kun you filthy mortal. I don't need to waste my time with a silly prisoner such as you."

Tohru sat quietly in Yuki's office, adjusting herself into the large chair in front of her desk. There were a few piles of papers stacked upon the oak wooden desk, but Tohru paid no heed to it. It wasn't like her to be nosy, though it would have been a nice chance to possibly study a few things about the Zodiacs for the benefit of her people. Lord Yuki and Momiji were her friends, yes, but the rest of the Zodiacs…they were enemies. They were people who her people wanted off the planet for good. The Zodiacs thought of her and the rest of her kind as the same.

Even Lord Kyo…right?

"I must have done something," thought Tohru, glancing up from her shivering hands. The fear engulfing her wasn't just because of Lord Kyo, but because of the fact that she was completely surrounded by hatred. "Maybe coming here made him mad."

But why wouldn't he be mad? Why shouldn't Tohru feel guilty? Why couldn't she had stayed back at Mortal Castle and died proudly. Did…Kaxa go through the same treatment? Was she really left behind? Did Tohru's barrier block out Kaxa? Kaxa, knowing how powerful her abilities were, could easily break the barrier and free herself into safe grounds, right? Or…were the Zodiacs able to find her or capture her while her attempts slowly fell down the drain? Were they questioning her? Did Kaxa know that Tohru was kept at Zodiac Castle? Maybe Tohru was bait? Telling Kaxa that the Princess of Mortal Castle was locked away at Zodiac Castle; the Zodiacs could order Kaxa anything if she wanted to retrieve Tohru.

Tohru steadied her eyes against a corner of the desk in front of her. "Please don't come after me Kaxa-san. It would cause too much trouble."After all, she was just one person.

"I wonder how long Yuki expects us to wait in here," mumbled Haru, boredom overwhelming him as he continued to stand in front of the entrance, eyeing the door.

Tohru's heart made a sudden skip since the room had been dead silent for almost half an hour. "You-you don't need to stay Lord Hatsuharu-san… That felt really awkward to say…I'll stay here! Honestly!"

Haru merely shook his head. "Yuki probably wouldn't like that…" Something sparked in the ox's eyes as he ever so kindly look over his shoulder. He grinned at the princess, making his way over to her and leaning over the desk. Haru glued his elbows on top of the wooden counter, resting his sharp chin against the palm of his hand. As he looked through his snowy bangs, he spoke casually, "..because dear Yuki has a little fond towards you in case you haven't notice."

Tohru furrowed her brows in confusion. Well, that was a random comment to say. At least it somewhat brought the room life. Why?

Haru looked away with a cunning smile, almost as if he were trying to prevent a chuckle from escaping. "You probably are clueless with that…" He looked over his shoulder, noticing Momiji sleeping quietly on a chair as he rested his shoulder against the wall. "I'm not certain about you Princess Honda-san, but with all due respect, the likes of you with Yuki does not torture me."

What was there to say? "I'm…I'm glad!" Tohru tried giving a truthful smile, but the thought of these other Zodiacs around her…the thoughts they had about her…the thoughts they had about what they wanted to do with her… "Does Lord Hatsuharu-san want to accept people like me? He has been a really nice person since I've met him, but it might just be an act. Maybe he's luring me into something I shouldn't be near."It was just too confusing! Making assumptions about people was definitely a no no for Tohru.

Hatsuharu stared at her for a moment. "You do understand what I'm saying, right?"

Basically…not at all. Tohru tried to hide her blush from embarrassment. "I think so…" But she just couldn't go out saying, 'I want to be your friend even if you are a Zodiac!' That would just be too forward, especially when the two of them were clearly enemies. Things like that weren't necessarily easy. The situation dealing with Momiji and Lord Yuki were completely different…right? "Maybe I don't understand…"

Haru couldn't help but chuckle at the silliness of the girl. Tohru didn't mean to say that out loud. "It's written all over your face sadly." Haru patted Tohru's head. Just the touch of his powerful hands made Tohru shiver. "Yuki always denies the truth that he's about to approach soon. Of course, who in their right mind would want to combine two opposites?" Hatsuharu was still staring at Tohru, but the way he spoke clearly showed that he was talking to himself. "Though such problems could lead to conclusions…yet a succession requires consequences and possibly return to having problems once again. But of course, Yuki would know how far someone would need to go before trouble stirs." Again, a flash shimmered in his eyes. "Or maybe not since he's the one who got himself in this position."

This time, Haru was really looking at Tohru. But what was she suppose to say to that? Whatever it was, it seemed that Lord Yuki was under some kind of dilemma that she was completely unaware of. "Is Lord Yuki-kun all right?"

Haru just shrugged "I don't know. You tell me; what's your relationship with Yuki princess?"

Yuki wanted to say many things; yes. But for some reason he couldn't speak a single word as Jekou continued to walk in front of him. He had released the cat leader once entering inside the castle, but silently hissed that Yuki should follow him. Though the rat leader was concern about the princess's captivity with Haru—of course, Yuki trusted Haru more than ever. What concerned him was Tohru's reactions and comfort around him—Yuki found Jekou's saying to be quite interesting and imperative. So as of now, Tohru would have to deal with Haru and try to find peace. Besides, Momiji was with them. Sadly to say, the thought of having Momiji around the two of them brought him relief. Momiji wasn't the type of person to cause nuisance and trouble.

"Today went by so fast," muttered Jekou, not bothering to turn around to see if Yuki remained behind him. They strolled silently through the deserted gray marble hallway, portraits of magnificent, beautiful people hanging on the walls. "The thought about sleeping just excites me."

Well, didn't he sound excited?

"What's going on Jekou?"

For the first time, Jekou managed to eye Yuki. "Not here Lord Yuki."

That was enough to keep the rat leader silent as they approached the back door, leading into the training field. The sky was on fire as shadows portrayed every object on ground. The white pebbles scattered all over the entire ground were painted with bright shades of the sky; the same with the bonsai plants that formed a unique road around the place. Another outside hallway was visible across from them; large, thick marble pillars supporting the roof. It wasn't that often that Yuki had been out here. The last time he had been out here was during the plans for taking over Mortal Castle and overhearing Lord Shigure and Lady Rin speaking that one night…

Jekou checked his surroundings, his brilliant green eyes covering every border. His pupils were now a bright brown for some apparent reason. What happened to the shiny yellow pupil he used to have? Such strange eyes… Even for a Zodiac. "We got to make this quick, all right Lord Yuki?"

Something zoomed into Yuki's mind. "You don't have to refer to me as Lord you know."

"It would be wise to do so," he spoke softly as he sat on one of the curved boulders, his elbows lying against his knees. Yuki followed his actions as he sat as well; looking around himself to make sure that surely no one was around to spy on them. Of course they were all Zodiacs, but Yuki just had this intention that he was somehow a traitor…

"By the way," said Jekou quite loudly. "I haven't spoken with you since you left that one time. Remember, the whole situation with Lord Ayame and your army?"

Yuki raised a curious brow. Oh. That day. Well…that was something. Marching with his big brother, his army taking the snake's side; don't they know that snakes eat rats? Maybe that was the reason why his brother always 'attacked' him with his 'love and whatnot.'

Why did it seem like he was referring to Kyo and Kagura? "I remember that," replied Yuki a bit carefully. What did he want to know about that?

"Well I heard that…" Jekou leaned in swiftly. "…you released a prisoner? Wait, let me say that again. You took a prisoner out of the cellars and let him saunter freely around the castle?" His entire forehead was wrinkled.

Yuki had completely forgotten about Manabe, the mortal prison whom Yuki had released shortly after returning to his home. Soon after Yuki started to become acquaintances with the mortal, Lord Akito had surprised them both by speaking with them in public, not minding about the rest of the Zodiacs watching them. Lord Akito didn't seem that angry and such, but his eyes were only concentrating on Yuki and no one else. It was almost as if staring into the eyes of the prisoner would shatter every single bone in his body. But pretty much by the end of the run in, Yuki was only warned with the fact that the presence of Manabe and any mortal was too…revolting to even think about. So instead, Manabe was not allowed to roam around the castle as he pleased. Besides, it was safer if he remained in the cellars rather than walking in public. But if Lord Yuki wished for this mortal to remain out of the cellars, then be it. He had his own reasons.

"He was accompanied by me," added Yuki, crossing his legs. He wanted to say more, but what was there to say about freeing a mortal? Of course, Yuki didn't let Manabe escape the castle; good heavens no. He would have literally been a crazy man to attempt something such as that. Partaking in an act such as that was definitely traitorous. But he had to hide Manabe from everyone. However with the thought of that, Yuki continued to feel the thought of being a deserter who didn't exactly know which way to go. He—

"Still, it kind of makes me laugh," commented Jekou with a grin. "Did Mortal Castle leave a big impact on you?"

The rat leader was silent for a moment as the fire sky started to settle into pitch blackness. He tried to keep his eyes on Jekou, but they always settled on his own moonlight bangs. "I'm not sure…" But before Yuki could think anymore about what was running through his mind, he was finally able to look straight at the brown headed boy. "Jekou-kun, I didn't follow you to talk about this." Pause. He didn't want to talk about it. "…Or was this what you wanted to talk about?"

Jekou seemed a bit puzzled. "Do you not want a simple conversation?" He pulled back and scratched his temple. "I'm pretty sure you're stressed with today; expecting answers with this and that. Why not settle down for tonight and take a break or something?"

Yuki's eyes softened with depression. "It's not that easy. It's like…once something is on my mind, it won't find a way out until I open a door for it. The answers are my doors." He glanced at Jekou. "You understand? The questions will just continue to pound against that door and I'm not able to answer it."

"I suppose we have those moments."

The two of them were left in silence. Whatever was running through Yuki's mind; he had no idea. How did Jekou appear so calm and collected like this? Basically, Yuki was becoming more and more desperate. Was Jekou really wasting his time? Did he just randomly pull Yuki away because he didn't want a quarrel to start between the two rivals? There had to be some things running through Jekou's mind. It was almost as if Jekou didn't really care about solving the problems that were in his head. Unlike Yuki. All of these questions and curiosity planted inside the rat's mind; it was unbearable. Answers for this and answers for that; it was like someone was slowly picking at your brain, removing a piece of a puzzle that wants to be completed. Yuki could never just…stop his thoughts. They never stop. It was hard to sit down and just enjoy what you know and have now besides expecting more and more.

It was just something he was use to.

"I can't be like Jekou. I just figured that…" He looked around himself. The place was much darker with only a bit of sunlight hiding behind a tower. "…you knew something about Kyo that I didn't, that's all."

"I do."

Excitement or relief didn't necessarily sink inside Yuki. He merely stared at Jekou, waiting for whatever he had to say. Goodness. The rat leader was terribly tired. Yet again, who was the one that flew everyone back to Zodiac Castle? Well, the boy sitting right in front of him of course.

It seemed like Jekou was lost with words as he gazed at Yuki with his empty glass eyes. "I'm not allow to tell you Lord Yuki," he spoke. The rat leader didn't even catch the dragon's lips moving. "This is secret planned to be hushed from everyone no matter what excuses are made."

All of Yuki's hopes fell. "So…you aren't going to tell me then?"

"Oh no, I am going to tell you." Jekou patted Yuki's shoulder lightly for reassurance. "There were many things back at Mortal Castle that I owed you. I suppose this could be my start. It's just…I'm warning you right now. We can't let this get around the castle."

"Is it that bad?" Yuki was completely lost. Kyo's behavior earlier was awkward and startling. Surely it could have been an act for all he knew, but still the continuation of his hatred for the girl even after she had left; even when Kyo and Yuki were alone, the acting was still in play. There was no reason to continue on with his loathing. But maybe the cat leader was frustrated that the princess was in his home; where she was vulnerable towards everyone. Was he worried about her? Was he worried about her safety? The cat leader couldn't possibly be with her all the time and defending her every second was out of the picture. But Kyo wouldn't snap at her just because of being concern...

"Princess Honda-san?" Yuki asked. Both he and Jekou were locking eyes. "Is she not allowed to know?"

"Lord Akito told me not to…"

"I just figured that it would make things easier for Princess Honda-san if she knew what was going on. Leaving her mind blank would just consume her completely until she finds out." But what was he thinking? Yuki was basically talking about himself! With no answers, that meant continuous banging against that unanswered door. However the rat leader didn't want to leave Tohru in the dark.

"I was going to tell her Lord Yuki," said Jekou. "But you interrupted me so fast." He ruffled back some hair. "Actually, would you mind telling her? I rather leave her alone for a while because well, you know, if someone found me zooming up to the princess right now, you would think they would report it to Lord Akito, thus he would suspect me of disobeying his orders."

"You have a point." Lord Yuki had to give props towards Jekou. Knowing Lord Akito, he would think that Yuki didn't care about the strange relationship between the cat and the princess. But unfortunately…

"Well?" By this time, the whole scenery was pitch black. "Are you going to keep your word?"

The rat leader quickly nodded. A sudden urge to just see the princess conquered his every nerve.

"No one is allowed to know except you and the princess like we said." Jekou laughed for a moment. "How did it take us this long to discuss this?"

Yuki couldn't help but make a grin. Letting time pass away so easily was so simple… Time would seem to go by so slow, but eventually time just suddenly speeds up without a warning.

"About Lord Kyo…" Thunderous footsteps sped through the hallway behind them unexpectedly as Jekou quickly shut his lips. Once the steps faded away, Jekou continued. "You know, his reaction to the princess and whatever he told you earlier… I only pulled you away once I noticed Kyo getting pissed off. I mean, ever since Mortal Castle the fury between you two settled ever so slightly, but it was noticeable. And now just earlier everything had just started from the beginning."

But wait a second… Why should Yuki get so fed up with Kyo? Was it any of his business to explain why Kyo and Tohru should 'make up' as he so puts it? The two of them were suppose to be rivals; that was a fact Yuki had to remember. But it was like…rivalry didn't matter between the two of them; rivalry wasn't right for them. And saying that about Kyo was almost as crazy as holding your breath for a day. What was the reason that Yuki wanted those two to get along again? He wasn't looking out for Kyo. Of course, he was looking out for Tohru's happiness. But did her happiness really rely on the cat leader? How could he not be sure that possibly her people was the key to her happiness? Maybe her home was her happiness? Why did Yuki relate everything about Tohru to Kyo?

"Dammit not again," thought Yuki, feeling like hitting himself straight in the face. More knocks were attacking the unanswered doors in Yuki's head. "Princess Honda-san is like a sister…I guess. And with Lord Kyo pushing her aside like that earlier, it just makes me upset. It's not pleasing when someone hurts someone you love…" Something about that sentence made Yuki a bit uncomfortable as he tried to cough it aside. "But um, what also bothers me is what Lord Kyo had told me. With the fact that he does not know neither the princess nor that he was a prisoner in Mortal Castle. He also makes it seem like that I have feelings for Princess Honda-san."

"Don't you?"

Yuki felt an immediate urge to blush so that all the hotness inside of him would splattered everywhere, but he held it in. "Only in a brotherly way, yes. She saved my life, I saved hers. Princess Honda-san has taken care of me and I'm only trying to return the favor."

A bit of uncertainty covered Jekou's face. "Go on with that relationship if you like Lord Yuki, but let me tell you right now; she and Lord Kyo will only be 'friends' if Lord Kyo ever finds a reason to speak with her. Though a 'love' relationship sounds comforting for them and for us for some reason, it's not going to happen."

Is that what Yuki thought of the cat leader and the princess? Love? "I'm not necessarily concern that you are saying that they won't ever be 'together,' but of what Lord Kyo had told me earlier." Yuki's eyes sharpened for a moment, but then he continued. "He made it seem like I was him back in Mortal Castle. Being captured, being close with Princess Honda-san, and a lot of other things that Lord Akito had told him. It's almost as if Kyo's mind…"

That was it. That had to be it. There was no other explanation. With the way Jekou was acting all serious and whatnot, what other possibilities could there be? Why would Kyo act so cold and clueless? Why wouldn't he admit that he was kept as a prisoner in Mortal Castle for half a year? Or why would he brush Tohru away with ease, not having the slightest regrets? The slightest twitch for a fake act?

Supposedly, the sudden pause from Yuki triggered Jekou to speak. "Did you figure it out yet?"

A little taken aback, Yuki nodded. For a second Yuki had to let the fact sweep inside of him. "Is Lord Akito…allowed to command Kyo's memory to be suppressed? Let alone any Zodiac?" Is that even possible?

Jekou massaged the back of his neck soothingly. "I don't know anything nowadays Lord Yuki," spoke Jekou. "It's the curse. But there's nothing we can do about it. Lord Kyo doesn't remember anything that has happened from the day during that battle where he was captured until now. At least that's what Lord Akito told me."

"But he's the cat leader," Yuki said swiftly. "Someone's bound to ask him something about his imprisonment, don't you think? Why bother to keep it a secret when everyone knows about his past?"

Jekou shrugged. "That's what I was thinking, but I wasn't going to ask Lord Akito." He listened to the crickets echoing near the bushes. "He told me everything he was planning while we were still at Mortal Castle; before Kyo had his memories suppress. Before you left to return back here, Lord Akito had asked Lord Kyo for his assistance for a while. He told me you were with the cat leader during that time, correct?"

"So that's why Kyo didn't come back with all of us. And with Lord Hatori's absence… And Lord Hatori…"

"What choice did he had? He couldn't disobey Lord Akito you know. I haven't spoken with him since we have arrived here. Knowing him, he's probably regretting everything he did right now; suppressing his own kind. Doing so to a mortal wouldn't necessarily inflict any harm, but this is completely different. But enough about this Lord Yuki." Jekou stood up briskly, making the rat leader jump. "I don't want to talk about this now. I think it's best if we let a day or two pass by before we meet up again, just because…"

Yuki mimicked Jekou's movements, brushing away his bangs. "…I understand. But…what's going to happen with Kyo?"

The dragon sighed. He sure did appear exhausted, but he was extremely talkative. "Like I said, it's a sudden thing Lord Akito commanded. Truthfully I don't even think he knows what's going to happen. I guess…he just doesn't like the princess's company around Lord Kyo."

There was so much Yuki wanted to know; wanted to say. But Jekou was right. They would have to talk some other day. Any eavesdroppers or such were wide open now. Yuki couldn't take any chances about others discovering Kyo's memory loss. Of course, Yuki had a feeling that everyone was going to find out eventually. If a person's memory were to be suppress, it's best if they would stay away from the same environment and people that were vanished from their mind. Kyo was around the same atmosphere and such. The only new object added to the castle was, of course, the princess.

"I'm going to see Princess Honda-san now." Yuki was pretty much lost at words. "Are you sure you don't want to see her?"

Jekou smiled. "Though I do, it's not as easy. Ignoring the fact that Lord Kyo's suppression is 'supposedly' the only fact I'm suppose to know, the princess does not know that I was merely disguising myself as a mortal back in the past. She does not know that I'm a Zodiac." He chuckled. "I feel like a betrayer."

What was going on with the two of them? These connections that gave them some warm feeling of being honest and truthful and protective over mortals… "…Don't ignore her Jekou. I'm sure she will understand." Lord Yuki turned around and started to walk away, looking over his shoulder as his gorgeous amethyst eyes sparkled with the moon that was making its way into the center of the sky. "She's Princess Honda-san after all."

Jekou rolled his eyes as he spun around. "Cheesy guy he is…"

Ayame slithered through one of the many hallways, sparkling golden eyes reflecting off the many torches lit against the wall. But they weren't the sign of pure gold happiness brightening the hallway. They were gloomy; non polished and rusty. His delicate pale face that resembled so much of the rat leader was droopy. The slouching back revealed so much of his personality and such. The only thing that seemed to elaborate this Zodiac was his moonlit hair that dangled all the way to his buttocks. Of course, his designable violet outfit with remarkable white sakura flowers traveling from the hem of the outfit all the way to the tight fitting collar outshined everyone else.

All the Zodiacs were either in the dining rooms, celebrating the return of some Zodiacs. But the main celebration was for the fact that Mortal Castle had finally been taken over. Although the mortals were nowhere to be found during the takeover, that didn't exactly matter as of now. Lord Akito and the Zodiacs would probably find them eventually; maybe hidden underground in a cramp place with no food or water or air. With such conditions, one must escape to retrieve something to help them continue on living. They were merely trapped as true rats.

A moment ago Ayame was joined with Shigure and a few of the rat and snake Zodiacs, enjoying the wonderful banquet the servants had made for gratitude; gratitude that maybe Zodiacs would be considered 'normal' instead of freaks for once by everyone. But eventually after a joyful amount of laughter and practical jokes about their journey to enemy ground, Lord Ayame had realized that the presence of Hatori was nowhere to be seen.

"Transforming had done too much for Haa-san," replied Shigure, gracefully chugging a cup of sake. "At least…that's what he told me."

The snake leader had seen Lord Nukardo dine with a few dragons. He had transformed and done many things today, so why was he up and ready and eating like some crazy animal? Besides, when did a Zodiac ever say, 'I'm so tired from transforming?' There was nothing tiresome about that. It wasn't like Hatori to make someone worry either. So why make excuses that would make others curious?

And then when Lord Ayame had to cross the training grounds to the other side of the building…

"Did you figure it out yet?"

"Is Lord Akitoallowed to command Kyo's memory to be suppressed? Let alone any Zodiac?"

"I don't know anything nowadays Lord Yuki. It's the curse. But there's nothing we can do about it. Lord Kyo doesn't remember anything that has happened from the day during that battle where he was captured until now."

Ayame had been transformed as a snake during that time, making his way near the other side without trying to make himself visible or hearable. Sneaking out of the dining room without running into drunk, careless but carefree Zodiacs was kind of hard when being all full grown. Slithering out of the halls was pretty easy, but now hearing the conversation between Jekou and Yuki…

Lord Kyo's mind had been suppressed under Lord Akito's command… Why? After hearing that, Ayame made a quick escape because staying for too long wasn't worth it. Ayame knew Yuki's quick senses. If he had remained eavesdropping on their conversation for even another second, the rat leader would have found out. Both he and Jekou seemed so deep in conversation… A few mentions of the princess of Mortal Castle were tossed here and there, but other than that… Everything all fit together now; the reason why Lord Hatori was 'tired' and not joining everyone in festivity. Hatori wasn't exactly the 'party' person, but he wouldn't miss out on enjoying something to eat to regain his strength and socializing.

Still running through his thoughts, Lord Ayame made his way up a set of stairs, gazing out at the windows that transcended the whole, entire outer wall, giving a perfect view of the outlands. "Tori-san suppressed Kyo's memories…"

Eventually Ayame had approached Hatori's bedroom door. The snake didn't even think as he tried to budge the door open, however he was only greeted with a locked door. Ayame couldn't exactly pinpoint what was really 'wrong' with Hatori. Was he in pain right now for turning his back against a Zodiac? Was regret slowly building up inside of him? When had a Zodiac ever erased the memories of another Zodiac? But…these were under Lord Akito's orders. What else could Hatori do but obey? Obey the curse; the God.

Ayame aimed his clenched fist against the door, but after a moments loss, he pulled back.


The continuous pounding against the door struck every single hair on Kyo's body to spike up. Hearing that despicable voice every five seconds was enough to make Kyo reach for one of his katana's and stab himself straight in the stomach. And probably after doing that, he would have enough strength to open that stupid good for nothing door that couldn't block out sound and stab that boar until she would stop shouting out his name! Possibly hand it over to the mortals as some gift.

"Kyo! What's taking you so long?" Kagura's chirpy voice echoed off every corner of Kyo's room.

Settling his eyelids, the cat leader wiped his face with his bracelet hand in frustration. He had already spent at least twenty minutes trying to order her to leave ever since he managed to lock himself inside his room, but the maniac who calls herself Kyo's lover just remained at the door annoying the crap out of him. So there was only one thing to do; ignore.

"All of the codfish is going to be gone!"

Kyo looked at his own reflection from a hanging mirror, messing with his hair a bit as the light clicks from his bracelet reverberate against his ear. There was this huge headache overwhelming Kyo right now. His head was literally pounding, almost as if someone had thrown Kyo's head around like a football numerous of times. His eyes were a bit worn out too for some apparent reason; strange gray pockets underneath his eyes. The cat leader wasn't exactly tired, but his appearance sure did give him the impression that he was.

But he sure was hungry as hell…

Bracing himself, he swung open the door, expecting a massive tackle from Lady Kagura. However, Kagura was nowhere to be seen.

Lord Kyo couldn't help himself but to grin as he made his way towards the dining room. Supposedly she had figured that he would have never come out, thus roaming off on her own. A few roaming Zodiacs were walking around, a few holding bottles of God knows what and random animals strolling along the hallways, swaying in certain directions. Leftover food was scattered on the floor. What kind of party was this? Everyone getting drunk. Great. All of this had to be planned by Shigure or something. Well, at least by tomorrow everyone would have a headache and not just Kyo.

"Nobu-chaaaaaan!" A random red headed girl linked her arms around one of Kyo's warriors who was leaning against a wall. His face was flustered with relaxation. The cat leader merely ignored them as he passed them with ease. "Where! Did that…rat Yuki go?"

"Someone said that…he was heading towards his office." Kyo was a bit impressed that this warrior didn't talk like an actual drunk when he was obviously out of it. Not like that red headed girl; whoever she belonged too... "Lord Haru…Hatsuharu…oops...and the living dead rabbit were heading…to the, um, dining room. From…upstairs?"

The red haired girl gasped. "The mortal gal? You think she's with Yuki?"

Kyo was disgusted now. Was Lord Yuki really that attracted to this princess? What was so special about her anyhow? She wasn't all that great looking and she looked exceptionally stupid and frail. But other than that, she was a mortal for crying out loud! What the hell was wrong with Yuki? Besides, whatever that damn rat was planning on doing with her…

Kyo shook his head with pure, pure disgust. "What the hell am I thinking?" Was the mortal girl attracted to him too? Or was she just sorry that Yuki was locked up at Mortal Castle for six months straight? Who would want to be with a mortal anyway? They were so weak and useless and a pain in the ass… No wait; what mortal would want to be with a Zodiac?

This was some complicated shit.

Kyo's crimson eyes suddenly caught Ayame who had just turned a corner. The snake leader gazed at Kyo for a moment before he quickly looked away and purposely ran towards a group of other singing Zodiacs, wrapping his long arms around the drunken group and joining their party.

Lord Kyo grasped his head, yawning quite loudly. "This headache is driving me insane."

So basically…Kyo will never fall in love with Tohru again. And eventually when he is alone with Tohru he will kill her and then Yuki will take revenge for Tohru's death and kill him. Later Lord Akito breaks through the barrier Tohru had created when she had escaped the secret tunnel in Mortal Castle and all the Zodiacs will go through the escape tunnel to the mortal side where all the sheltered mortals are hidden. They take everyone as prisoners and all of world will be controlled by the Zodiacs. Lord Akito will be killed by a swarm of raging rats and Yuki will be the next ruler. And somehow he ends up marrying Kagura.

Okay. What the hell am I saying? That is SO not the ending. But who knows? Something like that could happen! Well…that's chapter 10… I know it wasn't all that great… I'm so sorry!!! I'm not the best writer as you can see. And my imaginations and such are slowly disappearing with each day going by. I mean, I haven't necessarily been reading Fruits Basket since I have already read the whole thing, and now reading all these other books and whatnot; the Furuba characters are slowly flying by me… Ugh. COME ON ANGIE! GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER! But anyhow…like I always say; I will try my best to update as soon as possible! You all can hold off a little while to read chapter 11, right? Please review! It would help muchos!