Color flickered up and down his arm from the skin tone to steel grey. He frowned at the arm. The color vanished and the arm gained a robotic look. Ramna cursed the hedge wizard that cast the illusion, "Lasts forever my ass. It's been only two years! Damn it, I don't need them asking questions about my automail arm. Is the leg still good?" He pulled up his left pant leg, "Aw man, my luck sucks. Looks like I have to start wearing gloves again..."

Genma walked in as Ranma finished rolling down his sleeve. He looked at the boy oddly then shrugged it off. He lay down due to his massive migraine. Mixing the sake and the other stuff last night Soun bought was a bad Idea. His head was pounding. Ranma had left as he let out a sigh.

Ranma hid his right hand in his pocket as he stepped out. Akane was with some friends and Nabiki was somewhere. Soun was drunk and Happosai left on another raid. Only Kasumi and him where in the house and coherent at the moment. He went to the dojo to vent his frustrations. The relaxation of the art always helped him think better. His brain was a battle computer working at full efficiency when used properly. His automail arm and leg were his weak point, besides the cat problem. But they were also a comfort. The lady who snapped him out of the neko ken was also an automail specialist. His real limbs were mangled beyond hope by the larger wildcats in the pit. They were the kindest, yet most painful gifts he ever received. He traveled to her every six months for maintenance. He froze mid strike as Kasumi opened the door. His auto mail arm plain as day. Ranma nervously looked at the woman he had come to know. "Eh he, Hey there Kasumi. What is it that I can do for you?"

Kasumi has adjusted to Ranma and his chaos a while back. She was only slightly stunned by Ranma's appearance. She looked at the arm, the silvery metallic surface shone in the light. "Is that automail? I heard about it from Nabiki. Isn't it painful to put it on?"

Ranma hung his head. He was busted. "It does, but I get worse on a daily basis. So it's not so bad. I only have to worry about Ryoga and the old ghoul and their breaking point,"

Kasumi walked up and touched the prosthetic. The metal was cold to the touch. Ranma reached up at the shoulder and detached the metal arm. It went limp after a dull click. "This is another bit of proof of Genma's stupidity. The Neko ken pit had more then just house pets. HE went and got wild animals from the forest. They found that my right arm and left leg were tasty. Now I have a full leg and arm replacement. Can you do me a favor and never tell anyone about this Kasumi? I can't have Nabiki selling it or Akane acting more smug,"

Kasumi looked from the arm to Ranma. He was pleading, and she knew how he hated to. "I will, but I've seen you without a shirt before. It looked normal,"

Ranma laughed, "I know some people who know magic. The enchantments wore off today, although they were suppose to last a lifetime,"

I won't tell, but take me with you when you need the maintenance. I love technology. But father says he will not allow it in the house."

Ranma blinked twice. Leave it to Kasumi to stop him in his tracks. But what will my mechanic say? He thought. "OK, I need to head in tomorrow. BUT not a word about this to anyone." He hisses as he reconnected his arm, "Damn pops,"

Kasumi smiled sadly, "When shall we leave tomorrow?"

Ranma rotated his shoulder, "About six, that will put us in at about eleven. I want you to make some excuse. Like your visiting someone and asked me to watch out for you or something. That should take off most suspicion,"

She nodded and went to leave before Ranma stopped her, "One last thing, My Mechanic Winry is… a little strange. And her husband Ed is no different. Make no comments about anything looking like junk or Ed's height."