A new Inuyasha story I wanted to try.
"Ms. Himura you have an interview at 5:30 a meet and greet at 8:00 and your mother called." The assistant said.
"Thank you Rei."
Kikyou's assistant left her moments later. Kikyou Himura actress, singer, model basically a triple threat. With a legion of adoring fans following her every move. She now sits in her hotel room preparing to answer some fan mail.
"Ms. Himura we have to get going."
"Alright I'll be right there."
She picked up a stack of fan mail and took it with her. She followed behind her assistant and publicist. It was stressful but she loved the life that she lived. Of course it left her with little time to have a personal life.
"Hello Kikyou how are you this afternoon?" the limo driver asked.
"I'm fine. How are you?"
Kikyou was well known for her kindness. Most stars were super conceited and not very nice to their fans. But not Kikyou she was nice to her fans. She was your typical down to earth person. Only with a fan base and more money than you can ever hope to have.
She is one of Tokyo's richest people. She had just recently turned 21 what more could a girl ask for? Because of her busy schedule she could never really experience the life of a normal teen. Never had a real boyfriend, never experienced a really passionate kiss, and didn't go to her prom. She would eventually meet the person that would change all of that.
Inuyasha Miyazaki was 24 and working as a bartender. No he didn't mind it at all only he had always hoped for something better. He worked at the hottest club in town. A little placed called Poison. A lot of famous people would show up every now and then. The only famous person he had wanted to see was Kikyou Himura. According to him he was her biggest fan. He knew everything about her owning all of her movies and all of the albums that she had ever made. His fellow co workers had even nicknamed him "Mr. Kikyou" simply because of his knowledge of her. He felt that she was the best at everything she did.
"Inuyasha I need you to pick up some more wine." Miroku said to him.
Miroku Kanzana was his best friend. He would occasionally work the night shift with him luckily Inuyasha didn't need much sleep. He was a half demon but not too many people knew about that. On the count that he had kept his ears covered.
"Fine I'm going." He muttered.
Kikyou was all finished with her interview it would eventually air sometime next week. So here she sat in her limo attempting to read more fan mail. Also she was waiting for her best friends Sango and Ayame to finish shopping. She had promised that she would go with them about a month ago. She had finally managed to find the time now. Although they never said anything to her directly they had wished to spend more time with her. Kikyou was just about to open another letter when her friends jumped back in the car.
"We're all done." Ayame smiled.
"Where are we headed now?" Sango asked.
"I have to go and meet some fans at another mall but afterwards we can do whatever you want."
Sometimes the fans would get out of control. This time wasn't any different from last time. Fans were lined up waiting to receive autographs. Well they were waiting just so they could meet her.
"Look she's over there." One fan pointed.
She sat down behind the desk several children were now running over to her. They were holding her pictures, posters, and C.D's with her face on it. So there she sat for two hours signing things taking pictures and doing other things for her fans. Hey it was all in a days work.
"Kikyou will you sign my chest please?" One boy asked her.
This had to be one of the strangest requests that she had ever received. His shirt was already up besides she couldn't very well say no to a fan. She took out her pen and started to write alongside his chest.
"There all done." She smiled.
"Kikyou just signed my chest. I may never wash it again."
Kikyou's assistant whispered to her that it was time to go. She really hated to leave especially when she didn't have a chance to talk to all of her fans. She remembered that she had promised Sango and Ayame that they would spend the rest of the night together.
"Sorry ladies and gentlemen but Ms. Himura has to go."
To say the crowd was becoming unruly was an understatement. People were being shoved; things were being knocked down; before too long some of them had started to chase after her. Not that her fans hadn't ever chased after her before. This was really a large crowd unlike the other times.
"Run Ms. Himura we'll meet you by the limo." Her assistant said to her.
Kikyou didn't have to be told twice thankfully she had taken track lessons. She turned back once to see that the crowd was still chasing her. When she finally got outside it was drizzling also there was no sign of the limo. Instead of waiting she proceeded down the block.
Inuyasha had returned to the club with a new case of wine; Although Miroku was originally the one that was supposed to have gone. He put the case down and went back behind the bar. Normally there would be a large crowd by now. Surprisingly there weren't that many people tonight.
"I wonder where everyone is tonight."
"Hey Inuyasha I got something for you."
Miroku then handed Inuyasha a magazine. On the cover was none other than Kikyou. Inuyasha looked over to his best friend.
"I felt bad about asking you to get the wine so I brought it for you?"
"Hey thanks. I would have brought it anyway."
Soon some people were starting to show up. It was now time to start serving drinks as usual. He would not have time to read his magazine this moment. When Kikyou had stopped walking she found herself outside of a club.
"Poison." She whispered.
Why did that name sound so familiar? It was then that she remembered that Sango and Ayame had wanted to go there. She put on some sunglasses and entered the club. Thankfully there weren't too many people there.
"What can I get for you?" Inuyasha asked.
She took a seat at the bar. She turned to face the bartender she had to admit he was very handsome. He had long silver hair and a pair of interesting golden eyes. He looked at her too something had seemed familiar.
"A glass of red wine please."
As he poured the wine he looked at the magazine. Then he slowly turned his attention back to the young woman. This caused him to nearly spill all the wine on the table. He set the glass down in front of her. He still continued to look at the magazine. Then he looked at her again so he could make sure that he was not seeing things. Inuyasha realized that she was indeed real.
"You're….You're….. Kikyou." He whispered in disbelief.
She looked up at him and slowly removed her shades. He jumped back surprised dropping the bottle on the floor. He opened his mouth only no words could be formed. Kikyou then turned her attention to the magazine.
"This is a terrible picture of me don't you agree?"
"Well I…."
He was still trying to get over the fact that Kikyou Himura was sitting right there. Not only that but he had just poured her a drink.
"What's your name?" she asked him.
"I'm Inuyasha." He spoke nervously.
Where had she seen that name before? It had seemed very familiar to her. She then went into her bag taking out some of the fan mail. Sure enough there was his letter sitting right there on top of the others.
"Well now that we're both here I can finally read your letter."
"Wait Kikyou you don't have to read that letter."
Unfortunately for Inuyasha several people had turned around. They had heard him say her name.
"Kikyou she's here?"
Kikyou turned to look at Inuyasha thinking quickly he grabbed her hand. He led her out of the back way knowing that she would want to avoid the crowd.
"Get on my back." He told her.
"You want to get out of here right?"
Without any hesitation Kikyou got on his back and they continued running until they made it safely to Inuyasha's apartment.