Disclaimer: No own HP

AN: I had the sudden urge to write HP. So...this is a one shot I've been thinking on, only I cut it up into...like...five short chapters...so I don't have to write it all at once. I'm brilliant.

To the last


James laughed as he looked over at the light-brown haired man, "With your skill! You're worried about getting a job as an Auror with your skill?"

Remus frowned, "You know that's not the problem, Prongs."

James made an exagerrated roll of his eyes, "Moony, you spent seven years in Hogwarts and no one found out about your furry little problem!"

"Well, some did..." Sirius interjected, peeking around the corner into the living room of James' home, "Firewhiskey anyone?"

"Still, it's not like you'll run into someone as smart as us just anywhere!" James insisted, "Too early for me, Padfoot...I'll just have some butterbeer."

"I think the Ministry of Magic should have observant enough of people to notice when four of their aurors go missing every month." Remus sighed, waving away Sirius' offered firewhiskey.

"I don't think I'll make an Auror..." Peter squeaked, looking frightened at the prospect of going up against dark wizards and creatures on a daily basis.

"Three, then." Remus corrected, nodding toward the round man.

"Come on! What with Voldemort--" James was cut off by a terrified yelp from Peter.

"Come off it, Wormtail! His name's not the thing hurting anyone!" Sirius barked from the kitchen.

"Well his wand is, and that's exactly what you're going to go up against if you three keep going on about this foolish Auror business." Lily snapped, sitting with an irritated frown next to James on the couch.

"But Lily...you promised you'd sign up, too..."

"Only because I know the three of you won't survive the first day without me." Lily sniffed.

"Ah, I never knew you cared about us, Lily!" Sirius laughed, walking into the room with two butterbeers, "Aside from Prongs, I mean."

"I don't have a problem with James, Remus, or Peter." Lily replied flatly, "And since I know you're going to drag poor Peter into this, I say 'three' instead of 'two'."

Sirius smirked, "So you admit I'm the brightest of the bunch?"

"No, you'll not make it the first hour." Lily snorted, "You'll fall and break your next as you waltz out of the office."

Remus tried to stifle a laugh, and James roared with laughter and Peter gave an experimental chuckled. A sour glare from Sirius instantly silenced him.

"So!" Remus said, swiftly changing the subject, "Who's up for a game of exploding snap?"

Sirius just looked at him as if he were insane.

Ch end.

AN: So. Each chapter will be kinda like this, a snap shot of them together...and disappearing...one by one...>.>
