Disclaimer: Sadly nay, I don't own them…CLAMP keeps that much slashy goodness for themselves

AN: I know, I know. I quit writing fanfiction, so why am I still posting One-shots? If I knew the answer…well I don't know what I'd do because I don't…HA

Before You Read: I took severe liberties with the actual definition of the word Platonic, as well as the character's personalities, don't flame me on it.


A Touya and Yukito One-Shot

How I long for it

The feeling of your body underneath mine

Warmth of flesh on flesh

Hushed words of love and passion

Exploring your lips, your taste

As I do what I've wanted to do for so long

I can hear you moaning

Screaming out my name

If only our relationship wasn't so…

"Yukito! Yukito!"

Touya had to take a sudden step back as Yuki's head snapped upright from its former position on the desk. Blinking confusedly Yukito fixed his angled glasses and glanced up at Touya. After having fallen asleep while studying for his English Language class he had slipped into a rather enjoyable daydream.

"Geez Yuki-chan, what word could possibly have been so boring that you fell asleep at it?" Touya asked, his eyebrow arched as he noticed the slight flush on Yukito's face.


"What does that mean?"

"If you had studied you'd know that…"

"Aw come on!"

Bending in front of the English-Japanese dictionary Touya found the word in question.

"Platonic – Friendships or relationships between members of the same sex."

Blushing furiously Yukito slammed the dictionary shut.

"Enough studying, let's go…hang out"

"Sure" Touya responded, giving Yukito a secretive look "friends hang out after all…it's platonic."

Cursing the irony of the world and the word he walked out with Touya his daydream fresh in his mind

If only our relationship wasn't so damn platonic…