animeang3l7: IM BACK! -
raimundo & chun li: WE'RE BACK!

animeang3l7: And to prove-

raimundo: And to prove that we weren't dead we brought an update with us!

animeang3l7: Grr. So enjoy-

chun li: So enjoy the rest of the story and R&R please!

animeang3l7: Yeah what they said...

One Wish

Things Change

Chapter VIII

By animeang3l7

I stood beside her and watched her tease the Brazilian carelessly. She waved goodbye and walked towards me. "What?" I smiled and said it was nothing. I sat down in my usual seat and placed my gucci bag in front of me onto the desk. I looked to my left for an epmty seat and saw Takeo making a paper airplaine to fly to the next girl in his radar. What is wrong with that child? Is his brain still in 4th grade mode? I looked to my right and saw Sherrie I looked in front of me and saw Sasuke. Sasuke-san is sitting in front of me, oh wow. After a couple of minutes of gawking and mentally saying "Oh wow!" I shook out of it and looked behind me for an empty seat and luckily found one. I assumed that Kimiko would go straight into the seat before it was taken so I started to take out some of my stuff when I overheard some shrieking and looked up slowly and saw Kimiko's eye twitching quite violently.

"Are you okay?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe I don't want to sit at the front." She pointed at the empty seat while she shouted at Sherrie. Oh, should've guessed. "Besides, there's a seat behind Rika. So if you don't mind I'll just be-" Kimiko was about to manouver herself around Sherrie when she was tripped up by Sherrie's stray leg whilst she leaped off her chair and sat behind me.

"Are you like, okay?" she smiled fakely, "Owell. Too bad Kimiko-chan the seats taken." she spat at Kimiko, giving a venomous look. I knew better than to get involved...The last time I did I got a black eye. Not even concealor and foundation could hide it...

Kimiko got off the ground pushing her body up as if she were doing half a press up. She hesitantly opened her fists and pushed down as she breathed out loudly. Her eye twitched for the last time and stayed heavily open with flames sprouting in her iris."Its, o-o-ok. I'll just sit next to Rika in this empty seat." There was a quiet whipser that escaped Sherrie's red lipstick covered mouth, "Damn, should have thought about that." I looked behind me and saw her scrunch her face up as if she had constipation and she screeched, "Haru!" she pointed straight to the front to where he was and unluckily she poked my eye in the process. Why is it always me? I thought while rubbing my now blind eye. "Sorry Rikako-chan." she laughed and winked at me. As I was about to turn around, Haru pushed past and knocked into my elbow which stuck out as I held my hand over my face. "Gomenasai!" I apologised turning round for the last time. Haru didn't seem to acknowledge my apology as he was focusing on two things. And it was what you'd call appealing to most guys in this school.

"Haru, I want you," Sherrie pulled him close to her chest as she turned on her famous charm. "To sit there!" she pointed at where Kimiko was sitting.

"Don't point your claws at me!" mocked Kimiko.

"Haru!" And like a lap dog he pushed Kimiko off her seat and sat there drooling as she wanted. "Good boy, or should I say..." Sherrie stood up and leant down so her breasts were given the attention Haru was eager to give. "" EW! This was more disgusting than the time she got the acne possessed MacDonalds worker to clean her seat and table...

"Kimiko are you all right?" I called out to my fallen friend. I rose to attend to her and stood over her she stood up angrily and knocked me over. "HARU! It seems that you pushed me off my seat and sat down. I know I've just come back, but I sat there first, so can you GET UP BEFORE I RIP THOSE EYES OUT AND LEAVE YOU LIVING WITHOUT SEEING THOSE OVER SIZED SAGGY MELONS AGAIN IN YOU LIFE!" Haru jumped up and this time knocked down Sherrie who was standing over him; and ran towards his original seat. "Thank you!" Kimiko waved sweetly to him and sat down.

"Oh no you didn't!" Is it me or is there going to be another fight?

"Oh no I didn't what?" Kimiko glared at Sherrie.

"Oh no you didn't just make Haru move when you heard me make him move there! And call my beautiful breasts SAGGY!"

"Oh yes I did! And by the way, you're an idiot!" she said looking rather annoyed.

"Oh no you didn't!"

Everyone slapped their head in embarressment over Sherrie's repetitive comebacks, disgraced. "What is your problem? I just want to sit here."

"I want to sit there too."

"But you're sitting down there already."

"Well I...I..." Sherrie paused for a moment. She opened and closed her mouth annoyingly like a goldfish. Unable to find an acceptable argument she said what just came to her mind. I think it was from her ass, she doesn't have a mind.

She started to panic and out came all the trash talk. "You're such an annoying thing, you think you're all big just because you-"

Her rant was interrupted by... Sasuke-san? "Enough!" He was slung round his chair and leaning on his hand looking extremely bored and annoyed.

She scooted herself in front of him and raised her shoulders so her boobs became visible. Not even a blind guy couldn't see those... "Sasuke-kun it's so good that you see my point! And that you're on my side and think that I'm right-"

"You can't even see your point. And you don't even know your left side, from, your, right..."

"Could you repeat that?" Sherrie asked in a low scared voice, obviously shaken by Sasuke's strange outburst.

"I don't like repeating myself." the coldness of his voice gave a big negative vibe.

"I-I-Sasuke-san!" she wailed. The whole classroom stood still, the teacher finally entered but knew better than to get involved. He was tip toeing to his desk when he stopped and shouted over to Kimiko for the briefest moment, "Good to see you back Kimiko."

She smiled and leanned sideways to greet him back with her hand behind her back and another waving faintly, "Oh its nice to see you too Sensei." Kimiko said quietly.

"Just stop your whinning. It's annoying. Such a loser airhead." Sasuke continued on.

"Good call!" whispered Sensei, everyone looked at him ruining the moment. Sasuke looked utterly surprised and had his mouth open at Ayemaru-sensei. Well everyone did. "Uh, well um, let's start the lesson?" Ayemaru-sensei carried on.

"Annoying, loser, air-air-airhead?" Sherrie whispered. Her excited expression was shattered and all that was left was a distraught little girl getting dragged down by disappointment and resentment. She sunk all the way to the floor murmering "Annoying? I'm annoying? Sasuke-kun, called me, annoying? But-but-but...A loser? Airhead? But that can't be?" for a couple of minutes as the class got settled and Ayemaru-sensei started writting something on the board. Annoyed by her incessant babbling, I stood up and picked her up, closed her open mouth and shiverred as I whispered her name to begin talking some sense into her.

Sasuke without even a glance of regret or pity sat down and sat down. I kinda felt sorry for Sherrie, because if it was one thing I knew about her was that she had the biggest crush on Sasuke ever. And it was kinda sad to see. Even if she was all the things he said, it wasn't nice to see her being put down by the one person she actually cared about.

I drew breathe for a moment, wondering what to say to her. I could've gone with Sasuke-san and just put her into place but I..."Sherrie, it's okay, I'm sure Sasuke-san was just having a bad day or something. You better take down some of the notes on the board cause your already failing this class and you know Ayemaru-sensei doesn't take bribes to heart."

"You're right." she perked up.


I flipped my cell open and saw 10.30 flashing wearily. Only 15 minutes have gone by? I've written 3 pages of notes in what felt like a whole hour. Music exam preparation is so boring, I can't believe you have to know this much! Like cha, as if I'm going to need this info anyways. I looked at Kimiko, she was just about done writing and placed her pen in her pencil case. I saw her read over some of the notes she had taken down. And by the looks from her face, she seemed to understand them. I sighed and was about to close my cell phone and put it into my bag again when I saw a little envelope animation emerge. I wavered for a second looking up to see if Ayemaru-sensei was watching. His eyes were now drawn to a small book called Icha Icha Paradaisu. You have got to be kidding me...Make out Paradise...?

I openned the text message and read quietly. How mighty nice of you to be so kind and get Sherrie to calm down. Ps. And yeah I'm being sarcastic!

I narrowed my eyes as I turned round slowly to see a fake smile and wave. I quickly pressed reply and began texting back. Well, who else was going to do it? Sensei got a threat from her the last eighty times he tried to get Sherrie to work and she's failing the class. Come on, she's on the brink of repeating this year again plus summer school. And I don't think any of us would like it especially Ayemaru-sensei!

"Rikako! I thought you hated her?" she mouthed at me not bothered to reply. She's lucky I can lip read. I bit my lip.

I shrugged in reply, then came up with a response. She wasn't exactly what you'd call professional when it came to lip reading and it showed when she got frustrated and was mime shouting "WHAT?" so I instantly began texting. I don't...know.

She continued to mime out her sentence, "What changed?" I texted back. Everything.

"Class, since the new instruments are still being delivered and I've given you enough revision notes I guess you can talk for about twenty minutes about the topics you are unfamiliar about and since I'm in a good mood the last 30 minutes will go to... what you've all been waiting for this term, an Ayemaru Quiz Extraveganza!" Sensei shouted in an imitation of a game show host. All heads turned to Sensei but we were all to slow to react to his command and he was now reading his novel again with a happy smile.

Most people seemed to follow his orders seeing as I was stuck with mostly the geeks and freaks. But I didn't blame them, this was the mid term exam we were preparing for and it counted for at least half of our final grades. Yet I was slightly confused why the music exams were set so early. But who was I to question. I pulled up my chair to Kimiko and began chatting and catching up. Sherrie stayyed out of the conversation and sat quietly texting to someone.

"So who was that guy who stood up to Sherrie?" she asked me whilst blantantly staring at Sasuke-san. He instantly got up and walked over to the window.

"That's Saionji Sasuke. He's fresh from the south. But no one knows where exactly or how far. His family - which consists of his father and cousin - is quite rich. Oh and his cousin Kaede is in the same grade as us. She came into the school together with Sasuke last year. He's studied Karate and Tai Chi."

"How do you know all this?" she looked quite unconvinced at the information I presented her with.

"Uh, easy. Introduction, duh. You know what you did earlier on in Social Class and Economics."

"And he told you all of that?" she looked quite surprised and took a second to glance over at Sasuke.

"Not exactly word for word. But the guy was on a roll."

"Right..." She rolled her eyes at me.

"But anyways, he's smart, athletic, sarcastic, outspoken and conceited. What do you think of him?"

"Oh, he's so cool. He has style, looks and brains. He's so incredibly hot!" Kimiko and I looked at Sherrie. She said nothing further and sat in silence.

"So what do you think of him Kimi-chan?" I asked.

"Well he seems... I don't know..."

"He's good looking though, you've got to admit." she looked bursting to come out with it.

"Yeah sure." Okay over statement on bursting..."Yeah he's pretty good looking."

"Ahaha," I laughed softly, "You have know idea how pretty good looking goes far in this school. Most girls crave for him and most boys dream of being him." I spoke darkly.

"Okay, stop with the whole deep dark talk! Reminds me of Chase Young."

"Okay...Wait is that, that guy you said who was hot but evil?"

"I did not say that!" she denied flapping her hand away, her eyes shifting away from mine.

"Okay, nevermind. But as I was saying, um oh, Sasuke has a sort of attitude, most girls still seem to like him."

"Hmm..." She stared at him with a sort of interested look in her eyes. It wasn't unnatural that she would be interested, nearly everyone was, even the teachers - not in that way. I twisted round to meet Sasuke's eye which were wandering around. He took a glance at me and looked to Kimiko.


I tried talking to her but she would just nod along, so I brought a surprising topic into converse. "Raimundo?" she looked up at me seeming oddly confused.

"What about him?" she questionned.

"You and him?"

"Just friends." she said ignorantly.

"Oh. Well you two seem more than that. Don't get me wrong that I don't believe you but it seems like, you two could go really well together." I said lightly smiling.

"I doubt it. Besides, if I did have any feelings for him-" I raised an eyebrow in interest."-Which I don't. And we got together then broke up, it would totally ruin our friendship. And anyways, things would be so weird during training in the Temple and things..."

I contemplated the pro's and cons. Okay, so the cons over powered the pro's technically but still I was unconvinced so I decided to play around and pop the question. "So if I dated him you wouldn't mind?" I grinned mischeviously. Of course I had no feelings for this guy what so ever. I had only just met him. Besides, it was obvious that Kimiko liked him anyways.

"Uh...uh-well...You see..." she started, undecisive about what to say, so I pressed on, hoping to get her to admit she did have a problem

"So you do mind!"

"NO! Of course I don't mind. Go out with him if you want." a sweat drop fell down the side of her face as she fanned her hand hyperactively at me to go ahead.

I sighed, defeated that she wouldn't admit she had a problem with it I changed my mind about this strategy and went to sort her straight that I really wasn't interested in Raimundo that way. "Don't worry Kimi-chan, I don't want to go out with Raimundo." I said still slightly disappointed, but she took it the wrong way.

"No Rikako I really don't mind if you date him. Honestly." she paused hesitantly. "I want you to date him." she frowned and when I looked her straight in the eye she grinned from ear to ear. It didn't take a genius to know she was lying. "I don't mind if anyone dates him. But I'd rather if she were someone I knew." She grinned even larger this time.

"That's great!" You all probably think that I said that, but wrong.

"Sherrie?" I hissed. "What are you saying?"

"That it's great that Kimi-chan doesn't mind someone dating that ultra fabuloso Brazilian cause then I can date him!" Our mouths dropped. I looked around and saw that actually most peoples dropped. Guessing I would say people were disappointed Sherrie would take hold of another hottie before them or that she wouldnt be single and they couldn't make their move. I saw Haku eyes watering. "But you don't even really know him! And you're going out with Benjiro!"

"Oh him...I broke up with him ages ago!"


"Just before class started!" Should have figured...We paused for a moment, "Hmm, I don't think I'll date him then considering I might hurt Kimiko's feelings." What game is she playing? "It's kinda obvious she takes great interest in him, and it would be very unkind of me to take him away from her."

"I do not take great interest in him! He's just a friend! What is wrong with you people? You can date him for all I care!" Kimiko moaned standing up. The minute she realised what she had said she sunk to her chair.

"Yay! That settles it, I will date him!" she stuck her tongue out at us and moved towards her desk. Kimiko raised her head in annoyance and gave Sherrie the whole evil eye.

"Well, it seems that maybe this is more interesting than my novel. Hmm, seems even better." I stared straight at Sensei who let a little laugh escape at his own joke. When he saw me giving the evil eye he turned his attention back to his book and occasionally looking around.

"Was everyone listening to our conversation?" I spoke up.

"Well cha!" a girl I had never even known was in our class responded.

"It was a rhetorical question!" I sighed.

Sensei looked ot his watch and then interrupted. "Well then, discussion time is over and Ayemaru's Quiz Extranveganza begins!" Most people enjoyyed his quizzes. I was no exception either. Everyone pushed back their chairs into their desks and began with the task.


So why was everyone really happy at the end of the class after the quiz. Well, you see Ayemaru-sensei's quizzes were awesome. He had what you called, the likable factor, he made it interesting, fast and fun. Plus the prizzes were off the hook. Free credit if we demonstrated our understanding of music terms, local gig/concert tickets courtesy of his sibling ties in journalism and Make Out Paradisebooks - for the guys especially. It was quite cool. But we get these types of quizzes seldomly, once every term so we made the most of it.

The bell rang and everyone packed up their stuff. Kimiko seemed to be trying harder to get out of the door than most of us. "I'll catch you later Rika-chan. Have to get the boys to our next class!"

"Okay! See you in lunch then!" I hollered back.

Since my next class was just down the corner, I felt I hadn't the need to rush. Sherrie was waiting for me outside along with Yuri and Takeo. Then as I was about to close my bag I heard Ayemaru-sensei getting nagged again by Kareiya-sensei. "I don't understand why you give these kids treats for answering little questions." It wasn't unusual for her to go stomping in after music class was over, as she regularly did this and started a moaning match with Sensei, but she seemed more angry today than usual.

"They need a little encouragement and something to strive for. Besides its harmless."

"It's a waste of time, you want them to be determined and strive for something, give them the work they should be doing. This makes you soft Ayemaru, you're letting these kids walk all over you and deceive you."

"That may be, but at least I gain their trust and confidence. If they don't understand something they actually come up to me and ask, or ask among their peers. Also, the quiz helps most of them participate in class discussion or tasks, instead of taking the back seat with their posse."

"It's clique." Kareiya-sensei corrected.

"Right. Well I better be going, free period for me and coffee. And don't worry Kareiya-chan, being compared to me by your students isn't all that bad, just lighten up woman!"

"Why you-"

"As I said Kareiya-chan, got free period, need coffee and Icha Icha Paradaisu is waiting."

"I don't understand why you read that book Ayemaru! It's so false and cheesy..." she dragged on.

"Eh, keeps me entertainned while I'm waiting for you!" And with a cheesy grin Ayemaru-sensei was off.

Kareiya-sensei sighed, then saw me standing here with my bag still open. "What are you still doing in this classroom? And you two at the doorway! Get to your classes this instant!"

I rushed past and greeted Yuri, from the corner of my eye I saw another figure. It was just Takeo-san panting. He said hey and then stuck his head into the classroom and exclaimed quickly, "Don't worry Kareiya-sensei, you're an awesome teacher too." He said quite cheekily, "By the way I took Sensei Ayemaru's book so you can make your move now!"

"Takeo!" Kareiya-sensei and Ayemaru-sensei - who was running down the opposite corridor - screamed simultaneously. Takeo grinned and pushed us down the other corridor then closed the door just in time before Ayemaru-sensei could get a hold of him.

"Phew..." he breathed out, "So, study hall...Interesting..." I sat down thinking about what Kimiko said. "Besides, if I did have any feelings for him..."

Hmm, I wonder what Raimundo thinks of it. Maybe at lunch I should talk to him, and it might just make Sherrie back off for a bit at least. Yeah that sounds like a good plan...for now.



not very eventful but I had to introduce characters which have a very big part in this story hmm, it seems like kimko is interested sasuke. i liked the name in naruto, and couldn't be bothered to find a name that made the impression that i wanted so yeah... plus i was watching some old episodes so i kinda got a bit from them :P