Okay guys now don't laugh. I baby sat my cousin this Friday and Saturday and she is obsessed with Britney Spears. All weekend I heard about how great she was, how cool her perfomances were and I know just about every word to her songs. "Toxic" stuck out for me though. Sorry its another song fic. Read if ya want it is nothing but fluff. I know this is not even close as to how these characters would behave, but it was fun to write anyway.

TITLE: Toxic Secrets 1/6

AUTHOR: VanillaBug

RATING:T/PG-13 but it works its way to M/NC-17

CATEGORY: Grissom/Sara Catherine/Warrick Romance, Sara/Catherine Friendship

DISCLAIMER: Don't own anything!

SPOILERS: None really but in my little world Tina (Warrick's Wife) doesn't exist

SUMMARY: Sara and Catherine plan a girls night. Grissom, Warrick, Nick and Greg do a guys night. Two plans collide with bang!

Toxic Secrets 1/6

As Catherine walked to the break room, she saw Grissom and Sara already there waiting for shift to start. Sara sat on the couch reading a forensics journal, and Grissom was seated at the table doing his crossword puzzle. There was still 10 minutes before shift started, so now was as good a time as any.

"Here ya go," Catherine said and she tossed a box into Sara's lap.

"Catherine what ... oh yeah ... great thanks." she replied.

"Took me awhile to find those, but they are going to look so hot with that skirt!" she said.

"Ya think?"

"Oh HELL yeah! Lucky we're the same size!"

Grissom was intrigued by the conversation, but never looked up from his puzzle. He tried to listen intently but curiosity killed the cat. He finally looked up from his paper just as Sara pulled out a pair of boots.

Not just any boots. Black vinyl boots, that looked like they would go up her entire leg. And there was at least a three inche heal. If those were just the shoes, he would've given his left arm to see the rest of the ensemble.

Grissom's thoughts were interrupted when he heard the rest of his guys trampling down the hall making their way into the break room.

"Damn Sara! You actually gonna wear those?" Nick asked.

"None of your business Nicky Poo!" she said as he took the seat next to her.

"Seriously Sara, I never picked you for the type to wear those. Cath maybe, but not you." replied Warrick.

"Well truth be told, these are Catherine's,"

"Knew it! See I ... " Warrick started.

"But, she is wearing them tomorrow night," said Catherine.

"Seriously?" Nick laughed while receiving a jab in the ribs from Sara.

"Yeah, ladies night out. After shift yesterday Sara and I did a little shopping. Didn't we Sara?" she said smiling.

"Little is right," she replied

Both women began to laugh. Catherine moved to sit on the arm of the couch next to Sara.

"I'll never forget the look on that clerk's face when you walked out in that outfit," Catherine said between giggles.

"His reaction is the reason I bought that outfit," she replied laughing.

"So, um ... where might you two ladies be going tomorrow night?" Greg asked with a gleam in his eyes.

"Wouldn't you like to know Greggo?" Sara said.

"He ain't the only one," replied Warrick

Catherine eyed him playfully.

"Well, now that we are all caught up, can we get some work done please?" Grissom snapped.

Everyone was now quite

"Tell ya what, since you and Sara loving spending so much time with each other, for you a B& E on Elmont," he said handing Catherine the assignment slip.

"No sweat Grumpy." she snapped back before turning to Sara, "Looks like we are starting ladies night a little early. Shall we?" she asked extending her hand to help Sara from the couch.

"Lead the way," she said taking the help.

As Catherine and Sara passed the boys, Catherine gave the silent 'Good luck with him tonight' look. Sara could have sworn that she saw Warrick wink at Catherine. That needed to be included in a conversation later.

"You guys are with me on a triple at the Hotel Paris." Grissom said.

"BOY POWER!" Greg said in his best Spice girl voice.

End of Shift Lab Locker Room

"I don't know how you talked me into this Catherine."

"Oh, come on! Its just a little dancing. Besides, my friend Melissa has been begging me to come see her new number."

"But strip clubs are not my thing." Sara sighed.

"Honey, how many times do I have to tell you, its not a strip club. The dancing is a lot like stripping, well, it is stripping really, but with no nudity. All clothing, well, the little that's there in the first place is left on. No nudity. That's why its called Secrets. I promise you'll have fun."

"Clubs have never been my scene."

"Sara, face it, your scene is staying at home reading a textbook. Please Sara, its just a fun night out. Besides, you already bought your outfit," Catherine said.

"God Grissom would die if he saw it wouldn't he?" Sara asked.

"He'd drop dead for sure. I saw the look on his face when you pulled out that boot. Priceless!"

"I am sick of it Catherine. I know he feels it too he's just ... " she started

"He needs to grow a pair balls is what he needs to do. And you need to stop waiting for him to do so. Or, you can make the move" Catherine interrupted.

"I've already asked him to dinner and got a flat rejection."

"That's why. You asked him to dinner. Friends ask friends to dinner. Make the move more obvious next time." she offered

"Well, I ... " she started.

"Listen, lets have fun tonight and we can work on your shattered love life tomorrow. We'll have a killer time with no Grissom, no Warrick, just the ladies," she said

"So, you do like Warrick?"

She just rolled her eyes.

"Okay Catherine, but I still don't understand why we have to go to this club."

"Easy, I wanted to hang out with you , but my friend Melissa has been bugging me for weeks to see her new number. Truthfully, I didn't want to go alone."

"Thanks Catherine that means a lot."

The mood was becoming serious and that was the last thing Catherine wanted for tonight.

"Yeah that, and everyone else was busy. See ya tonight," she said leaving the locker room.

Sara put her things into her locker making sure to grab the shoes. Picking up her purse, she headed for the door, just in time to hear the boys walking down the hall. She opened the door as the boys began to pile in, arguing as they went.

"No way!" Nick said.

"I'll bet you 20 bucks that when we get that back from the lab it's the husbands." Warrick challenged

"I got 50 that say's it's the mistresses." Greg said.

"Your on!" they both replied.

Nick began backing away and bumped into Sara.

"Oh, sorry Sara I didn't see you there."

"No one ever does Nick. See ya guys later," she replied

"Sara, ya sure you don't wanna tell us where you might be going tonight?" Greg pleaded.

"Contrary to popular belief, Greg some women are capable of keeping a secret." she said walking right into Grissom.

She could hear the boys laughing on the other side of the door.


The boys laughed harder.

"Sorry Griss." she said beginning to leave.

"Sara, can I talk to you for second?"

"I've really got to get some sleep before tonight."

"Listen, if you need anything tonight please call me."

She looked puzzled

"I'm hanging out with Catherine," she replied.

"I saw those shoes. I can only imagine what the rest of you is going to look like. All I'm saying is, if you need anything tonight please call me."

"What have you imagined my outfit looks like Grissom?" she asked leaning into him.

"Sara, that's not what I meant." he said feeling a little uneasy.

" I know what you meant. Don't even try to change the subject." she pressed a hand to his chest and whispered in his ear, "You never have to imagine Grissom, all you have to do is ask," she said placing a kiss on his cheek.

She trailed her hand across his chest as she walked away. For some unknown reason she had a gained a new sense of courage when talking to Catherine. Whatever it was that had possessed her to be that bold, she didn't want it to leave. She would give anything to have Gil Grissom and if she had to be the man, then so be it.

Grissom watched her walk away, still stunned by her confession. Was she serious? If only she was. He had a feeling she wanted something to happen between them, but nothing so far had been concrete. Little flirtations here and there, but damn if she wanted him half as much as he wanted her, there would be no hesitation on his part.

He heard the boys getting rowdy in the locker room and walked inside.

"You think Grissom would want to?" Nick asked

"Want to what?" Grissom said.

"Well, I was thinking ... " Greg paused, "What no wise cracks? Wow, ok, um Cath and Sara are doing their girls thing tonight right? So, maybe we could all hang out together. We haven't done that in a while. You know a couple of gentlemen at a gentlemen's club." Greg said

"There's a club called Secrets that's pretty dope," Warrick offered

"Yeah man, that place always has some fine ladies." Nick said.

"No, I am talking about a bar where I see some boobs." Greg said

"Trust me Greggo. The best is always the unseen. Leave's so much to imagine," Nick replied closing his eyes.

"Whatever," Greg said in defeat.

"What do you say Griss?" Warrick asked.

"I'm not all into nudie bar thing."

"We're going to Secrets. Never listen to Greg," Nick said

"Ahh what the hell," Grissom replied.

"Yeah-ya!" Warrick said in his best Lil John impression.

"Any dress code I need to worry about?" Grissom asked

"Nah, all the guys wear, well, what we are all wearing now pretty much. But the ladies ... oh my the ladies." Nick cooed.

"Down boy!" Warrick said

"I get the point. Alright, I call ya guys later."

"See ya Grissom"

All Grissom wanted to do was stay at home and hope Sara would call him needing help. But if she was ever going to take him seriously he would have to show her he had a life outside the lab. Hell she had one! He needed to prove to her that he could keep up with everyone. This was going to be a long night.