Ido not own Kingdom Hearts, if I did, I would have it centered around Kairi. All I own is Zack and his Light Slash move and welcome to Chpater 12, as I said, I will fit a whole world in one chapter oh and I do not own the storyline of Karen Kano's The Ultimate Vitrual Reality!

Chapter Twelwe - Olympus Coliseum

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The Gummi Ship flies in space as inside were Sora, Donald, Goofy and Zack. Donald was plioting the ship since that Sora made it crash land in Deep Jungle and as for Goofy, he was snoring in his seat and Sora was staring at the vast reaches of space and finally, Zack was looking at the Dream Sword and he flashbacked to when they fought Stealth Sneak.

-Flashback to Deep Jungle-

Zack brought the Dream Sword up and charged at Stealth Sneak and slashed but the monster jumped back but instead, it made the wrong move, as a crescent light blast appeared and hit Stealth Sneak and killed it, leaving Clayton alone and the others got up after seeing Zack use his newfound attack and beat Clayton with two hits from each person which makes ten hits in total and Stealth Sneak fell on Clayton and a pure white heart floated out as Stealth Sneak and Clayton vanished.

-End Flashback-

"That seems really powerful." Zack thought to himself as Sora looked to Zack. "You okay Zack?" he asked his friend and Zack looked up and stared back to Sora. "Yeah, just thinking about that attack I pulled off at Deep Jungle." He said to Sora as Donald noticed another world near the ship's radar and it had two statues holding swords and a huge building inbetween them and Donald shook Goofy awake as Goofy looked at him. "What's up Donald?" He asked his ducky friend and Donald pointed to the world. "King Mickey could be there." Goofy stared at it and looked to Donald. "Garwsh, you could be right, we better land, quick!" He said to Donald but Donald was already landing and the four companions entered the world.

-Entrance to the Coliseum-

The four stared in amazement at the states crossing swords and the building in between and Zack had one word to say. "Awesome!" he said to them and Sora nodded and walked towards the doors of the Coliseum and opened it seeing some sort of goat standing ona pedstal looking at a poster and he walked up to it. "Ummm..." the goat did not turn around and extended a arm towards a big boulder. "Good timing, give me a hand will ya, move that big boulder for me, I gotta this place ready for the games." he said nicely and Sora stared at his friends and they all tried to push the boulder togther but it stayed where it was and Sora walked back to the goat. "It's way too heavy." he said to it and the goat replied. "What? too heavy, since have you become such a little-" The goat turned around and saw Sora. "Oh, wrong guy, what are you doin' here." he continued as he jumped off and started talking again. "This here is the world famous Coliseum, heroes only, and I got my hand's full prepaping the games, so run along pipsqueaks." Donald had stepped back and everyone stared at the goat. "Look it's like this, heroes are coming from all over to fight dangerous monsters right here in the Coliseum." He said to them, explaining it more easier and Donald crossed his arms. "You've got heroes standing right in front of you." he said to the goat and Goofy put his hands on Sora's shoulder's. "Yeah, he is a real hero chosen by the Keyblade." he said calmly as Zack spoke up. "And we're all heroes as well!"

The goat was eye-widen and pointed at Sora. "Hero? That runt, hahahaha." The goat laughed as Sora looked at him. "What's so funny, we've fought a bunch of monsters." He said to the goat and it turned to the boulder. "Look, if you can't even move this." The goat started pushing the boulder it still doesn't move and the group watched as the goat continued. "You can't call yourself..." Sora crossed his arms as the goat spoke up again. "A hero!" the goat fell down in exhaustion and looked to them. "Okay, so it takes more than brawl...well, let's see what you can do." He said tiredly at them and pointed to the trials as the four walked over and passed.

-After the Trials-

Sora, Zack, Donald and Goofy returned from the trials as the goat stroked his red beard. "Not bad you guys." Sora grinned and looked at the goat. "Looks like we're headed for the games and the goat spoke up. "Wrong." the four friends looked at the goat. "Come on!" He said hurriedly and the goat crosse dhis arms as he spoke. "The answer's still no kids." the four sighed and left being a bit angry.

-Back to the Entrance to the Coliseum-

The four walked down the steps as a voice talked. "Quite a stubborn little goat isn't he?" the four turned around to find the source, in front of them was a blue skinned man wearing a black robe and having blue hair and Donald pointed at him. "Who are you!" He asked him and the man stepped forward. "Hey, whoa, let me guess, you wanna enter the games right?" he asked them and put his hand on Sora's shoulder. "Then get a lot of this." In his free hand, a pass to the games appeared in his hand and Sora looked at him. "A pass?" He asked him and took it as the man started walking away. "Good luck kid, I'm pulling for you shorty" he said quietly to himself and Zack looked at the pass. "With this, we can enter the games, let's go back!" he said to Sora and Sora nodded. "Right, come on!" He said to them and ran back inside teh Coliseum entrance.

-Entrance to the Games-

Sora gave the pass to the goat and it was surpised. "Where did you get this?" He asked them and Sora answered. "It doesn't matter, can we enter the games now?" he asked him and the goat nodded. "Very well kid, name's Phil. I'll be your coach and some weird guys signed up for the games. You guys watch yourselves." he said to them and the four entered the arena.

-Battle Arena-

Round One

Sora, Donald, Goofy and Zack stood in the arena which was four poles surrounding it and brown squared plaforms and with magic, a barrier appeared making it a square and all four took their battle stances in order face their enemies as Shadow Heartless appeared and they leapt at Sora who slashed with his Kingdom Keyblade and Donald cast Fire upon a Heartless and Goofy ramming into the Heartless as Zack done a sideways slash and killed two Heartless, soon the match was finished.

-Outside the Battle Arena-

Phil stroked his beard and stared at his team. "You aren't heroes yet but you aren't doing bad. Lucky for you that you acme to em for coaching." He said to them and Sora laughed a bit. "Hehe, we told you we fought a bunch of monsters." he said to Phil and Phil crossed his arms. "No use getting all happy yet kid, there are still more rounds to go". he said to them and they all nodded as a blond spiky haired man walked past them and Sora and the man stared at each othe rin the eyes and the man turned his head and entered the arena.

"Who was that?" Zack asked Phil and Phil uncrossed his arms. "Who knows, but you guys might end up facing him." he said calmly as the whistle blew and it was time for Sora, Donald, Goofy and Zack to return to the arena.

-Back in the Battle Arena-

Round Two/Three

Sora, Donald, Goofy and Zack were back in and some Shadow Heartless and Wright Knight Heartless appear this time and the group charged at their enemies as Sora cast Blizzard as Donald cast Thunder while Zack and Goofy were attacking Heartless, soon enough the group won the battle and Round Three came next and like last time, Sora's group won the battle.

-Outside the Battle Arena-

Phil stared at his team again and looked hard at them. "Say, you guys are better than I thought, if only he was here to see this..." He said to them and Sora looked puzzled and stared down at Phil. "Who?" He asked and Phil spoke. "Hercules. he was a hero if we ever needed one. Too bad he's off seeing his father." teh whistle blown again telling Sora that his team is back in the Battle Arena and the group ran back into the Arena.

-Back inside the Battle Arena-

Sora and his group won rounds four and five easily and while the team were doing their victory dance, beyond the Battle Arena was a gate down with lighting bolts engraved and inside was the same blue skinned man and he talked to someone. "Those punks are your next oppenent if they win their next round okay? Now don't blow it, just take them out." The person who the man was talking to the blond man and he looked at him briefly and then to Sora's group. "Hades, the great god of the Underworld is afraid of some kids, sorry but my contract says-" the blonde man was cut off as Hades spoke. "I know! You think I don't know! I wrote the contract! I know it says you are only required to kill Hercules in this tournment, but you gotta those kids, to get to him! hey Come on, hey, it's like the old goat says: Rule number 11: all just a game, so let loose and have fun with it! I mean a injury or two along the way is no big deal right Cloud?" He asked Cloud and he stopped leaning and left Hades alone.

"Geez, stiffers than the stiff back home, still...stuckers liek him are hard to come by." Hades said quietly to himself and a roar was heard in the darkness.

-Battle Arena, Round Six finished-

Round Six had ended and now, it was the last round and Cloud enters the Arena with his red cape flowing behind him and he put his normal hand on his blade's handle and pulled it out and held it out with his other hand which was clawed by a golden gaunlet and Sora, Donald, Goofy and Zack took their battle stances and the whistle blew as Cloud ran towards them and Sora done so as well a stheir weapons collided, sending sparks between them as Goofy brought up the rear and charged at Cloud with his shield but Cloud blocked with with ease and pushed Goofy back as Donald jumped and cast fire at Cloud who cut through it and Cloud spoke. "Is that the best you can do?" he asked them and Zacck brought the Dream Sword up and swung it down as the blade shone like moonlight and a crescent wave appeared out and flown to Cloud as Zack called out it's attack. "Light Slash!" Cloud put up his sword and his sword was covered in electricly and he was suddenly speed as he charged through the attack and attacked Zack who got hit by not seeing Cloud move so fast and he hit the barrier and got up. "How is that possible? his sword must weight so much but yet, he moved so swiftly!" Zack said aloud and Donald ran to Zack. "You okay Zack? Cure!" Donald cast his spell and Zack's injury was healed as Sora clashed his Keyblade with Cloud's Buster Sword and sparks flew and Zack charged as well as Sora and Cloud jumped back and Sora charged alongside Zack as the the Keyblade and Zack's Dream Sword connected with the Buster Sword as sparks flew and the three fighters jumped back as Sora held up his Keyblade. "Fire!" Fire erupted from the tip of his Keyblade in a ball shape and it hit Cloud, burning him a bit as Goofy rammed into him when he guard was down and Donald called out another magic attack. "Thunder!" Thunder came down and Cloud hit the floor as Zack held up his Dream Sword and brought it down calling out his attack. "Light Slash!" The attack sent Cloud flying into the barrier and he fell down as the whistle blowed.

-End of Battle-

Cloud got tiredly up until studdenly, a foot stomped on him as Sora's group looked up and before them was a three headed dog growling and it was about to stomp on them but it was held back by someone and that was...Hercules and Phil shouted from the stands. "Herc!" Hercules heard Phil and looked at him while holding the dog back. "Phil, get them out of here!" he shouted as Sora's group ran out of the Arena and back into the entrance.

-Entrance to the Coliseum-

The five panted after running out. "That was close, that was Ceruberus, the guardain of the Underworld. Herc should be able to handle him, but then again...maybe not...This is not good!" he said to them while panting and Sora to Donald, Goofy and Zack and they nodded and walked towards the Battle Arena before Phil stopped them. "Guys, you are not entering the Arena, are ya? This ain't some match, this is for real!" He shouted to them and the foiur turned to face him and Sora spoke. "We aren't afraid, you can decide if we're hero material or not." Phil sighed and nodded. "Be careful you four." he said to them and the four nodded and ran back in.

-Battle Arena-

In the Battle Arena, Hercules holds a knocked out Cloud on his shoulder while fighting Ceruberus and he is a bad sopt since Ceruberus has cornered him and Sora's group is behidn teh dog and the three headed dog turns all three of it's heads around staring at Sora's group with hunger and Hercules runs with Cloud over his shoulder and Phil looks at Sora's group. "Guys, I have got two words of advice for you, ATTACK!" He yelled and pointed to Ceruberus and Zack looks to Sora. "Let's do it together Sora." He said to him and Sora nodded and spoke. "Yeah, let's go guys!"

Donald and Goofy nodded and the four charged towards Ceruberus and Donald waved his wand and pointed at Ceruberus. "Fire!" A fireball appeareda nd flung itself at Ceruberus which hit it's right head and Goofy thrown his shield at Cerberus's left head and the shield returned to him as both Sora and Zack cast Blizzard which freeze sthe middle head nearly but Ceruberus stomps at them and al four ran from the stomping and ove rot another free area in the place as Donald points his staff at Ceruberus. "We only have one chance at this, cast Fire!" Donald's staff shot out Fire as Sora's and Zack's followed and teh three merged to create a bigger Fire attack and it hit Ceruberus in the middle head but Ceruberus growled in anger and stomped towards them quickly and Zack swung his sword sideways at the beast as a crescent shaped blast appeared and Zack called out the attack. "Light Slash!" the attack connected with the monster as it wa son two feet for a second and it growled and fired molten fireballs at the group and Sora got ready and he swung the Keyblade at teh right time to sent it right back at him, Sora was the batter while Ceruberus was the pitcher and it connected with the three headed dog and it growled before falling down, knocked out for the count.

-Back to the Entrance to the Coliseum-

"We did it!" Sora said happily and grinned at his friends and they smiled as well as Phil stood upon a stand in the hall and held a sheet of paper and teh four stood before him. "Thus I do hereby dub thee junior heroes, and confer upon thee full rights and privileges to participate in teh games, further-" Donald interuptted Phil. "What do you mean 'junior heroes'? he asked Phil and Phil looked at him. "You rookies still don't understand what it takes to be a true hero." he said to Donald and Goofy looked at him. "So, what does it take?" he asked him and Hercules crossed his arms. "Well, that's just soemthign you'll find out for yourselves. Just teh way I did it." He said calmly to them and Sora looked at them. "No probelm, we'll start by proving ourselves in the games." he said to them and Phil shook his head. "There ain't gonna be any games for a while, gotta clean up the mess from that last battle first." He said ot nodding nodding his head to the Arena and Zack nodded. "Okay, we'll be back!" he said happily and the group left the Entrance and Phil stroked hsi beard. "I still can't believe those kids beat Ceruberus and Hecrules whispered to Phil. "Just between us, I already worn Cerberus down by the time they jumped in." Phil looked to hsi friend and spoke. "My lips are sealed."

-Steps to World Exit-

Cloud stood upon the steps looking down as Sora walked up to him. "Hey, you all right?" he asked Cloud and Cloud nodded. "Yeah." he said to them and Zack looked at him. "So, why did you go along with him anyway?" he asked him and Cloud put hsi ahnds together. "I'm looking for soemone, Hades promised to help, I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired." Cloud stood up and continued. "I fell into darkness, and couldn't find the light." Sora looke dup at him. "You'll find it, I'm searching too." he said to him and Cloud looked at him. "For your light?" He asked Sora and he nodded and Cloud put sonething in Sora's ahnd and started to walk. "Don't lose sight of it." Cloud said and Sora turned around and waved his hand. "How about a rematch sometimes? fair and square, no dark powers involved." He said to him and Cloud stopped walking and put some hair away from his face. "I think I'll pass." he said to hima nd walked away as Sora smiled.

Sora learned Sonic Blade

The group went through the doors and left the world whiel an image of Hercules appeared as Hade's voice spoke. "He's strong, he's kind, he's always there for you, and he is handsome to boot. He's perfect. Perfect." Hades changes to orange colour and spoke in anger. "Perfectly infuriating! he makes me crazy!" Hade shot a fire blast at the sky and calmed down. "Wait a minuite, what are you talking about? all the pieces are in place. Relax. here's what you do. Let Hercules train teh kid, in the next games, I'll take care of them both!" His hand turned to fist and his eyes looked around the corner and noticed Maleficent appeared. "Who invited you to the party? Stay out of this, this is my show." Maleficent looked calmly at him. "As you wish, fight to your heart's content." Hades turned around and looked angry at her as she left the scene.

-Gummi Ship-

Sora looked to Donald. "Where do we go now?" he asked Donald Donald came up with an answer. "We've got two pieces of a Gummi but don't know what they are." He said to him and Goofy spoke up. "Ya know, maybe Leon could help us." Donald nodded and blasted off to Traverse Town.

To Be Continued...