DISCLAIMER: i dont own any of the characters. they all belong to MEG CABOT, who is not only the greatest writer that has ever lived, but is fully my idol


Why does life suck?

I mean one minute I can totally be making out with my boyfriend, but the next I could be stopping the towns physco path from killing me.

I don't even know why I am writing this down. It's not like anyone is making me, I guess I just get used to it, everytime my ESP kicks in, it just seems easier to write everything down.

It also doesn't help when your boyfriend starts kissing you, a major distraction.

Yes, my boyfriend Rob it feels so weird to say it as only a couple of months ago I had introduced him to my parents, who by the way weren't very accepting of him considering he had no aspirations for college and was a good 2 years older then me. Whatever I think my parents have insecurity issues, maybe its the fact that I throw myself into danger more than twice a month, if you ask me its because of Great Aunt Rose who's visits are becoming more and more frequent.

Anyway back to Rob who- while lying in the hospital bed after being smacked over the head with a mash potato bowl- had confessed his undying love to me, and after an exhilarating and exhausting pash, was eager to start telling the world about our relationship. Who knew rob had so much passion in him, the only thing I saw him ever get passionate about was his 1964 Harley Davidson which he is rebuilding in his barn, which was no problem for me seeing as

a) I'm just as passionate about motorbikes as he is if not more

b) Usually when he is fixing is motorbike it involves a lot of bending-over-to-reach-tools-and-parts giving me a clear view of his butt which to say the least is impressive.


c) Barns I have discovered making the perfect place to get to second base.

Ok ok, so me and rob haven't got to second base yet, but I'm perfectly happy with just making out with him, right? I mean Rob is probably just respecting me. I mean I fully respect Rob I even promised him that I will control my fist this year, what I haven't mentioned to him though is about that Guy who tried to grope me on the tube the other night, I believe in a honest relationship and all, but I don't think he needs to know that I crushed this guys larynx, besides I fully remember that day when that sophomore wolf whistled at me when I was coming out of bio and rob was waiting for me on his Indian, lets just say Rob wasn't to thrilled about the whole situation.. Anyway the point is I made a promise to Rob that I would stop being a little to quick with my fists if he tried to get along with Ruth.

I mean Rob is my soulmate and all but I can't just ditch Ruth who has been my best friend since Primary school when we realised that we were not going to be accepted, so getting them to become instant friends hasn't been that easy seeing as Ruth totally dislikes Rob probably due to the fact that he is a Grit and Rob totally dislikes Ruth seeing as she is a townie.

It's funny as I write that Robs my soulmate as one of his relatives was the one that was trying to get me killed in the first place.

READ AND REVIEW. i want to know if i should continue, with the story. xoxox