Rains Only On Me
By Gentle Azrael
Words tear at what's left of my heart
"Mommy, they can't bury daddy! He still has work to do"
Voice of a desperate angel
"Daddy can't work if they bury him"
I just can't take it anymore
Yet still the tears won't come
Despite the fact I can hear her crying
Despite the fact I can hear his child pleading for them to stop
Stop burying her daddy because he has to work still
I just stare forward at them slowly laying him to rest
Brigadier General Maes Hughes
I wish I could laugh at that
How he had always promised to help me rise up
And yet here he is, dead, and he beat me
I want to laugh and cry at the same time
I'm actually amazed that I'm not
Yet, after Ishbal, I still wondered if I had any tears or sorrow left
Guess I was wrong
Now I wish I wasn't
Tears won't come till it rains
And it always seem to rain
Only on me
Rest in Peace Maes
I won't let your death be in vain
I'll get them for you
I will get them for you
Author's Notes:
Woohoo Mustang's POV on Maes' death. I had this floating around my head for awhile so I finally let it out. Well anyway be kind. Poetry is a fragile thing, please don't break it x.x Not yet anyway.