A/N: Hey guy's! Just to let you know, this is my first fan fiction for the mediator series, so hope it doesn't suck. Another thing, so far this is just a one shot. I don't know if it can go anywhere good with like a plot and all but if someone wants to give me any ideas then feel to post them in the review ('cause you are gonna review right (nods head and smiles) or you can e-mail me at . Ok this is long, enough on with the show.

P.S. um, I forgot to mention this takes place almost a year after Haunted ended (yeah, let's say Haunted ended at the beginning of September/end of October and this starts at the beginning of September and Jesse left at the beginning of summer- yeah that works (anybody confused? (Lol))

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the mediator characters (even though I would love to own Jesse, or Paul, or both.

Chapter:1 Flashback

It's been almost three months since Jesse left. I have been so sad, I have cried myself to sleep through it all. I know that he is in a better place than when he was here on earth, but it still hurts to come home from work at the hotel golf and beach resort, and not see him sitting there on the window seat reading one of my old text books and asking me to explain the only part of the book that he does not know, only to tell him that I have no idea either.

Okay you guys are probably wondering what is going on here, the last time you checked I had finally told Jesse that I love him and he has told me that he loved me back, and now I am talking about him (Jesse) being gone for almost three months and being in a happier place. Well Jesse and I were happy for almost a year that we were going out (even though technically we stayed in). It was perfect. Every Friday night was date night and we would watch a movie (and end up making out) or sit and talk. But then one night Jesse told me that he couldn't do this to me.


"Querida" Jesse said breaking apart from our kiss. We were sitting on the roof after watching the sun go down and the moon and stars come out. We started to kiss which lead to a good make-out.

"Yes Jesse" I breathed out (what, you try making-out with Jesse and keep your breath!)

"Querida" Jesse said again. "You know I love you, right?" Oh I know this did not sound good at all, and boy was I right.

"Yes Jesse and you know I love you with all my heart, right" I said to him looking up into his dark-almost black- brown eyes.

"Yes, I do" he said returning my gaze. We sat there for a while just looking into each others eyes, before he spoke again. "Then you should know that because I love you so much that I am going to do the hardest thing ever" he paused lowering his gaze like he could no longer look into my eyes, like only certain people can look into my eyes and he is not one of them, so he must be punished. "Querida, Susannah I think...that... we should...you should...I should..."he paused again. It was getting kind of annoying I wanted him to just spit it out, but then I really didn't think I wanted to hear it so I wanted him to just say never mind and we go back to making-out, But come on, that would be the day, hmm me getting anything that I want. The big guy really must have it in for me, first giving me the gift (coughyeahrightcough) and then having my boyfriend being dead, oh yeah and apparently breaking up with me. Anyway so where were we, oh yeah

"Jesse just say it" I said out loud while inside I was saying 'no don't say it lets just go back to the kissing part, kissing goooood, talking baaaad!'

"Susannah, Idon'tthinkweshouldseeeachotheranymore". Wow I had no idea Jesse could talk that fast. I seriously thought I was the only one.

"Wow" I said "Now I know what you guys mean when you say I talk too fast"

"Huh" Jesse said. We have been dating for seven months now but it still sounds weird to here Jesse talk in modern language. "What are you talking about Susannah"

"Jesse you said that way too fast"

"Well, I highly doubt that I talk as fast as you do sometimes." he stopped as I gave him a playful glare and then smiled but as he continued he went back to looking sad. "I said, Querida, that I don't think we should see each other anymore."

"What!" I yelled. Good thing no one was home or they would have come running, to see me yelling at thin air. Mom and dad (I have taken to calling Andy dad from now on, it makes him and my mom feel happier-and my step-brothers are calling my mom 'mom'-so I figured I might as well) were on a mini honeymoon/vacation, Dopey (Brad) is at a party, Sleepy (Jake) has moved out into an apartment with some buddies close to their college, and Doc (David) is at a friend's house doing some science experiment that's not due for a month.

"Querida, I think it may be better for you... to get over me and move on to someone alive" Jesse said with some hesitation in his voice "Querida you know someday I'm going to move on and you will just be left here to go on with your life, and I think it's better now than when you are older and have wasted your time on me"

"But Jesse I love you and that, to me, is not wasting my time. As long as I'm with you then I don't care" I said almost crying. I think Jesse realized that I was going to cry because he pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. We stayed like that for a while just holding on to each other until he pulled away and spoke again.

"Querida, that is the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me, but that only makes this harder to say"

"But, Jesse I just said-"

"No, querida it will not work out and I think that it is best for the both of us if it ends now other than later". Jesse finished and looked back up to me, rather than the roof, with a sad look on his face.

"But, Jesse don't you love me anymore?"

"Of course I do, it's because I love you that I am doing this".

"No, it's not, Jesse. Because if you loved me you would stay, because you are the only one I will ever love" I yelled at Jesse.

"How do you know that I am the only one you will ever love, as long as you let yourself love, then you can love lots of people and lots of people will love you".

"No Jesse that's not true I will only have one love and that's you"

"How do you know that, Susannah ,as long as you let yourself-"

"No Jesse!" I screamed "I know for a fact that you are my only love!"

"How, how do you know that Susannah!" Jesse yelled. I could tell he was getting frustrated with me, because that's the only time he ever yells.

"Because, when I was in grade six, Gina dragged me to a phychic and she knew about me seeing the dead and she also said that I 'would have one love that would last for all eternity'" I paused and then said "See Jesse, you are that one love' so if I'm not with you then I will not be able to love anyone else" Jesse sat there for a minute and then said.

"Querida... how come you haven't told me this before?"

"I would have, Jesse, but it seemed so dumb and I was nerv... Hey you just can't change the subject like that!".

"Si, sorry querida but from what you said the lady told you that 'you would have one love that would last for all eternity' what if I was that one love"

"What are you talking about, I just said that, Jesse!"

"No querida I mean that what if our love lasts for all eternity and maybe in the afterlife we will still be together."

"Yea, but still, if you leave now I still will only have one love and that love will be waiting for me in the afterlife, so what am I just supposed to wait until I die so I can join you"

"No, the phychic didn't say you would 'only' have one love, she just said that you would have one love". I sat and thought about this for a minute then said

"Why are you all of a sudden bringing this up?"

"Well..." he paused and waited for a couple of minutes then continued "I...I have found out what is holding me back"

A/N: I know this is kinda short but I wanted to leave it at sort of a cliffy. Next chapter you will find out what is keeping Jesse back (da,da da dunn). Also I don't have my book here with me so I'm not sure if the phychic said 'you will have only one love that would last for all eternity' or 'you will have one love that would last for all eternity' but for my story I'm putting it in without the 'only' in there because it goes better. Alright please review, please and thank you and if I get chapter 2 typed up I'll post again tonight (twice in one night yeah). Luv ya all (of course in a none les bo way)-Suzie