AN- This is my first ever fan fiction. I'm not really sure of how the seasons work in other countries because I'm from Australia but I think it's Summer in England in August?


Hermione gripped the handle of the broom tightly. She never imagined she would ever feel this way. Her heart was breaking, there were tears streaming down her face but yet the soft summer breeze seemed to calm her down.

She kept going over what had just happened in her head. She couldn't understand why it had happened, everything had been so perfect.


Hermione had never seen him this serious before. His flaming red hair looked scary against the paleness of his pure white skin.

"Hermione, we need to talk." His upper lip seemed to tremble, as if he was trying not to cry. Hermione sat on the end of his bed and waited for him to speak. She was so in love. These holidays had been perfect and they were about to start their final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where she would be Head Girl. She didn't want anything to change, she loved things how they were.

"Hermione, you know I love you. But I can't go on doing this! I love you, but not that way. You're like a sister to me. I'm so sorry I didn't want to have to do this to you. I love someone else and I know that she feels the same way. I'm really sorry, I never meant to hurt you."

At that moment, Hermione's perfect world had come crashing down. He had broken her heart. The one man that she thought she would be with forever had just broken up with her. Ronald Weasley, had just broken her heart.

Before she knew what she was doing, Hermione had jumped off the bed, grabbed her bag and broom and had left. She wanted to go somewhere where she knew she could be alone. She couldn't go home, not now anyway. Her parents would be too suspicious and she didn't exactly want to face reality now so she flew to the park that was near her house.

She sat there for about two hours, only a few streetlights allowing her to watch the beauty of the summer sky. When she finally decided she should head home, she heard a familiar voice. She wiped her tears and stood up, wanting to make a quick exit before she came face-to-face with her worst enemy. She started walking at a fast pace towards her street but someone grabbed her arm. 'Oh, here we go,' she thought to herself.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Little Miss Perfect Granger. What are you doing out this late? Surely it's past your bedtime."

"Grow up Malfoy. Not all of us do exactly what our parents say." Hermione really wasn't in the mood for this sort of childish behaviour so she started walking again.

"Granger, wait up! Why were you crying back there?" Hermione thought she could've been mistaken, but she thought she heard a tiny bit of sympathy in his voice. She dismissed that thought, 'Hey come on, this is Malfoy we're talking about!'

She stopped walking and turned around, maybe the newspapers were right. Maybe Malfoy had really changed since his father left. (AN: I'll explain his change later.) She walked closer towards him, stopping barely 6 inches from his face.

He was a lot taller than her. She would've guessed he was about 6'3" maybe. His usually slicked back, white-blonde hair was loose. She liked it like that; it made him look sexier. He had a toned body. This was the first time she had seen his arms but she could tell he worked out by just looking at them. His skin, usually pale, had a golden glow. She wasn't sure if it was just the street light but it looked like he had gotten a fair bit of sun these holidays. His eyes were always piercing, but something had changed. They didn't look empty anymore, they had a certain warmth to them. Ron had had a good body but physically, Malfoy was perfection. When Hermione finally realised who she was thinking about, she mentally slapped herself.

"Hello... Earth to Granger?" She opened her eyes to see that trademark smirk she knew all too well, and for the first time in hours, she smiled. "So, Granger, why were you crying back there?" that was the second time he had asked that, maybe he genuinely cared. Hermione couldn't bring herself to answer.

'Just because he hasn't insulted you yet, it doesn't mean he won't.'

"Okay if you're not going to answer, we'll change the subject... Umm, lets see. What made you change the way you look?" Hermione had expected that. She had seen his eyes zoom up and down her body just after he first spoke to her.

"Well, sometimes people change. I mean, you didn't really think I'd be the same bushy-haired bookworm forever, did you?" Hermione knew he did when the only response she got was a raised eyebrow. "Oh, you did. Well, I guess I proved you wrong, Malfoy," and with a satisfied smirk, Hermione turned on her heel and started walking back home – barely remembering to pick up her broomstick which was a present from Ron.

As Hermione walked back home, it felt like reality had started to sink in. She cared about Ron, he was the first guy she had ever really loved. But now that they were over, she could finally see what it was like to be single and have guys actually pay attention to you. She had been single for years before Ron had finally worked up the courage to ask her out but no one had ever noticed her before then. She was just plain old 'Bookworm Granger' but recently she had noticed that wherever she went she got looks from guys. They weren't just any looks either. They were the kind of looks that girls like Cho Chang and Fleur Delacor got.

Hermione was glad that she had finally changed. Instead of her bushy, brown hair she now had soft curls that came mid-way down her back. Her hair was still brown, but a lighter tone, with golden highlights. She had a fringe that was swept to the left side of her forehead. Her complexion was of a golden-bronze colour and she had a sprinkle of freckles over her nose that made her look so sweet and kind. Her make up was light. Her face was perfect of any imperfections or flaws. She used a light pink blush, black mascara and some black eye liner and a tiny bit of bronze eyeshadow to bring out her natural beauty. Her body had also changed significantly as well. No longer was she the plain-shaped Hermione. She had curves. Long slender legs complimented her well-rounded hips, flat stomach and breasts, which had seemed to have developed overnight. Along with her changed look came a changed wardrobe.

Her cousin had helped her to pick out a whole new wardrobe filled with the latest fashion – including mini skirts, which were something Hermione had never even dreamed of wearing.

Another thing her cousin had helped with was the piercing of her belly button. Hermione was a little unsure at first but when her cousin talked her into it there was really no turning back. Hermione had held her breath waiting for the pain but only felt a slight pinch and then it was all over.

As Hermione neared her house, she couldn't help but wonder what her parents would think about her transformation. She hadn't seen them all summer. They had been in France and only got back yesterday. She was hoping that they would be in bed, but since they had no work for another week she knew that they would most likely be up and making the most of their time off.

Hermione reached the front door of her newly-built 2-storey mansion and rang the doorbell since the door was locked. Her mother came to the door and was shocked to see Hermione; she wasn't sure if it was just the fact that she was there or because of her new look.

Her mother hugged her and welcomed her home and as Hermione stepped into the front entrance, she heard men talking. She walked into the lounge area to see her Professor Albus Dumbledore and surprisingly, Draco Malfoy!

"Ahh, Miss Granger. I wondered when you would be home. You left Mr. Weasley's home quite a while ago. I sent Mr. Malfoy out to look for you," Dumbledore was the first to speak.

"Why are you both here?" was all Hermione could manage.

"Heads business," came Draco's reply.