Hi! My name is Kimmy. I'm thirteen(going on 14) and I'm an average, depressed teenager. I live in the middle of no where, by that I mean civilization is a hour away. That's probally why I like it here so much. It's quite and calm living in the wilderness, but it can get very boring not having any friends close to home. Even though I still have the phone and internet. Lately, I've been depressed because the boy I love doesn't love me, and I haven't really gotten over him. Well, one day that all changed.
It was a day like any other my mom and step-dad had already left for work and my brother was at the baby-sitter's. I had finished all my chores and decided that I would go on a hike through the woods. I grabbed my hiking stick. It was just a fallen tree limb. It was growing weak from rote and I needed a new one. I headed out in the woods. I walked in between the trees following the path I had made that led to my favorite clearing. As I walked, I watched the squirells and chipmunks running up and down the trees. I continued down path until I came to my clearing. I sighed and walked to the creek that trickled down the rocks. I sat along the edge and pulled off my shoes and let my feet dangle into the water. I looked down at the water and saw my reflection.
People tell me that I'm not ugly or fat, but I still said I was because it was true. My hair was not silky smoothe and my eyes were plain brown, I just wasn't pretty to boys, especially the ones I like. As for being fat, I was not really fat but I was not as skinny as those preps at the schools... I just hate them, their lives are so good nothing goes wrong.
I laid down on the soft ground behind me and closed my eyes. I wanted to stay there where no one judged me for how I looked. Love doesn't judge wieght or beauty of the outside, it looks how you truely are inside, but I guess it's not like that. I nearly fell asleep but I heard a rumbling. I sat up and looked around me and saw a... ship? It was coming straight towards me! I got to my feet and ran for safety. I jumped behind a fallen tree and then I peeked over it as the ship crashed and skidded to a hault. I just stared in awe and shock. The ship looked like that of off a game. I waited to see if any emerged from the fallen ship.
After a minute I saw one of the doors of the ship pop open and out fell... Sora! I ran over to him and pulled him away from the wreckage. He was badly injured. I went back to the ship to see if any had been with him but none was there. I went back to where Sora was. He had blood running from his mouth and many cuts. I tried to pick him up to take him to my house to get him help. He was heavy for me but I managed to get him on back to carry him. I couldn't believe it. Was it really Sora from Destiny Islands? I continued back to my house that was over a mile away.
... 2 hours later...
I opened the door to my home and quickly went inside. Sora was still passed out. I took him to my room and laid him on my bed. I grabbed the phone and quickly dailed my friend's number. As I listened to it ring I went to the bathroom and grabbed towels and the first aid kit I had been given for hikes even though I didn't use it until now. I heard my friend's, Kyo's, voice over the phone.
"Kyo, I think I losing my mind!" I said and went back to my room and sat beside the bed and started to clean cuts and wounds.
"What are you talking about Kimmy?" She said confused.
"I went out on a hike and a ship crashed in the clearing and... Sora was in it." I wiped the blood away from his cuts with a wet towel and then put a bandage over it. Like it would help.
"You mean Sora from Kingdom Hearts? Put him on the phone!" She nearly screamed.
"That's just it he is hurt very badly. What should I do? I'm cleaning the wounds and bandaging them, but what am I going to tell my mom? She'll never believe me of who he is! And if I call 911 they'll say I'm crazy and send to the mental institute!" My hands were shaking, I was scared.
"Kimmy, when your mom gets home tell her. Then if she doesn't believe you take her to the ship and get her to keep him. Ok?" She reassured me.
"Ok, I think his injuries aren't as bad as I thought. He just got knocked out when he landed." I examined a large bump on his head.
"Oh yeah, Kimmy." She paused. "Was anyone else with him. Riku!" She asked.
"It was just him." I heard her sigh an angry sigh. "I have to go ok."
"Bye." I heard the phone hang up on the other end.
I did all that I could to help him. I pulled up a chair next to the bed. I watched his steady breathing. He was the one I had loved since three years ago when the game came out. I brushed back some stray hair back from his face. He was so handsome. I looked out the window that was next to my bed. I grabbed my CD/MP3 player and listened to it. The thought of me liking Sora exited my head when I remembered Kiari... Ewww I hated her too. My thnoughts wondered as the music came on. I watched the clouds pass over out the window, then the song came on. Simple and Clea n, that was the song that me and Adam, my former friend and still crush, shared. We loved that song. I found my eyes tearing and I let my head drop to my hands. I sat there and cried. I was broken inside. I hated my life, I had even tried to end it once or twice, but I couldn't because I would get scared. I was pathetic.
Oh, my heads hurts. Where am I? I opened my eyes and saw I was in a room and there was a girl... she's crying. I got off the bed and walked over to her. I placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped slightly and nearly fell out of the chair.
"Oh, it's just you, Sora." She seemed like she knew me, but I had never seen her before.
"What? How do you know my name and where am I anyway?"
...1 hour later...
After she showed me a game that had me as the main characterand then she told me of how I got here. I remember puting the gummi ship on auto-pilot and then nothing. That'll teach me not to fall asleep while driving.
"You know, you never have told me your name." I asked.
"Oh well, my name's Kimico, but everyone calls me Kimmy." She grinned sheepishly. She had stopped crying ever since I woke up, but what was she crying about? I guess I'll come to know soon enough.
"Well, when my mom comes home that'll be the fun part." I heard her sigh.
"Why?" I asked as I tilted my head to the left.
"Let's see, by the way the gummi ship looked... you won't be leaving any time soon. So more than likely you'll be staying with us since you have no other place to go. You are ok with that aren't you?" She looked at me with such caring eyes. I could see she truely wanted to help me.
"Yes, I just wouldn't want to be a burden to you or your family."
"Oh trust me you wouldn't be a burden. My step-brother's the burden." She paused and seemed to mutter under her breath, I only hoped was talking about her brother. "Any way back to the situation at hand. You should know, my mom is very... protective of me." She seemed to pause to find the right words.
"What do you mean?" Almost as if answering my question, I heard a door open and a voice call out.
"Ashley, I'm home from work." Who was that? It was a woman, I could tell that much from the slightly high-pitched voice.
I noticed Kimmy hold her hands to her head and murmured something. "Here it comes." She got up from the chair she was sitting on and opened the door to her room and greet the woman. She quickly shut the door behind her. "Hey mom. How as work?" So this woman was her mom. I couldn't help but hear the nerousnessin her voice. I heard her mom's footstep's stop at the door.
"Ok, what happened?" Her mom sighed.
"Well, you know that video game I worked for all summer at daddy's?"-
"Well, I might sound crazy, but when I went for a hike today a ship crashed in the clearing I go to and inside was the boy Sora from the game."
"Kimmy, when did you hit your head?"
"Mom, I'm serious! Well, Sora was injured and knocked unconcious when he crashed. I brought him back here and helped him and he's in my room right now if you don't believe me!" I heard her gasp.
I just sceamed at my mom! I've never done that! She had a dumbstruck look on her face. She simply pushed past me and opened my bedroom door. To me it seemed to go slow motion as my mom walked in my room and saw Sora.
"Hi." He grinned and laughed an uneasy laugh.
My mom screamed and grabbed a lamp on m desk next to my bed and pounded him with it. "What have you done to my daughter! I'll get you!"
I grabbed my mom by her am trying to hold her back. "Mom, I have proof! Stop it! NOW! You're hurting him!" She gave up at my effort.
"Fine then where's the proof?" She asked as she huffed.
I walked over to Sora and loked at the spot on his head where my mom had hit him. "Are you ok?" I asked as my hands examined it gently.
He rubbed his head and muttered a 'Yeah, I guess.'
I looked back at my mom, who I shrugged off for Sora, and answered her question. "It's at the clearing. It's the gummi ship he came on or at least what is left of it..." I trailed off.
"Ok, I believe you Kimmy, but what about Sora?"
"Um, well he can stay here right, for now at least?" I asked hugging Sora as if he was a puppy. I saw him catching on and he made a puppy face to go with it. He was so cute!
"I guess, but how long is he going t be here?" She asked.
"We don't know." I said, "If he can fix it or someone comes to get him." I noticed him look down and a expression of saddness blanketed his face.
"No one will be coming to get me. Donald and Goofy ditched me, I have yet to still find Riku, and Kiari has Tidus now. I might be able to fix the ship though. It will take a while because I'm not really good at fixing that ship. If it would not cause problems, I could stay here right? I have no where else to go." He looked so sad. Poor Sora, he liked Kiari. It must hurt him to know that.
"Of course as I said before I don't care, but I need to talk to you and tell you the rules. Alone, Kim." She beckoned for him to follow so she could speak to him.
He stood up shakily for his legs had been bruised and battered in the crash and looked back at me with fear apparent on his face after my mom attacking him.
"Kimmy, could you make the guest bed?" I nodded in reply and walked to the room next to mine. I watched as Sora walked down stairs to the living room. I felt sorry for him having to put up with my mom. I turned my attention to the task at hand. The guest room was a decent size but the smallest bedroom in the house. It was mainly used for storing extra stuff in so I did my best to clear as much as I could to make it able to live in. Then I went to the bed and grabbed the sheets and blankets for the bed and did my best to make it. My mom knew better than to have me making a bed. I never made mine, it stays the way it was the night before. I just didn't see a point if you were going to mess it up again that night. I know I'm lazy and a tomboy, sue me. That's the way I always have been. I finally finished and walked out the door to see Sora coming back. "How bad was it Sora?"
"I'm scared." That was all he said at that. "Uh, Kimmy I think I'll be gong to bed now. I just wanted to say thank you. For taking me back here and cleaning up the cuts for me. And getting your mom off me earlier. I hope I don't get on her bad side again." He yawned.
"You're welcome, sorry about my mom. I told you she was over-protective. I understand, just sleep and get better, ok?" I smiled.
I went to the room that Kim's mom said I'd be staying in and found out I was sleeping in a storage room. Oh well at least I have a place to stay. I laid down on the bed that was already made by Kimmy. She was really nice and kind, but man her mother. She told me to not toy with Kim's head and not do stuff that we both knew was bad or else she would put an attemp on my life! I made a real good first empression on her mom. Living here for a while won't be so bad.
What had my mom said to him? I really am disliking her right about now. I kind of hope it takes Sora a while for him to fix the ship, I like having him here. I have someone to talk to, but that would be selfish of me to keep him here. He probally wants to go back to Destiny Islands and the other worlds. All I want to know is why Kiari would betray Sora. How could she? Does she know how much he loves her? I grabbed my CD/MP3 player and turned it to Simple and Clean. I loved to sing to that song and unlike everyone else I could hit all the notes. I still had be careful though I didn't like people to hear me sing unless the music was loud or I was singing in a group. So I went to my door and locked it to make sure no one could walk in. I sat at my desk and turned on my laptop (Just because I live in the middle of nowhere doesn't mean I don't have technology. Actually I'm a tech geek and I'm pround of it.) I got on the internet and e-mailed Kyo.
Hey Kyo
Sora is okay for the most part. He won't be leaving for a while though the ship is trashed and he said no one would come to get him. I feel sorry for him. Donald and Goofy left him, he still hasn't found Riku, and Kiari left him for Tidus. It kind of reminds me of my life. You moved and he still hasn't found Riku(sorry Kyo). I was rejected for Amanda and he was rejected for Tidus. Wierd! My mom said he could stay after she beat him with my lamp! She left him with a bigger bump on his head! I think she gave him 'the talk' only she told him not to be ruining my future and that I was too young to have babies! I hate it when she does that! It's probally the reason that I have no boyfriend. Write back. K?
Your Friend,
Kimmy a.k.a. Sora
I checked my other e-mails before she responded. That was fast! I clicked on the mail and read what she had to say.
What Kimmy
I know what you mean my mom does it all the time too. Poor Sora, wait! That means he's avalible! You can get him for your own! And why hasn't he found Riku! Lucky dog! LOL. Your mom seriously beat him with a lamp? Owwie.
See ya
Kyo a.k.a. Riku Lover
I missed her she always found a way to brighten my mood by being goofy. I used to do the same. I wrote back to her before I logged out.
I miss having you around. But now at least I have Sora to talk to... for a while. And no! He wouldn't like me, I'm Kimmy! Tech geek, emotional, artistic, Kimmy! No one likes me like girlfriend wise.
Kimmy a.k.a. Sora
I shut down my computer before going to take my shower for the night.
The next day I woke to my mom coming in and waking me up before she left for work. "Bye mom" I yawned. I stretched before walking to the kitchen. I stopped at the open guest room door and saw Sora still snoozng. Well there's my proof that all that wasn't a dream. I felt my heart ache. "He'd never like me so get over it." I spoke to myself. I continued to the kitchen before deciding I would cook some eggs and bacon for breakfast today. I grabbed the pans that I needed and got started.
I turned in my sleep as the smell of food caught my attention. I stumbled out of bed and towards the smell. When I came to the kitchen and saw Kimmy puting food on two plates. "Food!"
She turned and smiled at me. "Hey sleepy head. Feel any better?"
"Yeah" I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes. She walked up to me and brought her hand to my cheek. "What are you doing?" I asked feeling a bit uneasy at the closeness between us.
"Looking at the bump my mom left." She said, "it isn't that bad. Sorry about that."
"It's fine. I've had worse." I watched as she brought the food to the dining bar in the kitchen and I followed. The food looked really good. She sat the plate down in front of me.
I watched as Sora engulfed his food. I sat and quietly finished my food. When he finished, he took his plate to the sink, wow that was a first. Someone in this house actually taking their plates to the sink. I usually did it for everyone else because they were lazy. I took my plate to the sink and placed it next to his.
"Thank you, it was very good!" He said. I blushed at his comment and hid it quickly.
"You're welcome. Do you want to take a look at the ship today" I asked. He thought for a second.
"I guess, where did you tell your mom it was again?"
"It's at the clearing in the woods. I can take you there, if you'd like."
"Yeah, but it is still early. You wanna want a while?"
"Yeah, I'm still kinda tired." I yawned. Then he did too.
"Stop it, that's contagious." I laughed at him.
"Hey Sora, I'm curious. Do you still have have the keyblade?" I asked as I leaned back against the counter.
He smirked before holding out his arm and a light flashed. From that light came forth the Kingdom Key. "Of course!"
I stared and gawked at it. "Can I see it?" My eyes still stared at the key. He held it in front of him and I took it gently acting as if it could break at any moment. "Wow, this so cool. Such detail. It's lighter than what I thought it would be. I would kill to have one of these!" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sora backing away. "Sora, you goofball, not literally!" I laughed at his stupidity but then again, I would do the same thing and that is how I even got the nickname. That and I liked him. I handed it back to him. He took it back and gave it a swing. It disappeared in a flash of light. "Do you have the other ones?"
I saw him dig through one of pockets and pulled out a keychain with little clips hooked on it. "See for your self."
I looked and listed each one as I came to them. He stood there in couriousity. "How do know them all?"
I answered, "Off the game, but I never have seen these two." I pointed to two that looked unfamiliar.
"Oh those," He pointed to the one that looked like blowing dust, "that one is dimond dust I got it when I beat the Ice Titan, and the other on I got from beating Sepheroth." The look I saw on his face was one full of pride.
"I guess I never got those because I never beat them. Good job."