Teen Titans: Revolution

Chapter 1: Entrances.

Section 1- Flare's Entrance

A dark, flame-clad girl emerged from the dark depths of Gothem Cities' subways. Her black, stiletto shoes clicked along the empty, dark hallway as she made her way up towards the staircase, grasping a small duffel bag and rolling a suitcase behind her.

She sighed as she finally ascended the last step, rising into the crisp, clean air of Jump City. Compared to Jump City, Gothem was a rat-hole, she realized, dropping her duffel to stretch out. A few people heading downstairs into the subway gawked at her, her fiery outfit striking awe in their very soul, for ever since the departure of their beloved Teen Titans years ago, their small, yet violent, city hadn't seen such disturbances.

Flare hitched up the strap of the duffel and continued forward, staring at the ground to avoid further stares. Though everyone had heard of the new Titans, they didn't know what to expect. Flare didn't mind the attention; she just didn't like the stares. They unnerved her, and that was unsettling. She had to be in control of any situation, or else she felt… well, out of control, confused, and lost. Flare passed by the pier, and looked out at the watery expanse that separated her from the Titans Tower; currently under renovation. She smiled slightly at the sight of the repaired building: it was causing fear in the heart of all villains throughout Jump City. Soon, their reach would be spread, though, she though, promising that she'd stop crime as far away as she mortally could.

Flare held her hand out, palm facing the water. She felt the water vapor slither around her hand as heat pooled down beneath the surface of the bay. Flare clenched her hand into a fist, then pulled up, her eyes pooling into orange flames for a moment. In front of her appeared a bridge of lava, cooling slowly as she opened her fist. She took a step onto the lava, and then continued to cause more to rise before her. The rest behind her fell harmlessly back into the Earth.

Flare looked back behind her when she was more than half way at the Tower. The long space in between her in the land behind her acted as a separating symbol. 'No turning back now' she thought, picking up her pace as she finished the route to the island. Flare shifted the weight of her duffel and her suitcase, holding both up above her shoulders so they wouldn't be burned to a crisp in the lava's flow.

Finally, from what seemed like an eternity, Flare stepped out of the dangerous bay, her eyes resuming their natural color, and dropped the bags in a heap beside her. "Ugh, and to think I'm going to be enduring 24/7 training in a few hours…" She whispered, running her hand through her multi-colored hair. A red strand blew past her eyes, obscuring her vision. Flare brushed it away, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Here goes nothing…"She added, turning around, picking her bags up, and stepping onto the huge Tower's steps.

Section 2- Hiela

Hiela, a small, blue bag clutched in her gloved hand, shivered in nervousness as she crossed the street of Jump City. Hiela found herself smirking at the irony; the fact that she was shivering. Hiela looked down at her gloved hands again for the third time that day. She created a small ice-sculpture of the Tower, and yet again crushed it in both fists. She kept herself entertained to avoid the many glances and shivers she was acquiring every time she walked near people.

Her blue skirt was ruffled from the long ride from her home to Jump City. She couldn't wait to start a new life here, to help people and use her powers for something useful. Not only that, this would get respect from people. She ruefully noticed that she wanted to become known and blushed slightly, wiping the thought from her head. 'I'm here to help. Nothing more.'

In shock, she realized that there was a large crowd forming behind her. Everyone in that specific crowd was holding microphones and cameras, preparing their flash and adjusting last minute edits on their looks before they would broadcast. Hiela's eyes widened in fear, the repulsive thought of being on TV frightening her terribly.

Hiela did what any super hero with ice-wielding powers would do. Blasting some ice into the air, she jumped on as swiftly and as elegantly as possible, not wanting a rough landing to be caught on television and for the world to be ridiculing her as a klutz, and slid away on ice, going higher into the air until she was above the buildings, looking down at the gaping press below her. They struggled to aim their cameras at her. She gave them a shy wave before heading towards the Tower, ice appearing in front of her and melting into water behind her. She swiftly glided over the ice, a sigh of relief emitting from her.

She hadn't realized how constricted she had felt around everyone. By the time she'd helped put a few bums in prison, they should stop looking at her like an alien. The young teen caught sight of the Tower and skated faster, her excitement propelling her forward. She realized the ice was melting below her quickly. "Oh!" She squeaked, trying to grasp a thought that was rather aggravating. Finding nothing, the ice slowly started to melt into nothing but a rushing stream of water.

Hiela shook her head for letting her emotions get the better of her, and quickly jumped down onto one of the nearby buildings. Luckily she had made it to the pier, so now it was a matter of freezing the water in front of her so she could make it to the Tower. "Piece of cake." She whispered, smirking softly. Hiela used the thought of the press to create enough ice to slide down off the building, and then ran toward the end of the peer. Momentarily peeking around, she jumped over, and then froze the surface of the water around her. Skating along yet again, she focused on reaching the island. Many thoughts ran through her mind, as to which room she would want. She couldn't make up her mind. Before she knew it, she was at the Tower, her case clutched loosely in her hand. She walked up to the massive doors, staring at a figure leaning against the wall.

"Hello?" She asked carefully, her eyes brightening blue. The girl dressed in flames looked up. "Yo." She said calmly, smiling. "I tried getting in. I guess our leader hasn't finished touching up, though. Door's locked." She added, shrugging hopelessly.

"Oh…" Hiela didn't know what else to say, and started nervously pulling at her skirt. "… I'm Flare," Offered the girl in flames. Hiela nodded, grinning sheepishly. "Hiela." She merely said. Flare nodded then continued to lounge on the wall, waiting for the 'leader' to open the door. Hiela set her bags down, and sat down against the wall as well, tucking her knees under her chin, sighing.

'So far, pretty good…' She thought.

Section 3- Tempest

Tempest rolled over on the fluffy pillow of a cloud. She sighed, toying with her earrings as she drifted over most of Jump City. Every once in a while, a sky scraper would get in her way. She lazily jumped off the cloud, landed on the roof of the building, and would conjure another cloud to continue her way.

She giggled to herself at the small croud she had attracted earlier that morning near the outskirts of Jump City. She had been drawing in the cloud she was floating in, causing a large "9" shape to form. She sat in the circle of the nine, looking down at the people who stared up at her in utter shock. "She's going to fall!" Screeched an old woman, sobbing. A teenager snickered and muttered, "Cloud nine. Nice." Tempest shook her head and covered herself up with the fluffy material of the cloud and continued on her way.

It's not like she normally traveled like this, she reminded herself. It was just… well; there were a lot of reporters, and only a little time. She didn't want to get caught in one of their mobs. It was boring enough traveling on a cloud, but knowing that overwhelming excitement lay only just a few miles away made Tempest restless.

Not to mention that, but their leader would be the descendent of Robin. Tempest remembered searching through newspapers and stumbling upon clippings of the boy-wonder, and almost swooning in her seat. Though the clippings were old, Tempest was sure Robin never stopped looking so good. Lucky Starfire, she thought. Starfire ended up settling down with the boy wonder, not to anybody's surprise. The two would have died without each other.

Tempest wondered if the new leader would look as handsome. Probably more so, seeing that Starfire was the mother. Starfire was a very lovely woman, so two beautiful people would result in one heck of a looking teen. Tempest did a double take on his age. He was turning 16 in August, and it was currently June. 'Not to big an age difference…' she thought, smirking.

Tempest suddenly sat up straight. She was getting way ahead of herself. She felt herself blush as she pushed away any thought about her amazingly handsome leader. She had to focus on how different this lifestyle would be from her old one, and be prepared to accustom herself to getting up the very second the city needed the Titans. Tempest looked down and noticed she was floating over the bay of the Tower.

Tempest wondered what this life would be like. She hadn't even met her teammates. All she got was a letter, an insignia of Robin on the top right corner, and an invitation to Titans Tower for a small meeting. She had no idea how her location had managed to be found, but she was going. Nothing on Earth could stop her. And luckily for her, nothing on Earth had. She had arrived at Jump City.

And now she felt like she was going to be sick. Tempest had never felt more nervous in her life until a sudden moment, the emotion clamped down on her like the jaws of a shark. She looked down at the entrance, and slowly rolled off the cloud onto one lower and closer to the ground. She saw two figures jump at her sudden appearance. Tempest descended, and then continued walking towards the door. She looked up, and a smaller cloud came down, carrying her two suitcases.

Tempest waved wearily at the two girls staring at her, both offering bored smiles. "So, we're locked out?" She asked, analyzing the situation. "Rude, isn't it? I mean- we're guests." Flare sighed, closing her eyes in aggravation. Tempest nodded, looking at Hiela, who introduced herself. "Hello, nonetheless. I'm Hiela." Tempest nodded, smiling. "I'm Tempest." She looked at Flare, expecting her to also contribute her name. Flare caught her gaze and looked around. "Oh? Me? I'm Flare." She replied, waving her hand. Tempest dumped her suitcases on the floor beside Flare's and Hiela's, then sat in between them. "Okay then, now that we all know each other…"

Section 4- Changeling

A young, green-skinned teenager trotted down the street. He whistled a merry tune while pulling a dark purple suitcase behind him. He was instantly recognized as Beast Boy, the old Teen Titan. In fact, three girls, aging from ten to fourteen, ran up to him squealing.

"Beast Boy! My, you've gotten young!" cried the middle one, her hand grasping his free one. Changeling backed up, annoyed. "I'm not Beast Boy, girls." He said, narrowing his eyes a bit. "I am the one and only Changeling! … also known as BB's kid." He groaned the last part quietly, watching the girls calm down. "Oh…" the oldest one started muttering something about the time, then slowly walked away, pulling the youngest away with her.

"Well… uh, good luck being a Titan Bea-Changeling," offered the middle girl, waving sheepishly. Changeling shrugged, continuing past the pizza parlor. So far, he didn't like not being known at all. In his old City, he was his father's sidekick, and reporters flocked to him by the hundreds. So far, not even the ladies admired him; instead they saw his father in his stead. Changeling sighed as he looked up at the Tower. The fact was that he didn't want to be here.

His father had made him answer the stupid letter sent by Robin's son, and agree to the stupid job of becoming Jump City's defender. Changeling wondered how Robin's child would be; hopefully not as uptight or obsessive as Robin himself. Last time Robin had visited, he'd been caught up in talking to Changeling's dad about a new villain that kept slipping through his and Starfire's fingers.

Changeling held his head up high, looking defiantly at the Titans Tower. He wondered what his mother would be doing now. Hopefully she had come back from Azerath with his older brother and younger sister by now. His luggage got caught in a crack, causing Changeling to lurch forward. "Whoops." He muttered, yanking the case forward. He looked up at the Tower, staring at it from the beach.

Changeling dropped the luggage, and glanced around. He wasn't used to transforming out in the open even though he'd been crime fighting with his dad for a while now. Usually, it was dark and they were alone. Today, it was out in the open, and he was surrounded by people. Changeling let out a low caw, then his transformation started. His arms became wings, and his body shortened into that of an eagle. Grasping his suitcase as quickly as possible, he took off into the sky towards Titans Tower. He glanced back, catching the glances of the beach-goers staring up at him, their jaw slack and their eyes wide. Changeling smirked as much as he could with a beak, and then continued to the Tower.

Upon arrival, he noticed three more teenage girls standing in front of the door. Changeling aimed for the ground, transformed back in the air, and flipped to his feet. The three girls were gaping at him, all standing up straight. The girl in blue gasped slightly, then shook her head. "Oh! You must be the shape-shifter! My name is Hiela." She commented nervously, smiling sheepishly. The girl with silver hair smiled and waved, "My name is Tempest." Changeling looked at the girl in flames, and she nodded in his direction. "I'm Flare." She said, offering a tired smile.

He looked at the pile of luggage beside the girls and deposited his beside theirs. "My name is Changeling. It's great to meet you guys… Wanna hear a joke?"

Section 5- Robin

Robin paced in front of the huge window of Titans Tower. He stared down at the new Titans, nervousness eating away at him. They still weren't official members of this team. He wondered if they'd stay after he went through the amount of villains there were in this town; the sheer numbers may scare them away. Robin clasped his hands behind his back, his eyes narrowed behind his mask.

With minor changes, Robin realized that he was very much like his father, Nightwing, when he was Robin. Nightwing had offered his costume to his son, as well as his title. Ryand'r, his true Tameranian name, accepted them all with a flourish. He couldn't wait to become Robin, and sent the costume for a few changes in color. He got darker colors, and a mask that included a small tip at his nose, giving the appearance of Nightwing's mask.

Robin shook his head. Now wasn't the time to be thinking of his appearance. He had to prepare for his team. He turned back around, going over the small papers that had maps of the Tower, lists of villains, and even name tags. He went over the names of the Titans, then looked outside, matching the names up with most of the Titans except for the one that was missing.

He quickly got bored, and noticed the possible Titans were getting restless. The girl in fire was causing rifts of flames to burst out of the water from the bay, the girl in blue was freezing the water where the fire entered, the boy was looking through his suitcase for the hundredth time, and the girl with silver hair was playing with clouds in her hands. He stared at them for a moment, and then counted the Titans. One was still missing. Not too shocking; after all, the Titan was from Azerath. Raven herself had recommended him to Nightwing, who therefore recommended him to Ryand'r.

Robin started heading towards the staircase. 'This kid from Azerath better put it in high gear because I'm not waiting.' Robin thought, opening the door. He wondered how the atmosphere in the tower would be with three boys and three girls. Nightwing had already told him how important it was not to follow his footsteps and DEFENTLY not fall in love with a teammate. He'd have to strictly enforce that rule around here…

Robin stepped off the last step, then continued towards the door. He was going to wait ten more minutes before letting them in.

Section 6- Roman

"Roman, if you don't get yourself to Earth in two minutes, I'll ship you there myself! Why, Raven herself came here, auditioning, and she picked you out of a hundred people! And you're gracing her by being late!"

Roman groaned, clipping his black cape into place with its dark gold clasp. His Dark Arts teacher was a pain in the neck when it came to … anything. He looked at the bag he was to take to the Tower, filled with only necessities. Any larger and he'd arrive at the Tower powerless. He still didn't understand why Raven had chosen him out of a hundred people when he hadn't even shown her his power yet. In fact-

"ROMAN! Get your head out of the clouds and into that portal!" screeched the teacher again. "I'll leave when I'm ready." Roman returned, his voice steady and calm. He reached down under the small cot that was his bed to grasp his boots. Living at the school proved a pain; no privacy whatsoever. But being only 16, he couldn't live without a guardian. And without parents, along with his sour attitude to anybody who could be a potential adopter, he had to stay at the school.

Shoving the book of Azar into his pack, he took a final glance around his room. He'd miss the quiet, loneliness; moving onto a team meant cooperating with people. He'd had more than enough visions of his teammates annoying him to death, appearing at his door more than once to join them in some silly game or activity. Visions of constant training and alarms also warned him of the harshness of being a Titan; but the visions had already had him as a Titan. He wasn't going to back down now.

Roman concentrated all his energy to Jump City on Earth. A loud tear was heard, like the ripping apart of a piece of clothing as a rift in the dimensions appeared. "Very nicely formed, Roman, the rift looks perfect. We'll definitely miss you here." His teacher smiled slightly at him, then turned and closed the door to the room. Roman couldn't help but scowl; they probably wouldn't even notice his departure.

Roman heard the click that signified the doors' lock. Opening his eyes, he stepped into the portal, concentrated on the island of Titans Tower. He felt his power being sapped as the portal to the Tower opened. He closed the portal behind him, giving him the little boost he needed to complete the travel to the Tower. He gasped slightly as he was forced out, his black-tinted eyes squeezing shut. He looked up and saw everyone that was already at the door rush to him, their eyes wide in shock.

"Tempest, I just think he beat your arrival on the clouds by a mile," Flare said, smirking. Roman looked up into the face of a young, green skinned boy, who in turn, smiled. "I kinda missed it, though, but this kid came through a rift! That's impressive." The boy held his hand out, glancing behind him at the silver haired girl. "The name's Changeling." He said proudly, standing up straight.

Roman scoffed and stood up himself, looking at the other teenagers surrounding him. He wondered if in fact they really were swaying, or if it was just him. "Dizzy…"He murmured, heading towards the wall of the Tower. "Dizzy? That's a really exotic name…" Changeling smirked again, causing a small giggle to erupt from Hiela and Tempest.

The girl in silver hair nudged Changeling. "He's obviously tired. Give it a rest, will you?" She muttered, trying hard not to laugh at Changeling's antics. "Maybe we should introduce ourselves." She added, looking in Roman's direction. "I'm Tempest." She continued. Roman shrugged, glaring at particularly nothing. Flare sat beside him, pointing at Hiela. "She is Hiela. I'm Flare. And you're very aggravated. Why?" She asked, reading his expression.

"I'm not aggravated." He objected, staring down at her. Flare crossed her arms, nodding. "Okay. Why are you not aggravated?" Roman stared at her, confused for a moment. "Because… there is no reason to be…" he said, his voice rising in a question. Flare shook her head, her red and black hair brushing him.

"Wrong. We're all aggravated because someone is standing on the other side of this door and he isn't letting us in." Flare corrected, her eyes closing. "Isn't that right, Tempest?"

Tempest shrugged, giggling slightly. "I'm sure the wait will be worth it." Flare smirked slightly, "You love-sick fool." Hiela shook her head, smiling at their childish behaviors. She walked to the door, tapping it softly. A small click was heard, and the door was pulled open.

"I can't believe this. All we had to do was knock? We've been sitting here, roasting in the sun, while all we had to do was knock? Hiela, I'm astounded by your greatness." Changeling said, dramatically moving toward his bag. "Please, let me get your bags, your greatness." Hiela started laughing, shaking her head at him. "No, I've got it." She blushed, running towards the pile of bags.

Flare stood up, looking down at the teen with a tiny skull etched on his black shirt beside her. "C'mon, Pessimist, let's go." She snatched her bags from the ground and looked at Tempest. "Try not to drool when we see you-know-who." She teased, smiling. Tempest winked slyly and, using a mellow, trance-like tone, she said, "Oh, but it's him that'll have to hold back his drool."

Flare smirked, and Hiela hid her grin. Changeling had already fled inside to escape the Jump City summer heat, and Roman was stepping inside the threshold. He glanced behind him at the three girls and smirked, a boyish thought smacking him in the face.

'I'm in a Tower with three sexy girls. What's not to love?'

Roman shoved the thought from his mind, clearing his emotions and trying hard to not break anything as his cheeks flushed a dull pink. "Oh-la-la, lookie at that, Tempest. You already got the Pessimist to blush." Cooed Flare, her eyes sparkling as she teased.

Roman scoffed, entering the Tower in a huff. Tempest, Flare and Hiela followed him into the large T, curiosity causing them to forget about the three handsome roommates. The five newly recruited Titans didn't expect to see the inside of the Tower set up so regally, and all gasped as they stared up into the high ceiling. A plush, red carpet led the way to the true entrance of the Tower, which would lead them to the living room. The pathway was lined with chairs or tables, and the walls had plaques and clippings announcing the incredible tasks the Titans had done before. The new Titans stared up- and up- at the walls lined with congratulations for saving the world and whatnots.

'How can we possibly top that?' Hiela thought, a worried expression crossing her face. Changeling was the only one to speak this out loud, and even he said it in a hushed whisper: "Can we ever be as good as they were?"

"Of course we can. And we'll be a hundred thousand times better." Ryand'r's voice filled the opening, and there he stood, elegantly dressed in a newer, less Christmas-tree like version of Robin. Tempest, along with Hiela and Flare, swooned at him, their eyes widening and their jaws slacking.

"With you we can do aaaaanything." Tempest cooed accidentally, never realizing the words had actually left her mouth. Robin's mask lifted a bit in amusement, followed by a quick cough and a stern nod.

"We sure will try." He mumbled. The new leader motioned them to follow him. "C'mon, we'll talk in the living room.

"Pfft, How expected. They see a guy waltz in wearing spandex and they start drooling." Changeling nudged Roman, watching him to see if he'd earned a laugh. Roman's eyes twinkled in suppressed laughter, but his face was kept emotionless as he looked the girls over.

Flare, Hiela and Tempest all reared on the two boys, their faces flushed in anger. "What did you say!" They yelped in unison. Roman, pointing at Changeling, quickly scurried after Robin, wondering what the girls would do to get even.

Changeling was left behind to face their combined fury until Robin stopped them. "You're allowed to harass your roommates after 11 p.m. From 1 a.m. to 11 p.m., though, please hesitate to hurt them." Roman and Robin glanced at each other, a knowing glance passing between them. The girls should calm down by then.

Little did they know, the three little devils had already started drawing up a plan. They waltzed to the elevator, smirking and exchanging dark whispers. Roman read their auras, all a light brown, signifying mischief. He looked down at Changeling. "Be ready for anything tonight."

Changeling only paled and nodded knowingly. "Yo, Robin-dude, the new boy-blunder, can my room be… uh, 'concealed' from public eyes?"