A/N: please rate and review!this is my first fanfic so please no flames, but constructive criticisms aremost welcome!thanks to my beta-readerHareta. rate and review!Btw, i also accept suggestions, so don't hesitate to message me.

Prologue: Deceived

Haruno Sakura, 16 years old. Incoming freshman. Pink hair with a pair of mossy-green eyes. Lived in Okinawa Gunto, a small but rich island in Japan. A little weird because unlike her fellow teenagers she was not into showbiz.

Rrriiinngggg! Rrriinngggg! The petal-haired girl frantically searched for her alarm clock in her bedside table and threw it at the wall with a loud bang. Then suddenly BBLLLAAAGG! The girl fell from her bed. Turned out that she miscalculated her movement…

"Ugh.. damn," mumbled by our fair-headed lass while scratching her head. She had no choice but to get up because there was no way she could go back to sleep after what had happened. "Now I have to buy another alarm clock."

"Honey, what's going on in there?" shouted Mrs. Haruno from downstairs.

"Nothing I just…uh…fell out of the bed," Sakura shouted back to her mom. Somehow Mr. and Mrs. Haruno's fussing around her for the past few days annoyed her because to tell you the truth her parents didn't do stuff like that. But it didn't mean her parents didn't love her, it was just that sometimes when they did things like that it brought a lot of trouble…

"Okay sweetheart but don't forget that our plane is leaving in 8 o' clock!" her mom replied in a cheerful tone.

After the words sank, she glanced at her barely working alarm clock on the floor and saw that it was already 7:00 (she got barely an hour because they would still have to drive up to the airport) in the morning. Her green eyes widen in shock and she dashed off to the bathroom adjacent to her room while mumbling "Argh! Could this day get any worse?" followed by a whole string of curses.

By the way, today she was going to go to her school where she was going to spend most of her 4 years (because it was a boarding school). Her parents said that it was the finest all-girls academy and it cost them a lot of trouble and money just to get her in that academy. So even though she wanted to go to a university together with Yui (Her best friend, blonde with a pair of gorgeous cerulean eyes) she couldn't because her parents was blackmailing her emotionally (her parents said that the doctors found out that Mrs. Haruno was suffering from heart disease and wooing her was not a very good idea. Every time she started to talk her way out of the situation her mother held her chest). But somehow the knowledge that she was not going to stay with her parents seemed to be a great relief for her. The academy she was going into was situated a few miles away northwest of Tokyo.

Finally she emerged from the bathroom after 28 minutes in a tight black halter top and a white pedal and she completed her outfit by stepping into a pair of very beautiful black pumps. The outfits that she was wearing cling to her curves perfectly. It showed her perfect curve in spite of her young age. Lastly, it showed her flesh but nothing too slutty.

She picked up her white tote bag and ran toward her parents who were waiting for her outside in the car.

They arrived at the airport at 7:53 so therefore they almost missed their flight. They heard from the speaker'…

"To all the passengers booked in flight 307, your plane is about to live in 5 minutes so please hurry and proceed to gate 1 immediately."

"Oh shit that's our flight!" shouted Mr. Haruno while dragging her spouse with him towards gate 1. Leaving our poor little cherry blossom in pushing the cart which contains her suitcases.

"Sakura! Hurry! We're going to miss our flight!" said her mom.

"Coming!" she shouted back.

"Why don't they push this stupid cart so that they don't have to tell me to hurry up!" said Inner Sakura to Sakura while glaring at the back of her parents.

Sakura: Shut up, forehead girl!

Inner Sakura: No! You shut up! I'm you so you're forehead girl to! Besides I'm smarter than you are!

Sakura: Aaahhhh! You're really impossible!

"Sakura, sweetheart! You okay?" asked Mrs. Haruno while waving a hand in front of her daughter's face.


"You sure?"


Inner Sakura to Sakura: Don't you think it's a little weird for her to be caring?

Sakura: Yeah! I think there's something we should know…

After an hour in Tokyo's airport…

"Whoa! Is that a lour ride" Sakura said while gawking at the limo.

Inner Sakura: yeah, yeah it's a limo, so close you're mouth and stop drooling!

"Yep! That would be our ride!" Mr. Haruno exclaimed with a wide grin plastered on his face. Then he added, "We don't want them to see in a stinky taxi, do we?"

As they neared the car, a driver complete with a white uniform came out of the driver's seat and held the door open for them.

After they all settled inside, the driver shut the door behind them and then suddenly an uncomfortable silence fell.

"Uhm…Sakura, remember that study first before boys…" said Mr. Haruno.

Sakura rolled her eyes then said "Dad you know me, I don't have time for them and besides I'm going in an all girl's boarding school so you see you don't have to worry."

"Yeah she's right, how could she find one if she's going to an all girl's boarding school?" Mrs. Haruno cut in while glaring at her husband meaningfully. Then added while winking at her daughter "But Sakura if ever you find a handsome guy you could date with him…"


"No buts! So shut up now, will you?" Mrs. Haruno said while glaring at her husband again.

Sakura to herself: I wonder what's going on? They seem to be a li'l weird. Uhm…oh well, never mind besides they are always weird.

After the short ride they finally arrived in front of a very large iron gate. Then it suddenly open by itself.

Sakura:frightened Why did the gate open by itself?

Inner Sakura: Because it was computer operated! Dumbass!

Sakura: aahhh..

Inner Sakura: sweat drop

The gate revealed very beautiful scenery. A castle that seemed to be built in the early 15th century loomed ahead and the front yard was covered by a blanket of Bermuda grass. Beside the castle there were several more buildings.

Inside the castle seemed to be renovated but not totally. The floor was covered by dark green marbles. Then there were posts that were made from granite which supported the ceiling. The walls were covered in cream wall papers and with matching gold linings. In front of them was a large (maybe about 3 and a half feet tall w/ a diameter of 2 feet) oriental vase topped w/ a clear glass which seemed to be from the Han Dynasty. On top of it sat a bouquet of artistically arranged orchids. A counter made out of pristine white was situated about 12 meters from the stairs which was draped with a red carpet and seemed to be endless. Overhead, a very elegant brass chandelier hung, it also seemed from the early 15th century.

In the counter..

"Good morning, ma'am. How may I help you?" asked the receptionist. She seemed to be really friendly.

"We're here to drop our child, would you mind giving us the keys?" fidgeted Mrs. Haruno told the receptionist.

"Ah yeah, you're the one who would undergo the tri-"

"Yeah, so could you please hurry up and give us the keys?" Mr. Haruno hissed at the poor receptionist.

"oh okay, here you go, room 410," the girl didn't seem to be affected.

Because of that Sakura felt puzzled but her surrounding enchanted her for the second time and she forgot all about her other thoughts. When they entered the room they saw that it was dominated by green and red. They saw a silver whirlpool fridge beside sink and the electric stove. They also had a marble counter made out of green marble. Then after the kitchen they saw two queen size beds draped in white sheets, two bedside tables completely w/ a lamp on top of each, two study tables, a 28 inches plasma screen situated on top of an electric fire place and two cream lover's seat. On a corner there were two green potato couches and adjacent to the room was a very stunning bathroom. It was dominated by black marbles. It had a bath tub which could fit three persons at a time. Inside the bathroom was another door that lead to the dressing room which contained 2 walk-in closets.

Inner Sakura: this is even better than your house! I can live here forever!

Sakura: dazed Yeah, you're right.

Back in the bathroom, Sakura and Inner Sakura noticed two baskets filled with bathroom necessities-- one for a girl and the other seemed to be for a boy-- which was situated on top of the lavatory.

"Mom, why is the other basket for a boy?" Sakura asked.

"Maybe it's just a mistake" her mom told her while smiling at her nervously. "Look honey we have to go now, we can still catch the last flight back home so bye!"

"Yeah, honey, remember you're not yet allowed to have a boyfriend huh." her father added while hugging her.

"Uh, darling, let's go," Mrs. Haruno said through gritted teeth while looking at Mr. Haruno through narrowed eyes.

"What, dad?"

"Nothing, honey, bye!" both of her parents dashed off. They didn't even let her say her goodbyes to them.

Then after that she walked to the window and it revealed a perfect view, from the window you could see the lake surrounded by pine trees. Beyond the lake was a glorious mountain. Because of the view she chose the bed nearest the window. She lounged back at the bed and let her eyes wander about the room again like what she needed for countless eyes. A piece of paper that lay near the door caught her attention. She got up and picked it up. The paper said:


here in hidden leaf academy

We will treat you

Like kings…

For more inquiries

About this prestigious

All boys' boarding school

Please call

(032) 555-98546

Then the sudden realization hit her hard. She was not in an all-girl's boarding school, it was the opposite. Memories came back in a rush, her father's reminder about boys, the receptionist's words, her mother's expression in the bathroom earlier and when her father mention about the boys, and the other basket in the bathroom!

