Disclaimer: Since I'm supposed to be honest, I guess I say that Fruits basket is in no way my own creation. So, sadly, I don't on any of the characters. But if you steal -any- of my plot ideas, I will be thuroughly vexed. You don't want to see me when I'm vexed.

Pairings: Yuki/Kyo is what I am completely sure about; which is BoyxBoy, Shounen Ai, slashy-goodness, whatever you want to call it. If you don't like it, then good for you. I don't want to hear about it.

An Ayame/Shigure was slightly implied.

Warnings: Violence, swearing, audult situations and... whatever else I felt like putting in here. The rating is around nc-15 to mild nc-17. I suppose it's nothign too graphic.

Other Warnings: This was the first anime fanfiction I have ever written and actually posted. I will love you if you review because I live for reviews! Oh... and this was my first attempt at Fruits Basket fanfiction, ever. I just got this idea in my head and so here I am, posting it. Which means, some of the characters might be a little, or a lot, out of character. And for that, I am sorry. I try my best, really I do.

Summary: Kyo disappeared after Akito summoned him with no one seeing or hearing from him. After three months he suddenly reappears for breakfast. Why and where did he go? Yuki starts recieving annonomus (love?) letters and feels compelled to reply to them.

Reviewers: I want to deeply and wholeheartedly thank you for your reviews and support that you have given me. I've enjoyed writing this and you've really been an inspiration. I'm just sorry that the last and final chapter has taken so long to write.

Chapter 11
Yuki's POV

I woke slowly from the best dreamless sleep that I'd had in years. Amazingly enough, I'd gotten it while sleeping in a closet. Yes, that's right, a closet; but not your average, ordinary closet. No. It was Kyo's linen closet.

I felt privileged.

My arms tightened around the warmth that I had caught, holding it firmly to me. I hummed lightly in the back of my throat, hands blindly searching for- Ah-hah! My fingers laced with-

I'd almost forgotten. Relief pooled through my body as I realized just whose hand I was holding. It had been real. I was really lying with Kyo.

We really had kissed.

I felt my face flush lightly and remembered last night's events in Kyo's linen closet. The image of his eyes closed, lips parted and glistening, a blush staining his cheeks in the dark, was forever (happily) imprinted in my mind. I could die content… Okay, maybe not. But that is beside my point. What I meant was—

"Mo' over" Kyo mumbled sleepily, tugging his hand free.

I was not ready to get up. He should try again in a few years. Of course, that would never happen, but I could hope. Instead, I was elbowed roughly in the ribs. A grunt escaped me, but nothing else. I was as good as a dead rock.

And how are rocks dead, you ask? Well, when a momma rock and a daddy rock— No. Never mind. Stupid Kyo was too distracting, elbowing me again, this time in my gut (besides, rocks are not that interesting anyway).

I was going to kill him. Having to suddenly find out that you have to pee because someone up and chose to jab a body part in your gut is not pleasant, especially when you could be cuddling and snuggling and kissing… Yeah, maybe I'd kiss him first and then kill him. Sounded good to me.

"Le' go of me." Kyo demanded with a yawn, moving his arm to shove at me again.

"Kyo," I muttered sternly, almost laughing at his reaction; almost.

He automatically froze, stiffening considerably in my arms. I sighed when Kyo didn't relax. Was he that uncomfortable? From his reaction last night I had assumed that he felt the same way as I, or else he wouldn't mind feeling the same way. But this…

"Kyo?" I asked hesitantly, afraid of what might happen.

"Please let me go," He sounded small and just as scared as I felt.

Helpless and not knowing what to do, I did as Kyo asked. My arms unwrapped themselves from him and I scooted away. There was a foot of space between us and it felt like the chasm from last night was back. And I wanted to jump. I was done with all of the emotional and mental pain; the trauma. There was a reason why I distanced myself from others: I couldn't handle it. I don't know how to act, how to react.

"Yuki?" I was startled from my pity party into looking at Kyo hovering above me, struggling to see his face through the dark lighting of the closet.

What was he—

"Are you- Aw, screw it!" Kyo whispered fiercely, closing the distance between us to press his lips to mine.

I let out a startled sigh. Fingernails dug into his shoulders, pulling him closer. Our chests met and I could feel his heat through the cotton material of my night shirt. But I still wanted it off. The closet was big, yes, but small enough that the air grew hot fast. And it was hot. So hot that I felt on fire as we kissed and kissed and kissed…


Kyo broke away first in order to suck in a deep breath, face resting in the crevice under my jaw. His hair tickled my face, its cedar scent teasing my nose. Slowly, as not to frighten him, I let my legs wrap securely around his. Kyo didn't seem to mind; not at all. His hips gyrated down, eliciting a sharp gasp from me. My back arched up off the blankets, toes curling.

I didn't have to look to be certain that a smirk was gracing his face. I could feel it stretched out across my lips. And who was I to turn down a challenge?

Running my hands down his back, I made sure that Kyo was thoroughly distracted before I firmly groped his buttocks, thrusting up and nipping at his lips. The shiver that ran up his spine reverberated against me, gooseflesh rising on both of us.

"Kyo," I whispered huskily, head thrown back in pleasure as we continue to press together.

I could feel that liquid heat beginning to pool just below my stomach. I didn't want it to end. Release shouldn't come so soon. I want us to forever be like this, in the throws of pleasure and heat, off in our own Somewhere.

"Kyo," I repeat, "S-stop…Ah…Wait… Uhn! Please- stop!"

He stopped; face scrunched in a mixture of frustration and concern.

"You didn't do anything wrong," I reassured, brushing sweaty hair out of face with careful fingers.

"Then why-" I peppered a kiss to his lips to silence him, smiling lightly.

"Not like this. Let's not end it like this, not here. Let's do it right, make it special."

"Alright." Kyo dropped form the shelf, blankets tumbling down after him.

Blinking rapidly at the light that poured in, we made our way as fast as we could to the bedroom, delayed by our inability to let the other go (and me needing to stop in the bathroom real quick). Stumbling and swaying all the while, we tore our clothes off and flung it all every-which-way.

Finally, finally we were there; naked and exposed, aroused and slightly embarrassed. Everything was natural, expected even. I couldn't ask for anything more, except…

"Kyo," I whispered into his ear, nibbling on the outer shell, "I want you in side of me now."

There was only a moments hesitation before he leaned against me, pushing us back onto the bed. There was something desperate in our next kiss, something needy. I reassured him as best I could, spreading my legs wide for him to settle between.

"Yuki? Are you sure?"

"Only if you want to." I didn't want to pressure him, make him do anything he might regret.

"What does that mean?"

"Kyo," I admonished gently, kissing him sloppily, "I want you to want to make love to me."

His mouth twitched in a smile, a pretty blush tinting his cheeks. And then hands were mapping out every inch, eyes relit with burning passion. Wet kisses trailed down my neck, a nip to my collar bone. When his lips encircled a pert nipple, I couldn't help but whimper. I never knew that I could feel this good, this happy – but his hands were moving again, father down. I became putty, ready and willing for anything he wished. His well-worked fingers wrapped around my erection, a throaty groan rumbling from my chest.

"Lube, lotion, something," He panted, almost franticly looking around for some sort of lubrication.

"S-side table, bottom drawer."

My heart lurched as he disentangled himself from me, a hand catching his before he was out of reach. Kyo's eye-roll reassured me, making me scoff.

Soon I could feel a warm finger entering me. It felt foreign and strange, stinging a little. But I could bare it, especially for what it promised to bring. I could easily bare it.

"More," I commanded, shifting my hips for better access.

He complied, entering a second finger and scissoring them before adding the final third. My hands bunched in the sheets, knuckles white, as he entered me with a hiss. I couldn't stop from wincing, and regretted it as soon as I did. Kyo stopped halfway in, apologizing over and over again.

"Shh," I cooed, leaning forward to plant kisses all over his face, "Keep going."

I flexed my hips to prove my point, grey eyes locked on red. Slowly a rhythm built: in and out, kiss and breathe. The pain was abating as my body stretched around Kyo's member. And then he hit something deep within me that made me writhe and moan in undeniable pleasure.

He would have probably stopped again if I had not grabbed his hips to make him continue. After all, this was our first real time having sex. How was he to know if he was doing something wrong or not when I could barely say a word?

"O-oh! Kyooo… harder," I gasped, pumping my hips to meet his, "'m n-not…uhn… deli-delicate…Oh, YES!"

Pressure was building again, this time much faster and far hotter. My hands raked up his back, mindless of the shallow scrapes I was leaving. The sound of flesh hitting flesh filled my ears, the pleasure that laced his voice as he shouted my name again and again; all sent jolts of electricity to my groin.

I felt so alive.

My back arched far off the bed as I violently came, lips colliding with Kyo's in an almost brutal kiss. He was soon to follow, releasing deep inside of me. Completely sated, we melted together on the bed; holding on to the other as if our lives depended on it –

And maybe they do.

Who knows? Our futures are as uncertain as they are for anybody else. At least we would have each other.

That was enough.