I am SO SORRY that this chapter took so long. I hit a sticky spot with this one. A part of the original draft wasn't really that good, so typing it was like taking what I had written, putting it in a blender, and trying to spit it all out in some semblance of order. I think I did okay. Plus, I could list a whole bunch of other excuses, but then I'd just be hit with rotten vegetables.

IMPORTANT: Ok you guys, here it is, the chapter with the lemon. Yaaay! But because ratings only go so high, the lemon itself has been removed. The complete chapter in its lemony entirety was originaly on AFF, but that website screwed me over so many times that I got fed up and moved it to MediaMiner. So if you want to read the uncut version of this chapter, then go to my profile and click on the link there.

If you'd rather skip the lemon for whatever reason, just read this version.

A note: The Japanese do have actual beds like we do, but they also use the traditional style of bed. It's kind of like a sleeping bag that is stored during the day and rolled out at night. These are called futons.

Arg. Enough mindless talk. Onward!


Chapter Nine

"And while you're there, Shikamaru needs this scroll delivered. It's high security information for the Kazekage so I expect you to hand it over in person."

"Of course, Tsunade-sensei."

Sakura stood before the desk of the Hokage. Early morning sunlight streamed through the windows, bathing the office in thin yellow. All the trees in the village were the fresh new green of spring and throughout the countryside flowers bloomed in vibrant, eye-popping colors. It was April and light, sun-lit rain showers were frequent.

Tsunade's desk was piled high with stacks of paper and mission reports as usual, while stray scrolls, files, and record books littered the ground all around the office. Tsunade sat leisurely in her large leather chair behind the desk with a small smirk plastered on her face.

"So, Sakura..." she grinned. "How do you like the new jacket?"

Sakura looked down at the white, long-sleeved, calf-length, coat she was wearing. The symbol of the medic-nin was emblazoned in red on the back and left breast. Shizune had officially presented it to her three days ago.

Sakura smiled. "I like it very much."

Her teacher just smirked wider and rested her chin in her palm.

"Well you earned it. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have put you in charge of the program to begin with. They need your expertise in Suna. How is the curriculum going so far anyway?"

"It's going very well. The last time I was there they'd made significant progress."

"Ah, that's good," said Tsunade as she nodded and leaned back in her chair. "What does the Kazekage think about it?"

"He's very pleased with the results."

"Good, good." Tsunade put a finger to her lip in thought. "How old is he again?"

Sakura blinked and shifted her weight. "Um... Well his nineteenth birthday was just this last January."

"Ah, still the youngest Kazekage Suna's ever had. Well, you give my regards to him when you get there."

"I will," she said to her teacher, bowing briefly. She picked up the large scroll from the edge of the desk and left the office. She didn't have to look to know it was encoded. Shikamaru had probably done it himself if was really high security as Tsunade had said.

Half a year ago Shikamaru had been inducted into the Konoha Black Ops corps under Morino Ibiki as an intelligence encoder and strategy officer. He was now a low-level jounin, despite never having wanted to advance that far, and was learning interrogation techniques from Ibiki himself. Shikamaru, of course, took to mental manipulation like a fish to water. His teammates Ino and Chouji were high ranking chuunin. Their team still went on missions together, with or without Asuma, and Ino and Chouji planned on advancing to jounin status by the end of the year.

The other former rookies had also advanced during the years after the second failed attempt at retrieving Sasuke. Neji was coming up on his twentieth birthday and had already become an ANBU squad leader. The "silent kill" lifestyle as an elite assassin suited Neji very well.

Lee was also a jounin and had come to rival his beloved sensei Gai in taijutsu skill, and Tenten had recently acquired the title of jounin as well. She was currently developing new weapons with the help of her father, who was one of Konoha's best weapons makers.

Shino had passed his jounin test a year ago and was now working closely with his father in preparation to be evaluated for a placement in ANBU. Kiba was preparing for his jounin test along with Hinata, who had been getting special training from her father, Neji, and Kurenai.

But the one who had advanced the most in three years was Naruto. He had made jounin a year ago, often worked with Kakashi, and went on sporadic training and information gathering missions with Jiraiya. Sakura had last seen him a week ago just before his most recent mission with the old pervert. The only thing Naruto concentrated on as much as ninja training was Hinata, whom he'd begun to date avidly. He simply loved her to death. She was still quiet and somewhat shy, but she had gained a new sort of confidence partly in thanks to Naruto's influence. Hiashi wasn't totally thrilled with the pair, but he hadn't yet forbid them from seeing each other, so there was some hope. Neji, of course, had given them his full support.

Sakura giggled to herself at the mental image that Naruto and Hinata made together. Hinata, although beautiful (and rather curvy, much to Sakura and Ino's envy), had always been petite, and was completely dwarfed by Naruto now. As a strapping nineteen-year-old, Naruto had grown incredibly tall, with wild, unruly, golden hair and shining blue eyes. People were often started by the strangely uncanny resemblance he bore to the Yondaime Hokage.

Sakura herself had also come a long way. While she had only passed her jounin test about four months ago, she had already held high esteem in the Konoha Med Corps for quite some time and the white jacket marked her new place as an official high-ranked medical ninja. Her skills had reached her teacher's level now and she specialized in poisons. Her analytical mind was perfectly suited to mixing and identifying the ingredients in numerous toxins as well as creating antidotes for them.

So when the counsil members of Sunagakure had decided they needed to raise the skill level of their medics with an advanced program from their allies in Leaf, the choice for the instructor had been obvious. She'd come highly recommended by both Kages.

Thus Sakura had been assigned to oversee the new medical training program in Suna every few months. This would be her third trip.

She left Konoha by the west gate in the afternoon, accompanied by her two subordinates: Honda Aishi, a mild mannered man whose first child had just been born, and Kamura Junta, an older woman who must have been very beautiful in her youth by what Sakura could tell. They were both talented in the medical field, but neither were experienced field ninjas, and they couldn't hold a candle to Sakura when it came to combining combat and medicine.

But as Sakura sped through the forest outside of Konoha with her leather pack bouncing against her shoulder with every step, she struggled to mentally unwind the writhing knot in her stomach. It wasn't from nervousness. She was too good a teacher to be nervous and it wasn't the first journey she'd taken to Suna for this purpose anyway. Neither was it giddiness from finally being an official member of the Med Corps because she'd known for a long time that she would get there eventually.

No. It was something much more serious...

It was Gaara.

The first trip she had taken to Suna to oversee the new medical program had been six months ago, and at the time they hadn't seen each other in over two years. But there was no distance created by that time. She had stepped right back into his life as if she had never left. Kankuro and Temari treated her like a sister and she always stayed in their house when she was in Sunagakure. She and Gaara had gotten increasingly close over the months now. They were strangely drawn to each other, like moths to a flame. The problem however, was that she was beginning to wonder how close she could get before she got burned.

On her second trip to Suna, just a few months ago, their proximity had increased even more, to Sakura's slight alarm. The moments when their skin touched as a scroll or book passed between hands or when they looked at each other from across a room became strangely longer than they should be, like everything was in slow motion for a split second. Gaara's brief touches and their strange new closeness rattled her, down in a small part of her that had been broken and slowly mended a very long time ago.

The strange new tension between them had scared her a little, and guiltily she had avoided being alone with Gaara for the last few days of her previous trip. She needed air, time to think. Once she got that time however, she had been forced to ask herself a very important question: What is he to me? And what am I to him?

'Friend' didn't seem like strong enough a word anymore. She'd lived in his house with his family for months. She knew he was a person under all that cool indifference and professionalism and sometimes she was honored that he let her close enough to see him that way. She enjoyed the fact that he could match wits with her, that he would train with her even if she could never quite win (but she could sure give him a run for his money). She'd seen sides of him that the people of Sunagakure never would. She'd seen him shirtless for heaven's sake.

Okay, that one was Inner Sakura, but as much as she tried to get that little part of herself to shut up, Sakura could not deny that he definitely wasn't a short, scrawny, twelve-year-old anymore. Well, he wasn't really short anyway, even if he wasn't as tall as most men.

The gears in her mind screeched to a brief halt. Oh my God, I'm attracted to him.

No, no, no! That would cause way too many problems. The broken rules! The politics! He was her friend forgoodness' sake! She couldn't risk that with him, she just couldn't!

But... the way he looked at me...

The implications spun in her head, swirling a summersaulting and doing back-flips until she didn't know which way was up anymore. (It was a good thing she had long ago trained her body to move without conscious thought otherwise she would have fallen flat on her face minutes ago.)

She looked up and the pit of her stomach dropped out.

They were only yards from the outer walls of Sunagakure. She must have been absorbed in her own musings for the better part of three days.

She and her two subordinates showed their identification and papers to the guards stationed at the break in the rock wall. The guards already knew Sakura. She had a reputation in Suna. She was the student of the legendary Medic-nin Tsunade, a genius kunoichi in her own right. She was even a personal friend of the Kazekage and his family. The medical shinobi of Suna admired and respected her both for her skill and her kind but confident nature.

She dismissed Aishi and Junta, letting them head towards Sunagakure Hospital to inform the staff of their arrival, while she headed to the Kazekage's headquarters to report in and deliver Shikamaru's scroll. The all too familiar building loomed up from the ground and the sinking feeling in her stomach changed to the twisting of snakes.

Showing her identification to the shinobi inside was only required protocol. They all knew her here too.

And then Gaara's door was in front of her, and she hesitated.

No. I can do this. This is no big deal. I'll have plenty of time to sort things out later. For now, everything will be normal. Just me and Gaara. Just like always.

Confidence and sureness restored, she rapped firmly on the door. A muffled reply came from inside and she let herself in. Gaara was at his desk, bent over a small stack of papers, pen held loosely in hand. His office was always so neat and organized compared to Tsunade's. He first straightened his posture before removing his eyes from the paper and fixing them on her.

"Hey, Gaara," she said with a cheery smile. His face didn't change.

"Sakura," he acknowledged, inclining his head slightly. "I've been expecting you."

"Yeah. Tsunade-sensei sent a message about my arrival right?"

"Yes. She also mentioned that you would have something for me?"

"Mmhmm. It's high security info from Shikamaru." She took the scroll from her pack and deposited it on his desk. Gaara fluidly broke the seal, unrolled about a foot and a half of it, and glanced at the encoded script, eyes darting from side to side. Whether or not he could understand what it said through the encryption, she couldn't tell. Either way, he quickly rolled it up again and placed it in a desk drawer.

"You'll no doubt want to settle in soon so you can start your job," he said tonelessly, picking up the pen again. "How long will you be staying this time?"

Why is he being so... distant? "Well, three weeks I think. Unless there's a problem with that."

"Three weeks is fine," he said, eyes moving back to the papers in front of him. "You know where you're staying. Temari is there. She'll let you in." He began scribbling on the papers he had been reading. Sakura shifted her weight agitatedly.

"Gaara, is there something wrong?" she asked, slightly irritated by his indifference. This time, though, he raised his head and looked her straight in the eyes, face stoically blank.

"There's nothing wrong."

She blinked, started by his cold demeanor. You're lying.

"Fine," she said abruptly, successfully resisting the urge to snap, but not by much. "Sorry to bother you then. I'll go now." She turned on her heel and strode stiffly out of the room, swinging the door shut behind her. Gaara's expression grew heavy as he watched her leave.



What the hell was that? Sakura thought to herself angrily as she marched towards Gaara's home. No 'Nice to see you again Sakura', no smile, okay so he doesn't really smile, but still! No nothing! He didn't even say anything about the new Medic-nin coat!

Her knock on the side door of the house was a little harder than she meant it to be. She had completely forgotten that Temari had given her a key. (Not that an ordinary lock would keep out any decent ninja, but it was the gesture that counted. Besides, who would be stupid enough to try and break into the Kazkage's home anyway?)

Temari opened the door and immediately smiled.

"Sakura-chan! It's so good to see you again!"

Sakura's sour expression melted away and she gave a slight smile in return. "Hey, Temari-chan."

"Well what are you waiting for? Come on in. your room's ready as usual," Temari said, beckoning Sakura into the kitchen.

The room that Sakura had first stayed in over three years ago had become a permanent guest room just for her, her home away from home. An actual bed and dresser had been put in so Sakura wouldn't have to sleep on a futon like she had the first time. Temari clearly enjoyed having another girl in the house every once in a while.

Sakura quickly unpacked her things an put them away in the drawers and the two kunoichi headed back down to the kitchen to have something to eat.

"So where's Kankuro?" Sakura asked over a bowl of the funny desert fruit that grew around the city. The outer skin was prickly and sharp, but the red flesh inside was deliciously tart and sweet.

"He's just finishing a mission with his team. We got a message from him yesterday. He should be back in a few days. It was a high security escort mission for a Daimyo."

"Oh that's good. I'll be able to see him soon then." Temari smiled and sipped some tea. "Hey, Temari..."


"Is... has anything been bothering Gaara lately?" Temari was lost in thought for a moment as she considered the question.

"Well now that you mention it, he has seemed a little more on edge the last couple of days. I'm not really sure what it is though. I can't think of anything other than the normal stresses of being Kazekage... Why? Did he say something mean?" Sakura shook her head.

"No. he just... seemed distant. That's all." Sakura frowned and stared blankly into her own cup of tea.

"Oh... Actually I just remembered something. I have a mission I have to leave for tomorrow morning, but it won't be a long one. I'll be back in no time," Temari said with a smile.

"Oh." Sakura's face fell a little. "Well then, I'll be here when you get back."

"Yeah. Don't worry. We'll have plenty of girl time later," she joked, winking. Sakura giggled and her smile returned.

Once the two kunoichi were done, Sakura made her way to the hospital to get back in touch with her two subordinates and to evaluate the progress of the medics. She was pleased to find that they were doing well and that most of them had mastered the lessons she had left for them after her previous trip.

Sakura was also delighted to find that more young ninja had been joining the medic programs and soon Sunagakure would have as many medic shinobi as Konoha.

By the end of the day, after once again getting settled into Suna Hospital and starting up the classes, Sakura was exhausted but pleased. The day's activities had taken a lot out of her and she eagerly returned to the house for a shower and promptly went to bed.

The next morning, Sakura got up early to see Temari off before her mission. Temari was in the kitchen working her way through a bowl of egg fried rice.

"Morning, Sakura," she hummed. Sakura served herself some rice and sat at the table.

"Good morning," she smiled.

"Gaara was here, but he already left. He said good morning. I'm not even sure if he stayed here last night. He must have had a lot of work," Temari contemplated, looking into her egg fried rice as if it would give her the answers. Now that I think about it... Gaara started acting edgy two days ago... when we got the message that Sakura would be coming again. Temari glanced up at Sakura, who was looking down at her food with a blank face as she ate. I hope there's nothing wrong between them... "Well," she announced, "I better get going now."

"Have a good trip Temari-chan," Sakura chirped, suddenly snapping out of her reverie. Temari smiled and stepped to the side door, where she picked up her backpack and strapped it on, then secured her fan to her back.

With a wave she was gone, leaving Sakura alone in the small house.

Sakura spent the whole day at the hospital, rigorously training the medics in advanced techniques. At sunset she made her way back to the house and started making herself something to eat, plus extra for Gaara. She knew he didn't eat much, but she figured he would still want some food when he got back.

But when she had waited over an hour after finishing her meal and cleaning her dishes (and having nodded off at the table a few times) and he still hadn't appeared, she angrily put the food away in the refrigerator. Frustrated by his persistent absence, she stalked of to bed and lay awake in her sheets, where she had a vicious argument with herself.

Where the hell is he! Why is he avoiding me?

Maybe he's just really busy. He's stayed overnight at his office before.

But he's never made a point of ignoring me! I should go give him a piece of my mind tomorrow!

No, he'd just be angry at me for interrupting his work, not to mention arguing with him over something so stupid. Tomorrow's Saturday... I still have to go to the hospital, but he always comes back here on Saturdays and Sundays. I'll talk to him then...

Sakura's inner reasoning eventually calmed her down, and she finally drifted off into a fitful sleep.

In the morning there was no sign that Gaara had been there during the night.

Throughout the whole day at the hospital Sakura internaly switched back and forth between being angry as hell and depressed. Outwardly she was as professional as possible.

By the time she got home she was both physically and mentally exhausted. That night she ate rice and dumplings in the silent kitchen and she still hadn't seen hide nor hair of Gaara since the first day.

Kankuro should arrive any day now. Maybe he'll be able to tell me what's going on... she thought despairingly as she climbed into her bed, nestling herself between the clean, white sheets. Could I have made him angry? Is that why he's avoiding me?

Unable to find an answer, the dark quiet of sleep slowly consumed her.



The sound of running water was drifting up from the kitchen downstairs. It was faint, but Sakura still woke with a start.

He's back...

The digital clock read 1:21.

Of course he would come back in the middle of the night when I'm asleep!

Sakura wouldn't take this anymore. He was going to give her some answers now. She threw off the covers of her bed and silently stalked to the door, slipped out into the hall and padded down the stairs. She wasn't even sleepy anymore. She planted herself firmly in the open door frame that connected the kitchen to the living room.

There he was, wearing a dark red tunic and black pants, standing in front of the stove where the pot he had just filled with water sat heating on one of the burners.

Sakura didn't have to say anything. He knew she was there. She got limp all of a sudden as he turned to her.



"Do you want tea?"

Monotone voice. Monotone face. She shook her head. His gaze swiveled back to the teapot and he turned the burner off. The water wasn't even near boiling. Walking past her he whispered, "You should go back to sleep Sakura. It's late. Good night."

She swelled indignantly, face contorted by an angry frown, and grabbed his wrist harshly before he could reach the stairs.

"God damn it, Gaara! Why are you avoiding me? Did I make you angry or something?"

No sooner than she had screamed it the wall was at her back and he was gripping her tightly by the upper arms (perhaps it had been a reflex), his breath heavy as he stared at the floor, molten red strands of hair obscuring his face. She looked at him with wide, questioning eyes.

"Gaara... please..." she quietly pleaded, then her voice turned quietly demanding. "Tell me what's wrong."

Still she didn't fear him, could challenge him when she wanted too, even when he had her wedged against a wall. It was what had separated her from so many others for so long.

He sighed heavily and let go of her arms.

"I'm not angry at you."

She let out an exasperated huff. "Well... then let's have some tea." He looked at her strangely as she turned away to the kitchen door. She paused and looked back at him when he didn't follow. "Well, come on," she urged. His expression shifted back to stoic and he followed her, then settled into a moody slouch against the kitchen wall.

Sakura turned the burner back on and waited as the water boiled and neither said anything while the tea steeped.

The tea was poured into two earthenware cups, but instead of sitting at the kitchen table as Gaara had expected her to do, Sakura carried both cups out into the living room. She set Gaara's cup on the little table in front of the couch and sat down to drink her own tea. Gaara simply stood behind the couch, half lit by the yellowish light streaming in from the kitchen.

"Well, sit down."

Gaara was not the kind of man you could easily order around, ever, but for her sake, and for the sake of alleviating the awkward situation, he would indulge her. So he sat a few feet away from her, hunched over the cup he held with both hands, but he did not drink.

"You said you weren't angry, so why have you been avoiding me like the plague?"

He was silent for a moment or two before he answered, "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." There was only the tiniest bite in his voice, but Sakura caught it.

"What?" she asked, clearly confused.

Gaara set the cup down on the table this time and as he answered he actually looked at her through slightly narrowed eyes. "During your last visit, it became clear that my company was making you uncomfortable."

She stared dumbly at him. What the hell is he talking about...? And then her eyes widened a little. The meaningful glances. The slight touches. Even though she had kissed him years ago, she had been scared by the slightest of advances. She hadn't returned any of it. Damn...

"Gaara," she began firmly. "You don't make me uncomfortable." He looked at her as if to say that she better start telling the truth or else. She was treading on thin ice, she knew, but she could deal with him. He was her friend, more than that, and she could do this. "I just didn't know how to react. That's all."

Sakura, you don't know what you're getting yourself into.

His expression was hard to read. Distance. Maybe there was a little disappointment. And under all that, a tiny speck of pain that even years of public acceptance and friendship hadn't managed to get rid of.

Decision time, she thought to herself.

"But know I think I do," she whispered. Her teacup joined his abandoned one on the little coffee table and she leaned over to him, bridging the gap, supporting herself with a hand on the couch cushion as she pressed her lips to his.

Soft, warm, not even chapped from the desert wind. He barely responded at all. She stopped and pulled back slightly, but when she met his eyes the intensity stopped her heart for half a moment. Then his hand was at the back of her head, firmly pulling her in till their mouths met again.

Slow and firm and even better than that distant kiss in his kitchen years ago. She loved it.

His mouth opened and she responded in kind. Tongues touched. He sucked on her bottom lip and the hand at the back of her head ran through her hair. She set her right hand on his shoulder to support herself, leaning over him with one knee on either side of his leg. His teeth grazed her lip and she pressed harder in retaliation.

Then his hand settled at her waist, and she was suddenly, awkwardly reminded that her pajamas consisted of only a loose T-shirt and small cotton shorts. Even the bindings that normally kept her chest flattened weren't there. Her knees trembled slightly in the effort to hold herself up over him.

"Sit," he commanded, voice rough and slightly breathy. She complied, and the hand on her waist moved to press against the small of her back, firmly bringing her to sit over his lap. His mouth was on hers again, hungry and demanding. No longer needing the support, her arm wound around his neck, fingers threading through his blood-red hair, while she placed her other palm on his clothed chest.

Breathing heavily, Gaara moved to her jaw, then her neck, mouth forceful. He bit down gently and soothed the bites with his tongue. Sakura panted while she ran a hand over his clothed shirt. Gaara moved the hand on her back over her chest greedily, gently kneading through the fabric. She gasped. He pulled her closer until she could feel the proof of how worked up he was getting.

He wanted her. Of all the people in the world, she was the one he wanted, the one he trusted enough to show both the man and the monster. She could show him how she felt too.

She smiled warmly as she brushed his hair away from his face with the tips of her fingers and leaned down to lovingly press shaky lips to the symbol on his forehead.

Gaara paused, breathing hard as she kissed his forehead then moved to give the same attention to his neck that he had given to hers. In a daze, his own fingers touched the kanji as well.

"Sakura," he rasped as she shifted in his lap, still working her mouth on his neck. There was a warning in his voice. "If you want to stop, now's the time." He gripped her waist and pulled her body more forcefully against his to make his point absolutely clear. "Because if you don't I'll want all of you."

His meaning was unmistakable. She shivered and whispered her answer in his ear.

"If you get all of me, then I get all of you."

He was frozen for only a second before crushing his mouth to hers. Her arms wrapped around his neck and his hands slid under her thighs as he stood. She clamped her legs around his waist as he walked up the stairs and into his bedroom, closing the door behind them.


Weak sunlight streamed through the bedroom window, hitting Sakura in the face. She squinted as her mind slowly emerged from the cloudiness of sleep.

She was laying on something soft and warm and... breathing?

Of course. It was Gaara. She smiled sheepishly and cracked her eyes open, all the while hoping she wasn't crushing him. Her vision met a lean stomach and white sheets. She was resting her head on his chest with an arm and a leg slung over him. He was idly tracing patterns on her back. He was awake of course, leaning his back against the pillows and the wall, watching her quietly. Sakura turned her head over to smile at him.

"Hey." He gazed back at her with the strangest face she'd ever seen on him. It was not strange by its self, but odd on someone like Gaara. He had the look of a mildly curious child who was seeing something unusual for the first time and waiting for someone to explain what exactly it was that he was looking at. "What?" she asked, suddenly self-conscious. His expression went back to impassive.

"How do you feel?" he asked while rubbing her back.


Fingers ghosted over her hip. "I mean, does it hurt?" he asked curiously.

She shook her head gently. "Not really. Just... a bit of a sting. But it's nothing."

Her fingers found their way to his abdomen, then up his chest to his shoulder. There was a scar there, one of the few he had. At first she couldn't quite remember where he got it. It was small and jagged, not made by a blade.

Oh... of course. This is where Sasuke hit him with the Chidori during their match in the Chuunin Exam finals... That was so long ago.

Sakura shifted upwards to look at it closer. The motion revealed her stomach and with it, one of her own scars. Gaara's fingers traced it curiously. It was short, thin, and fairly smooth.

"What's this from?"

She looked down at his hand to see what he was talking about. "Oh. That's where the Akatsuki member Sasori impaled me with a sword. I got between him and Chiyobaa-sama."

Gaara absentmindedly traced the little scar for a while.

She got this on the mission to rescue me three years ago... He frowned at it. The mission to rescue me...

"I used to think love made people weak."

The statement was so sudden, and Gaara's voice was so dark with that hint of warning in it, that Sakura froze as the possible meaning of it sifted through her brain. She dropped her forehead onto his shoulder to avoid looking into his face.

"Only..." she began quietly. "It only makes you vulnerable to the person you love. But it doesn't matter because if you love them... then you trust them not to hurt you. And if they love you back... they won't. And then they're also willingly making themselves vulnerable to you."

She couldn't look at him. His green eyes would pierce right through her if she did.

"Good," he growled as he pulled her face up to lock eyes with her. "Because I hate feeling weak." He roughly crushed his mouth to hers, holding her body against his, and she melted into him.

And then the moment was ruined by Sakura's stomach rumbling. She froze and separated from him... then burst into giggles. He watched her laugh for a moment with an amused smirk on his face.

"I guess I'm hungry," she said sheepishly after she stopped giggling.

"So get something to eat then."

Sakura nodded and crawled over him, slipping shyly out of the bed sheets. He watched her silently as he got up as well. Sakura pulled on her underwear and, because she didn't feel like putting the rest of her own clothes on, grabbed Gaara's red silky button-up shirt and slipped it over her head. It swamped her.

Gaara watched her leave his room in nothing but a pair of underwear and his shirt and couldn't help but smile predatorily. He pulled on his pants and followed her.

Gaara had often considered getting rid of the bed in his room, but just hadn't gotten around to it. He always had more important things to worry about. But now that the bed had a use... it wouldn't be going anywhere.

Upon entering the kitchen he found Sakura rummaging around in the cupboards for something to eat. It was a good thing that it was warm inside the house or else she would have been cold in so little clothing.

As she reached for a high cupboard with one hand the red shirt slipped of her right shoulder, revealing a mark in the curve of her neck, the clear imprint of teeth.

While a small part of him reveled in the fact that she was marked as his, the rest of him frowned at the mark he'd given her. He hadn't really meant to bite that hard.

Sakura didn't even flinch when Gaara's arms encircled her from behind and he began kissing a particular spot on her neck. She smiled to herself. Great. Now he's going to be possessive...

"Sorry about the bite," he murmured as his kisses started traveling farther up her neck.

"You didn't even break the skin." She smiled and lifted her hand to play with his hair. Hmm... What are we now? she wondered to herself. 'Boyfriend' is a silly word to apply to Gaara. Besides, we're too old for that... So then we're... lovers? That still sounds weird...

Suddenly Gaara's head whipped around towards the side door of the kitchen. Sakura turned too and reflexively reached for her kunai holster, then mentally cursed when her hand met nothing but the bare skin of her thigh.

The handle turned and the door swung open, then closed behind the intruder.

"...K-Kankuro?" Sakura stuttered. Kankuro stood inside the door of the kitchen, eyes wide, staring at the two. Slowly, a wide, open-mouthed grin stretched across his face.


"Oh my God! My little brother finally got laid!"


Well there you go. Smut and humor. Huzzah. Sorry for any character weirdness in this chapter. And sorry once again for the extreme delay in updating this. I'm currently working on the draft of chapter eleven. This story will probably have around fifteen chapters to it.

And woohoo! School's out now! I am officially a Junior! Hopefully this will speed up updates.